Review: 30050 MINI Republic Attack Shuttle
Great review and set, pity it will be impossible hard to find in Australia
Review: 30051 MINI X-Wing Fighter
More the pity. Great review and set.
Your worst fear...
But we still dont want Lego to go bankrupt so keep buying.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Awesome MOC, does it have a interior?
Your worst fear...
If you type AFOL into google it comes up with Adult fan of Lego. They can infiltrate.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Are you addicted to Eurobricks?
Thats worrying.
Knight Warship
It is a bit crowded isn't it. Thanks.
Romans or Greeks/Spartans
I voted Greeks because they have cool hats. (pathetic reason but who cares?).
Knight Warship
I haven't got any others to use for crests. Thats only 50% of them. I'll sunk you Im a terrible painter! With? Thankyou everyone.
What are you afraid of?
I've also been chased by a baby emu.
SlyOwl 3 great job everyone.
Knight Warship
Sorry for the delay and small pictures. here are the rest. The lead admiral being knighted. The gun deck. The turret and side gunners. The prison with a inmate and rescuer who is armed with handcuffs, key and sword. The top deck and grog barrel. The troll attack boat prepareing to attack and start the medieval plague. The castle boat launching to repell them. The sea battle. A different view of the top deck. ''When will the evil wizard attack next?'' The king, Lead Admiral and Admiral. The Vice Admiral, Captain and Warrant Officer. The crew. The archers. The gunners and ship's boy. Bigger versions of the small pictures. Comments and constructive criticsm welcome.
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