Everything posted by YouKnowMe
Micro AT-ST
Wow, that is amazing!
WOW, awesome MOC, very much nice techniques too ...
Why is the Cloud City set so expensive?
You have a good point there, afosl, though I think we would have to wait a pretty long time before we see a drop in interest for lego star wars.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hey, thank you very much man!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Could somebody help me? I'm looking for pictures from a Consular-class cruiser in lego. Since I'm planning on making one and I'm having some trouble with parts i'd like to have an example... Thanks in advance. this is what I mean
Do you realise that his might be the most epic misprint of all time?
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Hey guys, nobody wants to duel me??
UCS questions
Actually, the MF hasn't been available for about a week now...
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Yeah, who wants to duel me?
Romans or Greeks/Spartans
Yeah a theme of them is not so likely... But atleast we get a spartan Hoplite
Romans or Greeks/Spartans
actually, lego is making them!!! The second line of these "minifigs" will include a roman/greek soldier source: (after the videos you'll see some pics)
The Penguin's SW minifigures..... )
Your commando droids are great indeed, might have to consider sending you a PM
1st Warrior Collection
Wow, this is nice dude, a little chrome's always nice, but... This is really wonderful, might have to get some chrome parts too
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Yeah, Jedi Lhi Kadhar would like to fight his first battle
Jedi Duel - Character Databank
Jedi Initiate Lhi Kadhar Bio Lhi, an inhabitant of one of the core planets, was gifted with the force but was discovered rather late. At the age of 14 already he was discovered by master Mace Windu during a mission. But, of course, this all happend during the clone wars, and the Jedi were low on stock, so the council decided to train this one. he developed himself well and "graduated". during the wars he did so well that the council intended to promote him to general. But before he would get this promotion, he first had to pass a test, which he failed. In normal conditions he would have been suspended but it being the clone wars made him stay, though, as a regular Jedi. During his life he had always showed a great interest for the light saber and especially for it's hilt. So after his suspension he got into the light saber-hilt production and spent the rest of his days trying to create new and better models, for the future generations to use. Lhi Kadhar in action Wins/Losses W: - L: - (pics are taken with my webcam, quality=horrible)
Jedi Duel - The Chosen One Tournament sign-up
Jedi knight Lhi Kadhar has just signed up for this tournament .
- Star Wars sets anyone?
LEGOland special event
yeah, probably...
LEGOland special event
Can't you really work something out copmike? That was the best thing about the whole park... Well, maybe not, but it was fantastic
LEGOland special event
That's a shame ...
LEGOland special event
Ok sorry, that was a rude post ... It was meant to be a little but funny in way ... It's just that I think it's really too bad that they got rid of such a nice event. Btw, is EB the cause of this event or did TLG spontaneously come up with it? And thanks for the info, but I guess any other merlin center wont have the event ... I hope you might take care of something, but I guess you won't after this post...
LEGOland special event
After reading the first two replies I am in shock... I'm Literary one bad post away from a heart attack! What about legoland in germany, or other legolands in europe? ( if there are any others) And who the f is merlin? If i see that guy, oh man ... He is gonna get it!
LEGOland special event
Dear EB'ers, I have a question for you. And since it is a pretty lego-related question, I guess this is the best place to post it Here goes. So, went to legoland Billund about 4 years ago. The day we were there there was this special "action". Let me explain. When I entered a store ( I think it was close to the entrance) I saw about 5 "boxes" placed next to eacother, so not spread in the store. Now the special thing was: these boxes were filled with bags from random sets (including star wars sets) , but literary filled with bags. For about 50 euros you were allowed to open bags and take any parts you wanted to fill your own box. I remember that it was the best day of my life and i had so much fun picking out pieces, because there was an "infinite" amount of lego Has anyone seen the same? Or has this happened to anyone else? Do you know if they're doing this again? I'm going to go to legoland Billund again this summer, I hope someone can tell me if they are having such an action again ... For the persons who don't believe me, i think i might be able to find some pictures. Thanks in advance, Youknowme
Anakin, they're all over me! - A guide to the Separatist starf
WOW, this is really an amazing job!! Good Job! Kudos to you! :p
UCS sets
ok thanks I will read the other topic. I had no idea this belonged there.
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