M-Throne Frigate: Spatha (Poster) by Kaplan, on Flickr
I'm finally able to finish the SHIP for the M-Throne Empire. It is a frigate and called "Spatha". It is first ship of it's class.
Here are some details about the ship:
Length: 220 cm (275 Studs)
Width: 48 cm (60 Studs)
Height: 80 cm (83 Bricks)
Part Count: 32.000 Pieces est. (>40kg)
Big Guns (Dia: 4 Studs): 18 pcs.; Medium Guns (Dia: 2 Studs): 5 Turrets (4x Dual Barrel, 1x Single Barrel); Small Guns (Dia: 1 Stud): 24 Turrets (Dual Barrel); Missiles: 16 Ballistic Missiles ; Machine Guns: 4 Turrets
Facilities and Sections:
Sleeping Quarters (101 Beds, accomodation options according to rank), Medical Bay (Healing Pods, Emergency, Surgery Room, Pharmacy), Mess Hall, Locker/Changing Room, Fitness Room, Showers, Restrooms, Tactical Briefing Room, Security Office, Armoury, Engine Room, Main Bridge, Spaceship Hangar, Cargo Hangar, Cargo Cranes, Gun Decks, Shield Generator, High Security Containers.
Spatha (11) by Kaplan, on Flickr
Spatha (7) by Kaplan, on Flickr
Spatha (2) by Kaplan, on Flickr
Spatha (4) by Kaplan, on Flickr
Spatha (9) by Kaplan, on Flickr
More photos in album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBw8SX