Passenger train Battery Box issue
I have been using a screwdriver for glasses, but they are literally stuck and won't even turn the slightest...
Passenger train Battery Box issue
So, after putting together my new passenger train, I went to put in the batteries to run it. I got the remote open and 3 batteries placed inside. The trouble started with the battery box for the train. Right now, after about 15 minutes, I still cannot get the screws loose. They are about to be stripped pretty soon, so I quit. Does anyone have any idea's how to loosen them? If they get stripped, I'm out of luck, or will Lego replace the box? I'm not sure what to do...
City 2010
Wow, color me dissappointed. I don't care about specific parts or lego men heads/torso. I was looking for something cool from this vote and I feel let down atm. This could have been so much better as a Truck Stop, but we get this. 6 or so little sets combined under a $100 US Pricetag. Hopefully this will get the same 30% off as the TRU SW Exclusive has, so I can think about buying it.
2010 Train Sets
While this might seem a bit strange, it seems they laid the track right on the baseplates. I've never found that to work, as the curves always sit higher up and it doesn't look good. But thiers look almost normal in the pictures (or maybe the angle just doesn't show them higher...)
2010 Train Sets
Not being totally familiair with all the element types yet, what sets did the tanker parts come from? Or is that from the new train set and they just made quite a few? I need to start making additional cars for my Cargo Train and wanted to make some tankers.
Is Green Grocer gone?
The Lego store "near" me just got 10-15 in on Wednesday and still had 10+ today. I don't think they are all that rare yet...
Big Modular Sets?
Thank you for the response - it was actually very helpful and shed quite a bit on the different styles of the city/mod buildings that I never realized. My space for Legos is a 10ft x 4ft table, and I do have a train running around the town now, with a few switches for the farm and the train station, but mainly a oval. I have the creator houses on the right side, and was planning on making my city on the left side. I actually stole the basic plans from Flickr and Savatheaggie, but without the engine shed area General Idea of layout. The farm is in the general area of the engine shed on his layout. So I'm thinking the Pizza Shop/City corner might become a casualty of new construction and go all Mod-type buildings for the city.
Big Modular Sets?
Sorry about that! I was flipping back and forth between the forums and thought I had the Town one. So, it seems they don't mesh well together, but split up they should be ok. Since I only have City Corner though which would be close, which direction would people go - the bigger mod sets and start your city that way or continue with things like the City Police/Fire HQ and whatnot?
Big Modular Sets?
I was thinking about getting a Green Grocer and a Grand Emporium when it comes out, but my wife asked a good question last night - "Will they look ok, or be too big for the platform/city area?" Right now, my city consists of (still growing) a City Corner (the pizza shop and bicycle store), a few creator houses, a older Train Station (2150) and the farm. Will these new, bigger sets look out of place along side those? I'd say no, they would be a great addition to the set, making my main street look better. We do agree the the Fire Brigade would look out of place with it's older time look, compared to the other ones. What do you guys think?
Size of your layout?
Ok, I lied. Not sure how to make a poll function...So we will do a makeshift poll! What is the size/shape of your train/city layout? Mine is a smallish "L" shaped table with the main part being 4'x8' and the lip being 2'x4', which makes a nice switchyard off on the side. I'm just curious as I've seen whole room setups and also 3 1/2' x 8 foot layouts.
- City 2010
Just bought my first Train set - what next?
Ok, so got my layout made where I like it. (I think..for today...that's one thing I can change it quite easily at this point) (The new version has the inside loop and inside curve/switch track reversed to the opposite sides of the table) I don't have much yet, but it's a work in progress! Back to the questions though. With my space, I'm not sure how to do a city layout. Do I remove the inside 1/2 loop on the right side of the picture to get more real estate? I want to keep the inside loop though. Also, I've read about the track ballisting, but I have no where near enough parts at this point to do the layout. How does one go about putting the curved track on baseplates? Just using the turntables and 2x2 in key spots? Or do people just connect the straight track to the plates and let the curved sit on top of the studs? You guys have been a lot of help so far, so thanks again!
2010 Train Sets
I know it's a EU catalog, but I was wondering what the release time was for the US compared to over there? The dates on there say August, but since I'm sorta new to all this, are the release worldwide all at the same time? IE: If something was June in US, would it be Aug EU and Sept AUS?
2010 Train Sets
The pictures look to be a stock oval - the cargo train also shows the same oval, but includes flex track and switches. They probably just haven't put the "right" track pictures on yet.
Just bought my first Train set - what next?
How does everyone get enough wheels to build other cars? I looked on, and can find the buffers/bases/wheels, but no metal axles (x1687) to attatch the wheels. I'm in the US, so Bricklink is out, as the only stores to seel them are in the EU. Also, I have my track built with the Cargo train set and 1 extra straight/curved and switch packs. Do you build your city around the track or do you build your track around your city? :) I'm in the mood to buy more if I can find it, but don't want it to look too hectic...
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