I never got around to properly captioning them (just the flickr titles), but here are a few photos I took a couple of years ago to stave off the boredom whilst holed up in a company apartment waiting for my US work visa to get finalised (I am now back in sunny Edinburgh, thankfully).
This is not the beer you're looking for by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"So, shall we let him in, then?" by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"They'll never see this coming..." by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"Yes sir, I know he's your nephew, but this work experience isn't working out" by Flying Badger, on Flickr
Quick! Put an arrow in his knee! by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"You HAD to turn it on, didn't yoooooouuuu...." by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"So, this will make me taller? You're sure?" by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"It's the YTS lad again, sir..." by Flying Badger, on Flickr
"No sir, this also not the beer we're....understood, sir." by Flying Badger, on Flickr
And one from during the big snowfall in Boston this winter :
Gis us a go on the bike, mate, this is murder. by Flying Badger, on Flickr