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Eurobricks Vassals
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About agi2007

  • Birthday 05/04/1982

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  1. Hello dear, my name is Flora, I saw your profile today

    and i'm interested please, if its interesting to know who I am,

    please contact me with this email address (Flora_ttutu@ymail.com)

    so I will tell you more about myself, also send you my picture.

    and some information about my future .

    please contact me me directly at my email box not on the site .


  2. long time no see~~dear all Recently, the work is very busy~~ Now, working resigned ,some time creating new Hare some new noseart design for 7676 see they #DooKu Boot #separatist nightmare Rayman has designed these plans, the way I use my new design Dooku use old face and new hair..... I also make my noseart printing sticker show some pic have two kinds of stickers -----white page stickers & Transparent stickers Texture and detail are very good and~~ A Lego fan asked me if I can sell my own create 7676 noseart to him, Can I sell it ? I wonder if it will against Lego or Starwars copyright. Please give me some advices, Thank you very much!!
  3. Hello~dear all I saw this link about 8091 review!!!!80918091 review some build of this SET get me surprised Example~~ the wheel at the bottom...
  4. This SET, I have tried to make one. it reference some "8091"image this~ more pics in this link
  5. hello Zzz~ Yes! this image is my inspired I also find some way to print this on a sticker~~ Thanks you like it
  6. Hello dear Rayman~~ Thanks your praise~ I start design the Nose Art for 7676 when before i saw your design. Those are very shocked with me,and I'm very like it then I design my Nose Art for RGS These two Nose art which I also want to creat saw your design is so great Maybe another day I have to design one~
  7. TO Strand~~ Thank you~ YES!~my building which is to refer by this concept art I also find the other art on this model in game provide a reference. in this link StarCraft II
  8. WOW~~it look more powerful than Official design~~good job!
  9. This really not being "kid friendly". Maybe I can change about the design of this art Make it more "kid friendly" Thank you suggested
  10. I am a Lego fan from Taiwan, really excited to join EB and sharing my MOC. Through it, I can meet other Lego fan from different country. It is honored that I am not only received many compliments and support from you but also have my work on the front page by board master. Thank you all!!!
  11. Feet separation to make kneeling position is very interesting ideas
  12. OH ~ ~ bad! My title wrong ~ ~ ~ should be "terran", not "terrain" ~ ~ ~ YES~~I mean "terran"....Sorry! This is my fault Will, the administrator can modify the title do? ~ Thank you for reminding me ~ ~ This is what I did not notice when typing
  13. Hello dear all!~~ Today, I share a new design on the theme of Christmas "Trespass!!" Pantoran Senator-Riyo VS Talz ??!! the people in" The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Trespass" Hope everyone likes this art Thanks~
  14. Hello dear all!~~ Today, I share a new design on the theme of Christmas "I catch you baby!!" a sexy santa girl~~ Thanks for the support
  15. Thanks for your encouraged~CommanderFox"I with your command~SIR" and thanks everyone like my design I wil keep it up
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