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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by BrickMan7

  1. Yes. It's app-enabled, set 76112, and has the Arkham Knight logo on it and the batmobile looks like the Arkham Knight version.
  2. Yes, it's accurate. It's a June release along with the sets. 41455 is a brick box which is sort of odd.
  3. I can confirm we are getting an app-control Batmobile.
  4. I can't emphasize enough how much you all are going to love the Range Trooper buildable figure.
  5. That is correct. Collector will not be available anywhere else...at least that print. The Bard the Bowman packaging did not say Exclusive on the SDCC packaging, but the Collector did.
  6. I'm in Atlanta and my store had them out. But, they wouldn't let me buy them.
  7. BrickMan7 replied to BrickG's post in a topic in Community
    Thanks Freekysch, appreciate the reply!
  8. BrickMan7 replied to BrickG's post in a topic in Community
    Hey All! I am Jason from The Brick Show. I very much appreciate all of the feedback that you all have provided here. I will be the first to admit that we are not perfect people and will continue to strive to do a better job as we continue to grow. We know very well that video is a tough platform to seek perfection on and the YouTube audience is....well, I think we all know by just reading comments on any video there. Unfortunately, video does not allow us to go back and edit a section as a blog or written review would allow us to do. I will speak to the questions about why 'some' may not like us. We have held a tougher policy from the start about the comments, cyber-bullying, spam and other behavior on our YouTube videos. Two (that I know of) YouTube users that are on this thread we banned from commenting on our channel because of excessive spam on our videos ("please check out my channel") on over 30 of our videos and the other for excessive profanity and cyber-bullying. There is a number of folks that use eurobricks alot and fall into this category. After being banned they, well, are not happy about it. We understand that comes with the territory. People get upset and take things too far. We do also have a forgiveness policy if we are contacted directly. To clear up another question about faking likes. That is completely untrue. I would suggest that if anyone have a question about us, it's always best to go directly to the person and ask them. Don't take someone else's word about a person they have never met. As for our style, of course, it's not for everyone. Are we goofy sometimes, corny, yes! We try to have fun with our show and keep it light. I understand that some take LEGO very serious, which we respect, but that's just not our personality. We love toys. We love that we get to do what we do. We are two big kids that just like to have fun. We have met alot of fans at Brick Fairs and we appreciate the time we do get to spend with you all. We love that at these shows we get to put faces to usernames and talk lego, laugh and hang out. Hope to meet more of you in the future. I promise, we are not as corny and obnoxious in person. For those reading in the UK, we did just get invited to speak at the LEGO Show in London. Hope to meet some of you there! (http://www.thelegoshow.com/) Thank you again for both your compliments and your criticism. We take all these things into consideration when we try to make our channel better. We read eurobricks more than you may know. It's a great platform. Jason
  9. Hey all! Thanks for the feedback regarding the Top 10 Castles we posted. I, Jason, did not personally write this. A company from Germany wanted some extra marketing exposure and so they offered up this list for us and we posted it. I would agree that perhaps there are some omissions such as the ones you've stated. For the most part we really wanted to get a conversation started about this and it seems we have. I've never read a Top 10 list that everyone agreed on as that's what make them so much fun. We'd like to do more of this type of stuff if any of you are interested in writing for us on occasion (with compensation for your time, of course). Some other ideas we have for top 10 lists include space vehicles, star wars sets, ships etc... Jason
  10. BrickMan7 replied to -Tilius-'s post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Well I just came across this today so thought I'd at least write my 2 cents in here. I am Jason from The Brick Show. First - Thanks DaveE for standing up for the action we took. The reason we blocked the above user from YouTube was because he used profanity on a number of occasions and that is one hard rule we have. No profanity. In our first year doing reviews, we've had 4 million views of our shows, most of which are kids. We will not allow profanity. That's why he was blocked. You can read the news about BrickQ on Brickset and how we responded to criticism there. http://www.brickset.com/news/article/?ID=1091 BrickQ - I agree it's not a perfect platform. We are limited by many things with the tools we have. The main reason we created it was to help answer the hundreds of questions we personally get on a monthly basis about which sets to get, etc... We can't possibly answer them all so we created a platform for LEGO kids to help one another. Lastly - We just soft launched a LEGO social community that is geared more towards what we were going for with BrickQ. It's much more moderated. The tools we have are very efficient and so far it's gone very well and has been very well received. Anyone is welcome to help us Beta test that at: http://www.brickli.me Thanks for the feedback. We are always looking to improve our reviews and appreciate the feedback.
  11. More LEGO Batman would be killer. I believe it's already been talked about but Pirates of the Caribbean I expect to see based on what we saw at Comic-con. A black pearl set sounds real nice. If you think about now that Disney has a deal with LEGO and recently Disney bought Marvel, a whole bunch of possibilities arise. We just posted the supposed 2011 lego star wars sets. http://www.brickshow.com/six-2011-lego-star-wars-sets-revealed
  12. This is a great castle, very classic. I built this on Monday and have to say love the Lion Knight King. He's got a great golden sword and matching crown. Love how you can keep the drawbridge and gate up. I also put it together in the wider format and prefer that if going into battle. We did our full video review here: http://www.brickshow.com/episode44-7946
  13. Awesome review Oky wan! Nice photos. Loved the embedded door stamps over stickers. We just finished our video review of this set: http://www.brickshow.com/episode37-7598
  14. I picked up min at the LEGO store last week. The train chase is definitely the best of this toy story 3 bunch. This set is nice but don't there is much playing to it for the kids, may get bored with it quickly. Here is our video review: http://www.brickshow.com/episode34-7596
  15. Great build Sergio, love trains.
  16. BrickMan7 replied to BobaFett2's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Welcome BobaFett2, can't wait to see the police build.
  17. Finished up and posted Episode 25 last night for Battle of Alamut. A TON of fun to build. Has some great pieces, weapons, trap doors, collapsing stairs, great mini figs. We love this set. http://www.brickshow.com/episode25-7573
  18. BrickMan7 replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I picked up all the sets yesterday at TRU. Some of them are already putting them out. We already did our video review for Fight for the Dagger and the other 4 are all coming this week. The sets are awesome. Love the sword pack on Daston.
  19. We just finished up Episode 24 reviewing this set and have the Battle of Alamut coming out tonite.
  20. We did our video review of this set this week.
  21. Last night I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping at ToyRUs and they had 5 of the 6 new Toy Story sets out. They look great. I bought 2 of them, 7593 and 7590. The minfig of Woody is cool, his legs are longer than a normal mini figure. His head is NOT removable and bigger, also not like a normal minifig. It was weird cause our toyrsus has a whole aisle of LEGO and the sets were not there. They were an aisle over with some baby stuff and Duplo sets. They have a bunch of them. The only set they didn't have was the Build-AZurg set. I was at Wal-mart the day before and they had no LEGO sets left at all. I'd heard that toysrus was running low too, so they started putting out some of the 2010 stuff.
  22. great stuff. Black Rabbit - 3 PaulCantu - 1 Shmails - 1 74louloute - 1 Tom Bricks - 1
  23. that's cool! seems like LEGO is trying to go after the female market more. I know my girls would love these.
  24. Great looking building, tons of details.
  25. BrickMan7 replied to Legostein's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Nice mini set. do they have any flag pieces, would be a nice touch on the top.
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