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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Did the store you get it at also have the other two sets or just the Milano?
  2. Not sure if this means anything, but on ebay somebody has the Milano set listed with an actual picture of the box. The description also says that they have the set in hand and ready to ship.
  3. I would really like them to make some MCU phase 2 sets. When I saw that Iron Man 3 was getting its own wave I hoped that Thor 2 and Cap 2 would also, but sadly they did not. Hopefully Lego decides to devote 3-4 sets to them in the near future. Both movies have some awesome minifigure opportunities, and with Thor they could make a large Asgard set to depict the attack from the movie
  4. Are they confirmed for June release? The ebay seller says in the description that they won't release until August, although that is probably due to the movies release date.
  5. He isn't wrong. TLoR is the series name The Lord of the Rings. LoTR, TLoR, or even TLoTR are all technically correct
  6. I'm pretty sure that there is a 4th one. It's 79015-79018 right?
  7. Radagast doesn't fight at Dol Guldur at all? It seemed like he would since he is always with Gandalf in the trailers. What does Radagast do in the movie then?
  8. I don't understand all of the hate on DGB. Personally, DGB is the set i'm most excited about for this wave. Dol Guldur is huge when you look at a picture, so a set with the whole fortress would probably cost a lot more than 100$. My guess is that they chose the courtyard because that is where most of the fighting will happen. Also, I think we should wait for the movie to come out before we judge how "iconic" the set will be. Maybe the movie will make Dol Guldur a very well known and iconic area. Dol Guldur http://images.wikia.com/lotr/images/4/4b/Dol_Guldur_-_An_Unexpected_Journey.PNG
  9. I agree that the "Balrog is a devil" argument is completely ridiculous, but there will always be a group of overprotective parents that will fight against anything remotely negative or risque.
  10. Wow, I'm super excited after seeing the pictures. All 3 of them look great, and there's Radagast I'll probably be picking up all of the sets except Lake Town Chase.
  11. I agree that if Lego made Lotr/hobbit battle packs they would have to include a notable character in them, like Eomer in Uruk-Hai Army. Personally I think that the only "battle packs" we would get would be sets like Uruk Hai Army
  12. I have to agree that the sails are pretty cool. I also like the way you mounted the hook shooters onto the ship.
  13. I'm really hoping for Radagast and Galadriel in this wave. Hopefully they are in the Dol Guldur set. I'll probably pick up all the sets besides Lake Town Chase.
  14. Wow it looks beautiful. The outside looks great and I really like the archer tower on top. The inside looks amazing as well.
  15. It looks amazing. It is so accurate to the scene in the movie
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