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Everything posted by LegendsOfNinjago

  1. That's awesome, alittle over a month away...super excited now! Where did you find this? Where you see Pixal?
  2. Down time for Ninjago...no trailer, no new info, no new pics...Still no sets...
  3. Is that scruff of his face...?
  4. Another interesting thing...Toy"r"us took down there ninjdroid mech dragon page...LEgo also put there pages back up.
  5. The new "A" pieces as you called them, are all over the place in Ninjago this year.
  6. Samurai huh? This COULD be the re-arrival of our friend Nya... Also, happy 26th page...:)
  7. Maybe a D2C. I thought about it, if it were the Borg Tower, wouldn't it have a similar built/height to the Tower of Orthac? Similar pricing too...just a thought.
  8. Good point I guess I didn't think about that... Hopefully pictures will start flying soon, very curious to see what this set will hold...
  9. In the brick show review, it showed the all set numbers on the building instructions, 70726 Aka the Destroyer, wasn't present of the page...so either it's not real set, or it's a summer set. My guess is the latter!
  10. Same, heard alot rumors of sets out all over th place, still nothing where I live...should be getting a new trailer anytime.
  11. What!? Where did you here that!
  12. Good to know I have a 20% off coupon for TRU that expires the 19th so I hope mine has it before it expires!
  13. We don't have them here yet in the US atleast not that I know of.
  14. So I watched the brickshow review and buy the looks of it, 70726 isn't gOnna be a set in this wave... The instructions didn't hav that set number on it...a set next wave perhaps?
  15. They are not...I called 10 minuets ago. No one has them.
  16. Just saw the MechDragon on eBay. 70$ at 3 days left...someone is gonna pay big bucks for that!
  17. Yeah, espeacially sense The names this year are alittle odd. Kai Fighter? Tie Fighter?
  18. I had this same expirecence.<= spelling?
  19. I would love to see them pop up! I really want them! Really really bad!
  20. Plus we still haven't seen set 70726...Nya or Misako could be in that (if we ever see it) Also I went to TRU and the kind lady said that she hadn't seen the sets yet, but supposed that they would either get them right before Black Friday, or right after. Still hopeful I've received 90$ for my birthday ( which isn't until tomorrow) so now I have to save it until then...
  21. Interested to see what role the ladies take in the season. I'd like a new version of Nya, and a misako too! Pixal looks interesting aswell
  22. Yeah, for Lego.com anyway. This could mean nov. 17th for TRU. I've been a huge collector since I was about 13. Mind you that was only a few years ago, but all that saying that we can expect Lego Ninjago here in the next few weeks, but with TRU "exculsive pricing" ofcourse!
  23. I saw that and felt the same way! Also, I caked my local TRU and try said they had no idea. Little hopeful for a second...I guess the wait continues!
  24. So, i've heard rumors of set already out at Toys'r'Us...gonna go check today!
  25. That looks awesome! I'nm also attemping my own. So when I'm done i"ll post some pictures.
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