Everything posted by Sir Fred
Smelly Lego
I've had a few orders off BL and eBay that have had tobacco smells to it. The first time I used a mesh bag, top rack of the dishwasher to get the smell out, it worked great but that also stripped the copper paint off of a couple of minifig helmets. Since then I've usually just gone with soaking in a washbasin with dish soap a few times to get smells out.
Canadian Eh?
I'm not in the GTA, but I found the Mirkwood Elf Guard polybag at Target before Christmas and the Laketown Guard polybag at Toys R Us before Christmas as well. I don't imagine there'd still be any left, but you *might* get lucky.
Canadian Eh?
How many of us are in New Brunswick anyways? In a couple months I'll be there for the forseeable future and it doesn't look like there is really a LUG presence there, maybe we can change that.
What would you do if your minifigs came alive?
Assuming all of the MOCs are also functional, I'd be in trouble. I've been setting up my armies lately so I'd be facing a swarm that is well equipped and already in formation. Next, I have all of my food pieces near these armies, so I couldn't starve them out or bribe them with food. Finally, I've given them all sorts of fun flying-flamethrowery machines, so chances are they'd burn the place down pretty quickly. I'm assuming they are hostile towards me due to the terrible living conditions I'm currently subjecting them to. I've got some of them piled deep on top of each other mixed in with decapitated ostriches and various limbs of their friends. Others have been sealed into a container that is air tight. The armies have been forced to stand in formation for months on end at times. I never realized the horrible living conditions I've been subjecting my minifigs to before. Maybe if I'm lucky they'll find the treasure storage and start fighting each other over it, sparing me.
Lego and cats
One of my cats is interested in one particular ninja. I can leave all the Lego on the table I want and he'll leave it alone, but if that specific ninja is out, he will go through the rest of the Lego to find that one ninja, surgically pluck him out (even surrounding him with other ninja bodyguards in the center of the table doesn't work!) and then knock just that ninja off the table and bat it around the room. The other cat however, is far meaner. He's only interacted with my Lego once, and it was to knock the tree from my brand new just built MMV onto the floor to chew up one of the nice dark green leaves.
What do you guys do with Crown knights?
Sounds like some Brikwars style diplomacy right there. For me, the Crownies are the once glorious empire now devastated by political in-fighting desperately trying to regain power, but wars with the undead, the orcs, the Dragon Knights, at one point ninjas, sometimes chasing after the Forestmen for tax evasion... have been really getting in the way. Doesn't do them any favours that somehow my Dragon Knight and Lion Knight armies became much larger than the Crownies' army. Or that the orc and undead armies at this point almost have them outnumbered 2 to 1. To think, only a couple years ago they were by far my largest faction. They're now very much so an alliance oriented faction getting their rivals to fight their battles to weaken them. You know, general boring medieval politics for them.
Canadian Eh?
Did they give any indication for when the store in Montreal would be opening? Maybe after that we'll actually get one in the Maritimes!
Canadian Eh?
I looked into it for New Brunswick, contacting the New Brunswick Department of Justice, and they told me that if I felt I was misled by marketing practices to contact the Competition Bureau: to file a complaint. So not the between provinces.
I've been bringing more and more Lego with me every year for university. I move in to wherever I'm going to be living for the year with one or two smallish boxes (probably about the same volume as one and a half Attack On Weathertop boxes) of minifigs and some scenery like BURPs and the tree pieces along with a few baseplates. Or, this year, three reasonably large boxes with enough supplies to make a decent orc fort since I'm not in a dorm room this year. Incidentally, I always seemed to have so much more Lego when I was moving out than I remembered moving in with... I usually have a larger set on display once I find it on sale (Brickbeard's Bounty, King's Castle, Gardmadon's Dark Fortress and City of Atlantis are what I've used so far, along with the Viking Chess Set). I basically bring enough Lego with me to have something I can build for a couple of hours, and then "enthusiastically dismantle" for ten minutes to rebuild it. If you're in a dorm, I can almost guarantee you'll be known as "The Lego Guy/Girl".
Review: 853373 Kingdoms Chess Set
Nice review. In my copy of this set it has all the same printing quality issues as yours, except for the queen face printing issue. Probably the printing issue that annoys me the most is the Lion Knight pawn torso, since I already had a fairly substantial number of Lion Knights that never learned to separate their whites and colours when doing laundry. Still though, the price per minifig ratio is quite nice making this a nice set. I'm completely baffled by the jester knight though.
Canadian Eh?
The Wal-Mart product code for Series 6 is 067341916297.
Canadian Eh?
It appears Wal-Marts are getting in their stock of Series 6, one of the Fredericton Wal-Marts had a box of them with more on the way.
Kingdoms 2012?
The past few years castle sets have been released in the Summer wave. Right now we have leaks for the Winter sets. Just going by the past few years, if there are no Kingdoms sets at the Toy Fairs in January and February, that would be when to think the line might be over. Other than that though, the lack of Kingdoms sets in the Winter theme is completely unsurprising since they only released the most recent Kingdoms wave a couple of months ago.
Canadian Eh?
Fredericton Regent mall Wal-Mart has them, so I think once it`s reached the Maritimes it`s safe to say that it`s reached Canada wide.
Series 1 Minifigures re-release! Lego store exclusive
I like this, I'm guessing that Series 2 will also be put into the Build A Fig but not later series, since it was Series 1 and 2 that had wonky distribution, whereas the later series have many more produced.
- VIP program
I could not activate my VIP account until I had the actual card as I required the card number to activate the VIP membership. I would advise you to wait if you can, but if the double points promotion is about to end and you still haven't got your card, phone ordering is probably the way to go. How long ago did you activate online VIP membership?
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 3 discussion
Canada they are 2.86$ at Wal-Mart, so no, no price increase. However, I found the dots aren't all that useful. Too many different dot combinations for each fig and the dots are so hard to see that feeling is the better way to go, at least for me it was. I thought I had 4 Samurai and 4 elves yesterday, turns out I had five elves and three samurai. Sometimes being wrong is good.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I've got the Pharoah's Quest Battle Pack and I don't find the quality difference to be all that noticeable between the figs from that and the regular set figs. The Battle Pack is a little lower quality, but not by as much as the past. So it does seem to be improving.
AFOL Personality Profiles
BrickWar General:That looks like it can be destroyed nicely... I'm in! * Buying habits: Ooh, this has that weapon? I'm in! Lots of figs? I'm in! * Sorting Method: Either a field of destroyed whatever the battlefield was or all built into the next battle. * Building Space: Wherever there is enough room for a battlefield. * Philosophy: Carnage and destruction, what wonderful things. I figured it was worth mentioning.
Canadian Eh?
Does this mean no more stores with half the packages of well.. anything, already open? Would be nice to get Target here since the Americans are always talking about how awesome it is to have.
The new glued Lego magnets can be removed!
Really? Warm water? That simple? Did this seriously not get tried over the course of all the years of glued chess sets and such? Just goes to show that sometimes the best solution is ridiculously simple. This is excellent news, and it saves me having to experiment on the magnets and glue.
How open are you about your Lego passion?
Pretty much everyone I know knows I'm into Lego, has been like that for years now, I haven't exactly been trying to hide it. When I was in High School I did a speech on how awesome Lego is and my prom date was "Lady Lego", the barmaid from the MMV. I think the staff at the local Toys R Us is beginning to recognize me...
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
If you look at the UFO Abduction set, the pitchfork looks more like the old one, whereas the Mill Village Raid set has the pitchfork looking more like an Atlantis trident in brown. Not sure which one to think will be the final design but the UFO Abduction one also looks like it's a new colour.
Canadian Eh?
Alright, so series 3 soon then unless the roads between Atlantic Canada and Ontario got washed out more than I thought they did... Can't wait to get my hands on some of those whacky Ninjago sets either!
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4 discussion
I'm definitely going to have to get three musketeers. Glad to see the viking since I missed them the first time around.
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