Napolego crossing the Alps
Thats a coll little moc. Nice Scene and figs. Realy catches the spirit of the painting. You should make an additional moc about napoleon crossing the alpes. one with a mule instead of a horse just to please historical reality.;) realy cool little moc. :)
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
@Perfectionist. Yeah i took some insperation on the captains quarters and the interior and the capstan.And of cause the tiled deck. most other stuff was by observense and knowledge of ships. i did shipmodelbuilding in the past and im very interested in sailing ships in general. however youre right. you deserve credit for those ideas. i appologize for not mentioning it earlier. the gundeck hight is to low on the unfinished two decker seen on page one. on the pirate galeon and on the frigate they are exacly 5 bricks high. mlcad somewhat distorts the image bacause you only have 2 choices in 3d view : no perspective or a way to much perspective. On the frigate the the gundeck flour is lowered and the "roof deck is 1 plate thick and 2 plates thick at the sides to improve stability. so it looks like its lower when in fact it isnt. the pirate galeon does not realy have a fully enclosed gundeck. the part with the "hole" is open so minifigs can stand in there. below the quarterdeck where the ships whell is the deck hieght is 5 bricks. in the captains cabin deck hight is 5 bricks and 2 plates. so wherever there is a roof the common pirate or seaman with bandana can can comfortably stand in. a admiral with admiral hat however is a close fit. the common soldier with those high hats cand stand in there. for a pirate with a bandana 4 bricks and 2 plates is enough deck hieght to stand upright. i consider it a worthwhile compromise but its not without flaws. but considering the size of the ships with a norrow hull +2 midsections for the pirate ship and 4 midsections on a wide hull for the frigate, im pretty much happy how they turned out. the one thing im not realy happy with is the bow decoration. i realy love your solution with the flexible tubes but its not possible to do it in mlcad. i experimented with technik connectors and rounded fence parts and those litle bars with clip parts you used on your swivel guns. talking about swivel guns, i want to mention the mounting part is based on your design as well :)
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
Thanx for the compliment :) The pirate galleon is finished. It received an old style Rigging and 4 custom cannons. Also changed some small parts but nothing substantial. Should be big enough for 8 to 10 minifigs. I painted sails into one of the pics to show how it should look under full sail. Ill do a pirate flagship at some point. Something similar but on a wide hull with 3 midsections and more cannons. here are the pics. :)
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
not yet. want to finish the small ship first. have late shifts this week so time is limited. but i will update them asap. im already thinking about a spanish treasure galleon and a brig and a big modular port. alot of mocs found on EB are very inspiring.
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
Im glad you like them. Yes it is intended. I love the Sailingships of the 17th and 18th Century most.Galleons are a favorite too. While i like the napoleonic Era as well, the earlier Ships are much more pleasing to my Eyes. Because they are much more decorated and Colorfull. And another bonus is they are smaller and their shape,especialy the high sterns, allow more room for minifigs without spoiling the shape of the hull. That way there is more room for details too. Rigging is also a little more simple. I try to keep the ships relativly small in mlcad. 3 midsections on small hulls, 4 midsections on wide hulls maximum. Bigger and the prefab rigging begins to look out of place. Not to mentions that the hull then needs to be widened to look right. And later ships wich are lower in profile with flat decks dont allow multiple decks without looking kinda thin at the bow. Some builders found their way around this and made extremly beautyfull Ships but hinges sides and snoting are hard to do in mlcad. So i try a semirealistic aproach considering size and shape.
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
did you install ldrw first? there are some msdos stuff to do to install it properly. heres an update on the little pirate galleon. its pretty much finished. all it needs are masts ,sails, an anchor and the cannons. i tried to put in as much details as possible and im pretty much happy with the results so far. it has a detailed interior, a capstan, swivel cannons, alot of stairs and rooms. in the bow there is a little room where i put a treasure chest in. its 5 bricks high so a minifig is able to stand in it. below the steering wheel there is as well eneught deck height to fit in a standing minifig. there is also a door that leeds to the captains cabin wich is complete with chair, bed, desc and other details. when you pull out the chair you lift a 4x4 plate. below is a small storage room wich holds 2 barrels. behind the capstan is also a 2x5 sized plate you can take out. below is a little storage room wich is 1 brick high. enough space to put in some cutlasses or a bottle or other small stuff. the deck uses alot of tiles but i also placed in some standart plates for the minifigs to be fixed on. even digital minifigs dont want to fall aboard ;) 4 swivelcannons wich can be turned and elevated complete the package. a little ships bell is fixed to the main mast as well. around the hole is a small strip of deck so the minifigs can walk around it. when putting some barrs over the hole, you can fit a rowboat over it. even then the ere is enough hight for minifigs to stand below it. only thing i couldt fit in is a little kitchen. but maybe il modify the room in the bow to allow that as well. there is enough room for a treasureches in the captains quaters anyway. long story short, here are the pics
HMS saigon rose
if you make a galleon you wont have to make the rear of the hull more streamlined. actually the shape of the rear hull of your ship looks very good already. i cant give you much tips on how to built brickbuit hulls though. i only did this for very small boats.i might try it at some point but for now im happy with the prefab hulls. i like the prefab hulls alot. i had a sculls eyes shooner and an imperial flagship set when i was a kid. and the prefab hulls give the ships the sturdiness a toyship needs. im just a bit said lego never made some more realistic looking prefab rigging. even the long prefab rigging parts look out of place when built on ships with more than 4 midsections imho. im also a bit there arent prefab hulls wider than 16 studs. especialy on larger ships with more than one gundeck the ships look a bit high when seen from the frontside. eddy :)
ship and officers mlcad parts for ldd
just go to and go to the downloadsection. youll find all available parts updates. download and install them all including the socalled inofficial parts. install instructions can be found on the website. hope that helps :)
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
i dont know aout ldd but mlcad usses a grid. you can adjust it. i usualy take the default setting and medium grid but for angled stuff i use fine grid set to finest setting. one thing to remember is when u use a new part it takes the orientation of the last selected part. makes it easy to put in parts that need some fine adjustment you cant do in medium grid. like snoted parts. whenever possible i try to avoid it in mlcad. thatas one reason why i use slopes to create the tumblehome effect insted of hinged parts. however the end result is not looking alot worse and is much more stable in a real model. not to mention it provides a base to built upon. and mlcad provides you with a feature to put parts into groups. wich makes it easier to work on. the finished ship has for example a group wich is the entire hullt, a riggin group, each cannon is a group and the deck is spilt into 4 part wich can be taken off to allow acces to the interior. each of those 4 parts is a group as well.
ToR Entry (Round 2)
Funny as hell :) LOL Great entry.
HMS saigon rose
Very nice start :) its always good to have an interior as well. i recommend youll make it a galleon because you dont have to make the streamlined rear of the hull typical for later ships. and galleons have stubby front and the railings on the bow extend forward over the bow and are relativly low so you dont have to worry to much about the shape of the front hull. not to mention galleons are beautifull and their high stern and forcasles allow alot of room for minifigs in the ship especialy in the stern. and theres a lot or room for decoration on the stern. rigging is relativly simple to allowing and parts are not so tiny and fragile looking so you can put in more details. and not to forget they were historicly very importat in the age of pirates. whatever you do with your ship, im looking forward to see it progress. the beginning looks very prommising :)
The Dark Scream
Thats one cool looking ship. Interesting shape, beautifull lines. Very creative. :)
4 new MLCAD Ships WIPs
One ship is finished. Added some crew to brng it to life a little bit. Last pic with painted sails just to give an impression how it should look :)
LDD Imperial Gunship
Godd work. I like how you put so many cannons on such a small ship. It sure makes a nice coastal piratehunter.
HUGE LDD Second Rate ship of line
looks absolutly beutifull from the side and the bow is awesome too. but ou should beefen up her rear a bit. the sterngalery is beautifull.
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