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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. While discussing the sails, lets not forget some of Lego's own plunders, such as the Renegade Runner. Skull and cross bones on that tiny little ship. For an imitation brand, I don't mind the look of these sets. Obviously, they pail in comparison to actual Lego, but if the quality is ok, or if they are interchangeable with Lego, what could be wrong with them? I love Lego pirates, but I realize that other companies could be releasing good pirate themed building bricks too. Too each their own I suppose though.
  2. First off, hello again, long time no post for myself. Things got busy what with heading home to see the family between semesters, and this year won't be giving me too much time for this hobby, thanks to the 8 papers I need to write, two of them over 20 pages long. But I digress, is thats how you spell it :) Ska, I remember from my previous chinese knockoff lego post you were looking for the ships, well sir, here you go. http://cgi.ebay.ca/CRAZYSHOP-Like-pirate-s...1QQcmdZViewItem I hope this is actually what you are looking for, and it looks like there have at least one more from their ebay shop. Enjoy, and hello to everyone again! Texas
  3. I can't believe this topic is still going on strong, I guess cheap Chinese lego really hits a nerve for some people X-O . Anyway, I'm still thinking about buying one of these, and if I do, I think it will be the Imperial Outpost copy, then I can do a direct comparison between the two. And by that time, I will have access to a digital camera, so pics will ensue as well!
  4. no point having two community boards, espically if one is basically a sub forum of the other, a no vote for me.
  5. texas_jack_can replied to oo7's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Nico-Strassburg's set is the one I like the best. The board is creative, and the pieces are brillant. I really like the size of each piece, espically the rooks. I would absolutly buy one of these, no questions asked!
  6. To get back on topic... I'd love to have a thread where eBay deals were placed on the board. That would give us the ability to see who is bidding on what, that way there would be less unknown competition amoungst ourselves, and may even cause prices to drop a little. I know if I was bidding against someone on this board, and they really wanted the set, I wouldn't be trying to outbid them in the same way I would outbid Joe Everybuyer.
  7. Well, Eldorado is on the list too, but right now, my imperials need a ship. Anyway, the purchase of lego will have to take a hold for now, I just got a deal on a new video card that was much needed for my comp. But I think perhaps saving up to get both is not a bad idea. There are rumors of another rebeat check in Alberta, to the sum of 300 somthing, so that could finance an Imperial fleet and Eldorado, if I get lucky in auctions :-)
  8. Well, I don't know about not so pretty pirates instead of nothing, I still have a lot of old lego pirates to collect. What I would like is to see a pirates line in the same vein as vikings, massive swords and obligatory ugly shooting pieces aside. If the new line was done right, I could even make due with slight jellybeanization (yippie, I coined a new word, I think!), although Spanish conquistadors in red, blue and pink armour might be a bit much... So I guess to answer the question, maybe, depending on the quality of the sets. If they are <insert that tiresome argument>, massive brick behemoths, then I'd pass. If they are somewhat decent, lego would get my money. Although I would prefer a return to a system-like pirates line.
  9. I am a history major, but not in naval history, so this might be wrong here, but I remember reading somewhere that old sailing ships used to add armour plating to the outside of the hull. Not on the scale as the Merrimack during the Civil War, which was a fully armour plated vessel, but I think it is possible that armour was used pre-19th century. Now we have to agree upon a time period that the lego pirates line takes place in, which I would place after the 16th century, and before the 19th century. So to sum up, armour plating is possible, but no hulls were made of solid metal. P.S. maybe someone with a better knowledge of naval history could clear this up? Edit: Sorry Ska, when I read 18th century, I thought 1800's. So this long post have been in vain :-/
  10. actually Phes, its me, not Mr. Tiber ;-)
  11. Thanks for all the info Phes. I've read those reviews, but they didn't really help me make a decision, and thankfully the Armada flagship isn't winning, because then I'd have a third choice in an already tough decision.
  12. When I was a kid, I never really paid any attention to the storyline, to tell the truth, I never really knew there was on. I was always to excited to open up the box and play! The fact that there was a story is pretty neat, and the fact that it isn't as bad as the KK story makes pirates even better. Take that castle!
  13. The ol' suicide pact eh? I was tempted to get the Imperial outpost knockoff, but I bought a real Lego one, so thats not going to happen now. I was looking at the Skull Island one, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I would buy one off an eBay auction, but from a private site, no way. Sure, its only $14.00 US plus shipping, but I'd rather have that not go missing, and spend it on actual lego, beer, food, or possibly rent :-) I saw a site that had a ton of Coko bricks listed, but when I clicked to buy it, the site came up "under construction" or some such nonsense. Same as buyin bestlock off the net, just can't seem to do it. If I do decide to take the plunge and try one of these sets, I'll let the board know, espically you SkaForHire, so you can hold up your end of the bargain. ;-)
  14. Looks like the eBay lego community agreed, he relisted it with a lower starting bid. Its still too high for me, maybe if it dropped another $200, then I'd consider it :-)
  15. Here is my small collection. 6285 BSB 6277 ITP 6263 Imperial Outpost 6265 Sabre Island 6235 Buried Treasure(but thats hot-glued to my Christmas stocking :-) )
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