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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Rockbrick

  1. my boss has a real one in red - I think I prefer this lego version instead!
  2. i remember putting 9v through the old 4.5v motor system.... never burnt the motor out but wore gearwheels away like crazy
  3. for once the lego version looks nicer than the real car...
  4. very sad to see no entries with airtanks / pneumatics..... some very good entries though.... High standard as always and very creative good luck everyone
  5. very nice design with good functions - however 4WS or skid-steering would improve its manoeverability as this large turning circle is a weakness in a real fight in an arena
  6. same bug here and I notice myself using the forum less and less because of it
  7. the front cibié lights are in a 'W' formation but you've done yours in an 'M' formation ?
  8. so tough this one so I put the numbers on small papers and crumpled them up and then let my cat choose six..... just kidding! - I am favouring the smaller builds because cramming the funtionality in such small space is a challenge: 34: 10 27: 6 25: 4 21: 3 9: 2 3: 1
  9. the RC motor is very light and slim and perfect for making a compressor: (works better without airtank as you say the airtank causes a delay)
  10. It doesn't need an airtank it is that powerful... Back on topic: the OP hand cranked pumps is so beautifully simple I would love to see technic maxifigs attached to it doing the pumping....(probably their arms would break as always)
  11. nice creation and I don't see why not just compressors cannot be an entry.... (most entries will contain some sort of compressor anyway) but nice for the entry just to be the compressor Here is one I did with the RC motor with possible even less moving parts:
  12. I had reply off youtube saying they did not find a breach of the rules ...... hmmmmpf
  13. I got the new tyres and it looks marvellous - nice to be 100% lego again - the RC 1.9" ones I had before had better grip as they were softer but they were wearing out too fast
  14. done this to make a lego torch.... don't see why not also does the effort involved in the OP overcome the cooling effect on the person?
  15. Same here was thinking about googling to see if someone had done this and now wallet lighter and bricklink has been hit hard! I had aftermarket tyres on my 9398 anyway but the rubber was poor and marking the floor/walls.... for outdoors still ok though
  16. the new tyres would look so good on 9398 crawler....
  17. might need to re-engineer the rear mudguards but the tyres on the xerion are sooooo much like a real tractor's
  18. stunning. just stunning. would look amazing with the new Xerion(42054) tyres...
  19. I noticed yesterday it was featured on the manufacturer's front page...
  20. gaining a couple of cylinders and front suspension makes you look new and updated... shame the sparkplugs have gone...
  21. Just now I did and was going to further scold you, but forgive you as these have been around since 1980 (though not sure if the transparent ones came later)
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