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  1. Yes It has. Sleeping Quarters (101 Beds, accomodation options according to rank), Medical Bay (Healing Pods, Emergency, Surgery Room, Pharmacy), Mess Hall, Locker/Changing Room, Fitness Room, Showers, Restrooms, Tactical Briefing Room, Security Office, Armoury, Engine Room, Main Bridge, Spaceship Hangar, Cargo Hangar, Cargo Cranes, Gun Decks, Shield Generator, High Security Containers.
  2. Yep they are the M-Throne Imperial Guard, selected from the ranks of the regular M-Throne Army to be the best. They serve as the protectors of the Imperial Family, Empire's core planets and key locations.
  3. Length of the ship is 220 cm. A standard minifigure is 4 cm. If we think that an average human is 180 cm. With scaling calculation, the real life equivalent of the ship would be appr. 100 m. Therefore I have designated the ship design as a frigate.
  4. You can see all photos I have taken in my flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/35914941@N06/ The close-up photo shown below is from a previous (2020) army overview display: M-Throne Army 2018 Imperial Guard by Kaplan, on Flickr
  5. Thats a good guess! Total of 2277 figures in total. Some of them are in the vehichles so could not be seen directly.
  6. I recently taken photos for my Brikwars Faction, M-Throne Empire. So these will be the 2024 army overview photos. For more photos and details for the ship in the background you can check this seperate topic: MT2024 (9) by Kaplan, on Flickr MT2024 (4) by Kaplan, on Flickr MT2024 (1) by Kaplan, on Flickr MT2024 (2) by Kaplan, on Flickr MT2024 (7) by Kaplan, on Flickr MT2024 (14) by Kaplan, on Flickr FOR THE GREATER GOOD!
  7. M-Throne Frigate: Spatha (Poster) by Kaplan, on Flickr I'm finally able to finish the SHIP for the M-Throne Empire. It is a frigate and called "Spatha". It is first ship of it's class. Here are some details about the ship: Dimensions: Length: 220 cm (275 Studs) Width: 48 cm (60 Studs) Height: 80 cm (83 Bricks) Part Count: 32.000 Pieces est. (>40kg) Armament: Big Guns (Dia: 4 Studs): 18 pcs.; Medium Guns (Dia: 2 Studs): 5 Turrets (4x Dual Barrel, 1x Single Barrel); Small Guns (Dia: 1 Stud): 24 Turrets (Dual Barrel); Missiles: 16 Ballistic Missiles ; Machine Guns: 4 Turrets Facilities and Sections: Sleeping Quarters (101 Beds, accomodation options according to rank), Medical Bay (Healing Pods, Emergency, Surgery Room, Pharmacy), Mess Hall, Locker/Changing Room, Fitness Room, Showers, Restrooms, Tactical Briefing Room, Security Office, Armoury, Engine Room, Main Bridge, Spaceship Hangar, Cargo Hangar, Cargo Cranes, Gun Decks, Shield Generator, High Security Containers. Spatha (11) by Kaplan, on Flickr Spatha (7) by Kaplan, on Flickr Spatha (2) by Kaplan, on Flickr Spatha (4) by Kaplan, on Flickr Spatha (9) by Kaplan, on Flickr More photos in album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBw8SX
  8. Hello Everybody, I recently published my video featuring my latest finished Brikwars battle. The video contains prelude story and battle reports in comic-book like format for the Battle for the Mysterious Chest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAvsexSS2N4
  9. I find the knockoff product:
  10. Yes a space CMF line would be super cool. I wish LEGO would make something like that for the 50th aniversary of the classic space (2028 LOL) Yes. Exactly what this is :)
  11. I bought this from an online 2nd hand market in my country somethin like a local version of ebay where people sell its old stuff. Just looking to the other stuff the seller was offering I can tell that this is not a very recent toy most probably the seller is a parent who sells his/her childs old toys or the seller himself sells his childhood toys. Most curious thing is that, why a knockoff brand would like to copy a rare figure from 1990s? It could be that even the knockoff gray pony is from early 2000s or 1990's which sounds also weird because I didn't know that there were knockoff brands back then. Note: I have seen that people have white and black versions of the pony (possible test samples).
  12. Hello, I recently found and purchased this gray colored "paradisa" pony figure online. When purchasing I'm well aware that this figure is most likely a knockoff or something like that, but since it looked so much like the original version and its low price I got it. And just because its gray colored i thought I could use it as a stone statue of a small horse. I also included photos of my gray pony and the original brown pony side by side. There are some differences on the ears, eye dept and legs. Have you seen something like this before? If it belongs to a knock-off brand which one?
  13. Thank you very much
  14. lol. Its a jungle commando inspired by Catachan Jungle Fighters from Warhammer 40k (reference: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Catachan_Jungle_Fighters) M-Throne Imperial Army 2020 by Kaplan, on Flickr Also these figures are from my M-Throne Brikwars faction (M:Tron inspired militarized force) M-Throne Imperial Army 2020 by Kaplan, on Flickr M-Throne Imperial Army 2020 by Kaplan, on Flickr For more photos:
  15. Here is my custom CMF Series 1 for my M-Throne Empire, which is a fictional militarized faction based on classic M:Tron theme: M-Throne Empire CMF Series I by Kaplan, on Flickr
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