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Everything posted by mikebrown84uk

  1. It certainly appears that way. I have a manager, Amna, dealing with my case personally at Lego Cust Services. She has said that hopefully someone will return one and they can then ship that too me.....maybe your one? I just don't understand how they could get it so wrong - and then say "there is nothing we can do" when it is blatenetly their own fault! At least I got one - and I have opened it, played with it and put all the stickers on! I will look at selling it on in the future but the point with Lego is to play with it! Out of interest, has anyone ever got a lot of compensation from Lego? If they cannot get me another one - which lets be honest, is unlikely (and I live 100+ miles from the nearest lego store). I am seriously considering getting them to credit my account (because they screwed up big time!) and then with the £140 they owe me, see what they can do on the MKII Crane......hopefully getting that at a vastly reduced price for the inconveinence they have caused me! The original rep I spoke to couldnt understand that I had ordered 2 - I should have 2! Hopefully the manager now dealing with it can a) find me one and b) actually send it to me. I will gladly praise the Lego Cust Service if they can sort this one out!
  2. Hi All, First time poster, long time reader. I have received my 41999 and built it and it looks beautiful. But here is the thing, I actually ordered 2! One for me and one for my dad. My invoice said 2, Lego have taken the money for 2 - yet only 1 ever turned up! When I rang Lego, the said sorry there was nothing they could do as its out of stock. Seriously angry at Lego for this - if I ordered 2 and paid for 2, why didnt 2 turn up? They are trying to obtain another for my dad but its not looking good. What makes it even more sickening is seeing the people on this forum and on ebay selling numerous sets for ridiculous money. I have been offered compensation and my money for 1 set back - but I don't think a £20 VIP points is worthy of the crime. This is solely Lego's fault - TNT even have the box weighing at 3,700kg on the tracking website so its obvious that Lego did not pack enough sets into the box they sent me. Anyone ever had this with Lego and how far can I go for compensation from them? Thanks
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