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Lord Admiral Helden Ravensdorn

Eurobricks Knights
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About Lord Admiral Helden Ravensdorn

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  1. You see, I get sick of those bobertslabs over on BZP arguing with me about how "Oh, well, they couldnt make new torso/arm/leg molds for the Toa Nuva because the plastic would cost too much" and then TLC goes ahead and makes un-selling worthless CRAP that has no resemblance to a Lego product other than the "Lego" logo stuck to it like this worthless bloody SHOOTER! For the plastic they're paying for for just ONE of those lame guns, you could probably make about 5 completely revamped bloody Nuva! DARGH! - Ravensomething
  2. Actually, Hewkii Mahri was just a poor set - period. Hollowed out chest? bulbous yet skinny legs? Wide head? Horrid color scheme mixed together in no particular order (black/yellow/silver)? Yeah. It was like they were trying to counter the upped sales for not making him brown by making him suck. A real letdown when put alonsgide sets like Jaller Mahri. - Ravensomething.
  3. @Brotherdog: Yeah, just as long as you dont use it for a mask! :P
  4. THIS IS BLEY Why? Because Bley is the new "Epic Win". Dont know why m'self. - Heir
  5. You know, I think a flying gun pretty well encompasses the entirety of the spirit of Bionicle these days... - Ravensomething
  6. Another one would be losing the Pirates of the Caribbean license to Megablox.... - Ravensomething
  7. My apologies for my "complaint"; I didnt realise that its even MORE expensive for everyone outside the USA. But, it DOES answer my question - nobody can afford it :P - Ravensomething
  8. This is why I use cheapy rubbermaid drawer sets to store my Lego ;) Granted, some would say that a drawer full of lego men heads - and nothing else - is a bit creepy...
  9. .... TLG's stupidest decision? Hrm. Yeah, that sums it up pretty well. - Heir
  10. ...woah. I hadnt realised it was that bad 0_0 Yeeblies. So basically, what most of you are saying in a nutshell is that you cant afford SW Lego, either :-P Okay, well... that answers my question. And for the record, I did actually get most of an old Monorail set at someones garage sale for about $8.... - Ravensomething
  11. Oh, I know... its just hella dissapointing for someone who has lived in a psuedo-dark-age for years now to get canned the instant he tries to get back into it :P On the other hand, I've gotten literally 10-pound tubs of raw unfiltered 90's era LEGO for $10 or less at flea-markets and the like... I almost wish I could just trade my entire collection to a good MoCist in exchange for all the sets I've always wanted but could never afford :P - Ravensomething
  12. Hello, Well, as some of you may recall, I wanted to get back into SW Lego a while back, but decided not to at that time, as I had other interests more important. After much debating, I've decided that, although my movie loyalty is to episodes 4/5/6, the SW sets for much of 2/3, as well as the sheer versatility of storyline and theatres of war would make the Clone Wars a more entertaining era to have Lego adventures in. So, I started looking into some basic sets to launch a Clone Wars collection. Lets see, clone and .. Ep 3 style Jedi Starfighter and vulture droids (Anakins will do nicely...)... lets throw in a V-Wing for some light clone support, since the ARC 170 is a big set.. ... some light mechanized ground gear for the Clones and Droids - That Ep 3 single-person walker and the Hailfire/Spider Droid combo will do nicely... what, Lego doesnt sell most of these from their website? Okay, lets look elsewhere, no biggy... And then it hit me. Clone BP: 10 USD Droid BP: 10 USD V-Wing: 10 USD Hailfire & Spider Droid: 20 USD... ... wait, what the crap... I'm at 50 USD already? But I've barely got enough set s to have a decent battle or scenario! Well, lets go for just the JSF and vulture droid... wait, I cant get one cheaper than $40 now? Ok, hell with it, I'll get Obi-Wan's OOP Ep 2 figh-- the hell, the ONLY ONE on Ebay is going for over 100 dollars? What the hell? The sheer absurdity of it hit me. I am also a model builder; I like lego because I can have roleplaying adventures and blow stuff up and wreck it and customize it as I see fit, which I cant do once I've built a model. So, while the model will look far better when finished than a lego model, the lego model has playability. But when I realised that I could get an exact, movie-specific, ultra-fine detailed exact scale model of an ARC 170 starfighter for $20, and the somewhat crude lego version for NO LESS THAN $130 ANYWHERE, I realised that your "average working kid" cannot afford to buy this stuff anymore. The stuff Lego currently has in production - and its not much, now - is damn expensive. $40 for an AT-AP walker? I sure as hell cant afford that. Now, Legos target audience is kids age 15 and under, right? I know for a fact that most of them cannot afford this, and I'm sure its a stretch on many parents - and its even worse for folk like me, who might actually like some of the older sets. So, I'm just curious: How can you guys afford to buy Lego SW sets, when the in-production stuff is steep and the OOP stuff is outrageously over priced? I usually only have about $50 in cash that I can safely spend at any time, and replenishing it is not quick; Its as if you actually have to be an AFOL with a full-time job and no other hobbies to afford this stuff. My collection consists of mostly '90's era parts, so any MoCs of these vehicles I might undertake will be crude representations at best - and if I want suitible mini-figures, I can just forget it, as SW figs are at an all-time high on Bricklink. *sigh* - Ravensomething
  13. Ill wait until toyfair, yes - Im particularly intrigued to see what happened to Onua. Until such time, I'll shut up :P But I'm not very optomistic. The Hau has, as Rayg said, been the "poster mask" of Bionicle since 2001; a bit odd to change its most basic feature now. - Heir
  14. ... wibbldy! That be a lot of technic! Nice :)
  15. Glad you could join us, Swert! I'd be willing to go with Tahu if only he had his identifiable mouth-hole... Tahu without a mouth-hole ... :-X
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