I know I'm new but these are my plans
. One Vignette (Star wars of course) a day .One MOC(Star Wars of course) a week .I will also be working in Lego Licensed(Marvel/DC Heroes) and Lego City Just giving you all a heads up and the Vignettes will probably spark a series but we don't know now do we the books I read will probably influence the Vignettes/MOCs. Right now I'm reading Darth Plageius then I'll be moving onto The Old Republic: Revan. I will take all suggestions into account and will post the plans for the MOC a week before hand. -Brandon Thinkin about doing the WOBEGONE from Darth Plageus
MOC: Jedi Knighting
Great moc nice round feel and good use of vegetation.
Episode V - Carbon Freeze Chamber Diorama
Love the floor great use of bricks to create the perfect shape of the floor. Yet another brilliant MOC.
- [MOC]: The Infantry Support Platform (ISP)
Episode III - the birth of Vader
Great work on this MOC. I like how you created the floor with SNOT. The med droids were also made nicely and the detailing on the walls are spectacular.
Episode VI - "The End"
I love how you fit everything together so well in the moc from the Executor crashing to Luke burning Vader
Should Lego have gotten the deal for Halo sets
I don't know about you but mega bloks just feel cheap to me. Everytime I build with one it literally doesn't feel right so that's why I ordered my Halo stuff from Brickforge (which is amazing you should check out their website). To me so what if the minifigs are a little more detailed I personally like the Brickforge ones better. Vioce your opinion below.
- Sandyman's Water-Mill (Hobbiton, The Shire)
What DC/Marvel Hero/Villain Do You Most Want To See Made In LEGO?
Martian Man Hunter, The Flash, DareDevil, Bullseye, New Green Goblin
- [MOC] Stark Industries Armory [Iron Man Hall of Armor]
- MOC - Black Velvet Cafe and Accountant's Offices
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