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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. You could also keep the models in a bookshelf. You'd then just want to mill a small channel on the bottom shelf for a piece of glass to slot into, and voila - Display with a very minimal amount of dust. Cheap, too.
  2. $100 more in Canada than the USA? What the hell TLG.
  3. tulatin replied to -zenn's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Looks great overall, I love the outside the cabin shifter!
  4. tulatin replied to Flare's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Despite the wall of colors, I don't find it displeasing. Well that, and it shares a color pallet with 939-era ECS motherboards, which I'm rather fond of (http://www.pcplanetsystems.com/abc/images/big/ecsmobo6big.gif)
  5. It's a very clever scene! How do you hold the jumper plate on that bottom drawer?
  6. tulatin replied to jeffjcc's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    That sucks dude - especially considering it looks like you used plugs. What puts me off though, is that there's just screws (and requisite plugs) on the bottom plug. Maybe the plugs were too loose in the holes? In any case, use this opportunity to make yourself one ultra modular building!
  7. So, has anyone actually found proof that someone is re-selling something built from his instructions yet, or is it possible that he's just seeing certain items be bought up and freaking out?
  8. tulatin replied to sens1992's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    It looks great dude, and I love your attention to detail - especially the bollards protecting the canopy.
  9. tulatin replied to elkapitan's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    So, I notice that you numbered this unit 2 on the street, where the fire station is 3. Going to build a hospital for 1?
  10. tulatin replied to Ralph_S's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Ralph, this is an absolutely insane MOC. You've got an incredibly striking resemblance to the real thing here, and you've done a great job building it. Apart from a few illegal building techniques, this seems like a set TLG would sell, it just looks so good.
  11. They had JUST stocked them at mine (about two weeks ago) (Argyle Mall), and despite being $39.99, they went really fast.
  12. tulatin replied to WetWired's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Fantastic MOC, you have a huge amount of detail packed into this, yet it never seems busy or with distracting colors. Every time I look into the photos, I can see more elements and details that I've missed the first time around, all of which that fit the bill perfectly. My only real complaint with it all is that it's a little dark, mind you, I've noticed that you use a lot of parts from the Apple Tree House - and on a side note, I just noticed the window shaker air conditioner - sublime. I also adore the way that you use the S1 Minfigs and the Grey Baby dinos as features of decor - it's always interesting to see minifigs, or their requisite parts being used to fill in the world, rather than just being parts of "Living" figs. This is the sort of MOC that I would absolutely love to purchase as a set from TLG. It could easily fit in with, or be offered as an alternative build to the Grand Emporium, which is pretty striking to say considering that it isn't saturated with big "Hey, look at this, it's awesome!" segments, just a lot of loving detail. Fantastic job.
  13. I was given one of these by my Grandmother when I was young too; I wasn't all too into it at the time, but looking back, it's such a cute little set. It's a shame that my Lego was passed on to a young, young cousin. But considering he has a wealth of pirates sets, and the Airport Shuttle, I hope he never wants.
  14. tulatin replied to tulatin's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    In the shallower model, the minifig is directly on the gray plates. In the larger one, there's a vague bit of an interior it sits on. While the initial model may not have had distinctive structural problems per se, it began to develop them fast when you extended it a little.
  15. tulatin posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Hello there everybody! For my birthday, I ended up getting the 6743 (Street Speeder) set from my Girlfriend. But after designing some cars on my own beforehand the build left me feeling like Lego had left some things lacking. So I decided to do some work on it of my own. Let's start off with the version that's closer to the original: I haven't really done much that you can see here, apart from change the colors (I needed to make the doors 3 long, and green doesn't have 1x3 Tiles), and extending the overall length about two studs. I've also cleaned up the front end a little bit, and I think it's a lot more aesthetically pleasing. My main point of contention with the original model was the big plates everywhere, and the fact that a lot of things were attached with flimsy points (1 x 2 plates). So what I sought to do was really reinforce the frame to make sure it'd be more rugged. Here you can see a few subtle tweaks to the rear end - I tend to like a smoother light bar. A decent shot of the cockpit. I've tried to make it more minifig-friendly, so that it'd have a place in the city. So you've got a standard steering wheel, a nice big shifter, and a handbrake. Just a better view of the front Naturally, I had to put something under the hood. It's intended to be a V12. Now, we move onto the second version. It uses larger tyres and generally has a larger profile. It's more to the Highway Transport scale. Recognize that engine from somewhere? You should. It's heavily inspired by another member's MOC - the Liebherr LTM 1030-2.1 by Kit Fisto. I really liked the engine, and I had been trying to build a car around it. Imagine my surprise when the street speeder's modified frame would take it without much of a fight. That's the engine pulled from the vehicle. Now, a parting comparison shot! Questions, comments, scathing hatred? Let me know. I'm rather fond of them both I'd say. I'll probably build one when I get some money.
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