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Eurobricks Vassals
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About bort138

  • Birthday 05/23/1987

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    Seattle, WA


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  1. Thought this was a real set at first. Really nice construction. Fantastic job!
  2. <----- Aquazone
  3. Very cool idea. It turned out very well.
  4. Sweet build. The world needs more Atlantis MOCs like this.
  5. Really great review. I would really like to own this set. Keeping my fingers crossed for a US release.
  6. You know you are a fan of LEGO when you visualize how you would build things you see in your everyday life out of LEGO throughout the day.
  7. I really enjoyed this review and the great pictures. I received this set when I was a kid for my birthday one year so it has a nostalgia factor with me. This set is notable for containing a lot of cool new parts like the dragon and wizard that later became staples in later castle themes. I also enjoy the play features like the trap door and secret wall passage. I really miss the style of box with the flap on the front and the tray with the pieces.
  8. will have to see this in person. less rides, more miniland!
  9. When I came out my dark ages and was going through all of my LEGO my pug chewed up my Darth Maul!
  10. Awesome! I had the toy of this when I was younger. Amazing work!
  11. brickcitydepot: 1 point brickzone: 1 point cecilie: 1 point kost u grlu:1 point Skalldyr: 1 point
  12. Seems like TLG dropped the ball on this one. Heads are hideous and the speeder and turret just look bland. However I will still probably pick this up and replace the fleshy heads with light bley ones. I would have liked to see a Pre Visla minifig in the set.
  13. are those black hot dogs on the front of the drill sub canopy?
  14. You own 406 sets (334 different). We have piece counts for 297 of them. Using that data we have calculated that you own 61,000 pieces! I have about 2,000 parts not from sets. You own 727 minifigs.
  15. At first I was pretty disappointed with the color change from lime green to yellow but then I realized that having more variation in color is better. Is it better to have 20 lime green atlantis minigures or to have 15 green minifigs and 5 yellow minifigs? New pieces in more colors = . Plus the trans yellow is perfect for Blacktron I MOCs.
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