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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by jrad26

  1. A little over two months to go until we have those Lego sets and hopefully not much longer until we see some actual pictures of the sets!
  2. Friends to see the droid BB-8 1. Go to this website http://www.hothbricks.com/ 2. Bookmark it becaue it is a great source of news regarding all things Star Wars Lego..besides that I believe alot of their information comes from this very forum 3. Enjoy
  3. http://www.superheromoviesnews.com/2014/10/massive-concept-images-leak-from-star-wars-episode-vii.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter STAR WARS Episode 7 concept art revealed....some awesome lego sets gonna be coming our way
  4. Getting off topic aren't we
  5. I would not skip on this set man, yeah sure we don't get the helmet this time round but i doubt, at least any time soon that we'll get that hairpiece again...
  6. Yeah True i guess...There isn't much combat no, but Travellers tales does have an affinity in puzzle based challenges and there are many opportunities in that area as well as levels that I think would feature a run from the monster type scenario...in this case a friggin dinosaur :P I don't want to type a list but i watched the movies recently and there is opportunity.
  7. Are you trolling?real rumour? that defeats the definition of a rumour :P there is plenty..It would be along the lines of the Indiana Jones LEGO game, there is quite a few things they can do, have an imagination mate.and in regards to guy asking about a source, haven't got it on me but there is a search engine called google, you can find out for yourself..is anybody even excited about this new theme..in saying this don't start financial planning just yet it could still turn out to be fake...to please the masses, here you go: http://www.jurassicworld.org/?id=187 there are other links but they all sprout the same thing.
  8. There is a rumour floating around about a possible LEGO videogame to tie in with Jurassic world!!! if its true than surely there will be sets based on the previous three films
  9. This will look awesome as a mini figure if it is true...
  10. I'd like to slap Jangofett50 right in the kisser, better not be lying buddy those sets sound awesome!
  11. could this be rebels vader....
  12. I reckon Lego does listen to what we want to a certain extent...i would've thought that these sets would reuse the Clone Wars style faces and they haven't which is really great..I'm much more excited to see the Inquisitor now!! that new stormy looks epic man!!
  13. When do we usually hear news on the summer exclusives?
  14. So Ezra Bridger (former imperial cadet) is in the phantom? Hera is the twi'lek, zeb is the bothan (??) and Kannan must be the force sensitive one. Star Wars Rebels looks pretty interesting thankfully its not only human characters in their group...not too mention no more of the over childish looking clone wars faces. KEEN. http://www.comingsoon.net/nextraimages/Star-Wars-Rebels-12.jpg this would make an interesting set, what do you think?
  15. Don't you guys think that maybe those two shaded mini figures belong to the "Star wars Rebels" sets? Because 8 mini figures would go over that right side of the catalog (refer to leaked picture), I believe it's the characters that we know next to nothing about and Lego are keeping them hidden until more rebels news is released I.e. And hopefully during the London toy fair or something rather.
  16. The last set number was 75055 (ISD) and the rumoured Sandcrawler is 75059, hopefully there is a possibility of more sets between these numbers.
  17. Here Here, have a good Christmas everybody!!
  18. oops apologies guys I see what you're getting it now
  19. Dude what page are you looking at, it doesn't even mention a date for the Simpsons range? other sets like the hobbit and ninjago have already been released which they have stated in their list....
  20. it has been confirmed that this wave is relasing on the 1st of January https://www.facebook.com/notes/coming-soon-lego-products/lego-2014-release-dates/588492934505400
  21. I think the summer wave will certainly have an OT set (s) (hopefully) but to be honest the last couple of years there have been heaps of OT sets then there have been PT sets (ignoring episode II sets), i reckon Lego wants to finish releasing the prequels on a good note before the focus comes on the new movies which apparently is more in line with the first 3 films. Somebody said that December is the time the summer catalog is released so hes hoping for a new Darth Vader/Commander Cody!!
  22. Mate, there was no need for that....I'm not a moderator or anything of the sought but this is a forum for Lego, not for debating parenting techniques although i agree with you in a way, nevertheless it is ultimately a kids product and statements like yours are a bit cold, you got something to say to him, then PM the guy, not where the whole world can see....
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