Everything posted by funkybrick
[MOC] Medusa's Temple
I really like your MOC! The shape and structure of the temple looks really good, the owls are a nice Greek touch and, as others have already mentioned, medusa's hair is very creatively and well exectuted! Also, the petrified Greek (Athen?) looks fantastic! Cheers
[Quality Issue] Metallic Silver Crownie Helmet fading extremely fast
Thanks for all your replies! I'll contact the customer service :) Aaand I'm taking pics tomorrow if I get my digicam working. funkybrick
Your dream Lego theme
I don't know when the film came out, but it doesn't matter anyway... it definitely stays a dream license Not only with cars! For example, a set like "Jenson Ames car workshop" with all the figs from his team (except the chick), his car and some parts to upgrade or mod the latter. And, of course, some workshop backdrop. (30$) Or something like "race to freedom" which would come with a bridge (and many proper police cars). Of course there would be many cars, it'd be a racers theme! But not only cars. Cheers, funkybrick
Ye Old Forge
This is so incredibly super-awesome that it cannot even be described with words! Too.. cool.. too... handle. funkybrick
[Quality Issue] Metallic Silver Crownie Helmet fading extremely fast
Ah nice to have someone who understands my suffering
[Quality Issue] Metallic Silver Crownie Helmet fading extremely fast
Thanks for your replies. Well they have been touched quite rarely actually. Sunlight does come into the room they are displayed in through big windows but not that much (ground/first floor) and I can't imagine the sunlight having so much more effect on the metallic silver helmets than on all the other pieces? It's strange. I'll post pics if I find time. Cheers
[Quality Issue] Metallic Silver Crownie Helmet fading extremely fast
Hi, two days ago I noticed that the two crownie helmets of my 10193 Medieval Marketplace are already quite faded (the smooth metallic silver surface on the top, not the textured part), even though I have assembled it only about 3 months ago? And even the helmets from my 7094 King's Castle Siege (which is a great set by the way) which I assembled THREE DAYS AGO are already beginning to wear out/fade/degrade... and the same as with the MMV: it's just the smooth upper part of the helmet (I think). Anyone experiencing the same issue? That's annoying. Cheers, funkybrick
[Looking for] 6086 Black Knight's Castle MIB
Hi, I'm looking for this set "Mint in Box": It needs to be in mint/like new condition with box. Price is negotiable. I am also willing to trade. Write me a PM if you're interested, funkybrick
Your dream Lego theme
A Death Race license would be super-awesome! The film is great, and just imagine (no pun intended): an armored Ford Mustang V8 in Lego! Unfortunately not very likely, though. Cheers!
Review: 20018 Mini AT-AT
Very nice review! Overall, cool mini! I really like the head and the legs, but the body could be a bit more "thought-out" if you ask me. At any rate, you can see that TLC made great improvements of the last AT-AT mini! Cheers!
Which one should I get first?
If you really want to have both in the end, then hell yes, go for the older one first. If you are not that sure that you are going to end up with both, I'd buy the Grand Emporum. I really don't like it. But that's just me. Cheers
6016 Knight's arsenal
Good review! I don't like the set, though. I mean it's not bad, but the peak of castle (as well as pirates and many other themes, I LOVE that era) is definitely the 1990s. Most notably the 6086 Black Knight's Castle IMO (which I'm looking forward to buying, heh ). Cheers!
- Which set should I buy?
Which set should I buy?
Hi, the title says it all already. I found the UCS Batmobile new and sealed in a toystore today. It costs 70€, but maybe I could get it a little cheaper, as it boasts pretty heavy shelfware. The seals are intact though, even if almost not intact I need your opinions now. Should I buy it? I am not much into Bat-Man, so I'd probably use it as a parts pack. Selling would also be an option if I can make good profit. So guys, is it a good offer? Let's discuss. Cheers, funkybrick
20 gun frigate 'Vesta'
That is one excellent ship! I love the color scheme and the whole shape of that thing... The photos could have been better though, they are an understatement if you ask me. Cheers and Happy Building!
War has come!
Great! Excellent creation, really! I love the smaller temple "in the distance" and the flame effect very-well-though-out! Muy bien is all I can say. Cheers
The three SW sets you'd like TLG to release
Not exactly. In this thread you just briefly name three things you'd be very happy to see being released briefly and succinctly (applause for that sentence please). In the other thread (as far as I know) everyone posts a million suggestions and it's veery hard to keep track. Cheers
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
I don't know whether this was already posted, but I thought I should tell you in case it wasn't. I certainly don't bother reading the whole topic just to help. What I want to tell you is: the new Harry Potter sets are already out at some locations. At least they have them in the LEGO shop at Copenhagen airport. But you know, in Denmark Lego is... let's just say expensive. Cheers, funkybrick PS: I saw all the new sets except the Hogwarts castle. PPS: Ron hasn't only a scared face. It's a double-sided face and he's got a normal face also.
How to start building up a brick collection best?
Hi there, when I was a child, I had a pretty large lego collection. Then I got into my dark ages and the lego was stored away. Even in my dark ages, I checked Shop@Home now and then. Upon seeing the exclusive Taj Mahal one day, I was out of them and back in my lego ages. So I started buying sets again, new sets. Since I did not and do still not want to mix the shiny new sets with the scratched up bricks from my childhood (I just don't like 'well-used' lego pieces), I began to build up an entirely new lego collection, with my old sets and bricks still stored away and some of which sold to gain more money to spend on new lego. As a result, I'm left with many sets right now but I haven't got any loose bricks. I WANT TO MOC, though. My question now is: what exactly and where should I buy to get started with? My goal is to build up a substantial brick collection. I know, I could disassemble sets. But (1) I think I need many basic bricks as a start rather than speciality pieces and (2) I usually don't want to take apart the sets I buy. Thanks in advance Cheers, funkybrick
Order 65
Very nice vignette! I really like it! To me, it's clear what it's about (or what I think it's about)... a parody of order 66 in which not the jedi, but the clone troopers are killed and the executors of this order 65 are terrorists. Anakin is not their next target, he's marching with the terrorists just as (in Episode 3) he was marching with the 501st legion. At least that's how I interpret it. Am I wrong? Cheers! funkybrick EDIT: I just read the creator-of-this-topic's answer what it is about. Seems like I was totally wrong on that one.
Boba Fett Vs Boba Fett
I have just assembled my 8097 Slave I yesterday and I immediately fell in love with the new Boba Fett! He's absolutely awesome and looks more accurate than the previous incarnations of Mr Fett. Because he really looks dangerous and fearsome for the first time. The previous ones look rather 'nice' in comparison to it. The new Boba is a real bounty hunter. Although I do have to admit that the Cloud City Boba Fett is sweet too. And I don't own the Cloud City one, just the new one and the regular old ones. funkybrick
Minifg collectors series 2 pics and barcodes
They look very interesting. Are they the same cheap quality as Series 1 or better? funkybrick
The Crowd Favorite
My personal favourite is Duel on Chandrila by obxcrew. You probably want to know why. In my opinion, a MOC (or anything) doesn't have to be big to look good. It can be big, but big is not naturally better than small. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) - this is a very wise statement and I am completely positive about it. Look at those statues! They are perfect, because they are capturing the shape of the being they depict perfectly while being constructed in an incredibly simple way. The arms are just slope bricks. Yeah, just slope bricks, but everyone immediately recognizes them as arms! Of course one could add a thousand things to the statues, but, as Antoine de Saint-Exupery says, there's nothing left to take away. Perfection is achieved. Secondly, everything is "so smooth and tiled" (quote by KimT). Of course, smooth and tiled is pleasing to the eye. But obxcrew was clever enough (or forced to by the natural properties of LEGO bricks) to show some studs, which makes the overall creation pleasung and interesting to the eye. It adds some contrast. Speaking of contrast, the two figures, the duelists, come into play. They add an even more interesting contrast and create motion in the scene owing to the fact that the minifigs' poses are also, yes, perfect. Not to mention that I like the minifigs themselves very much... This is why I find Duel on Chandrila by obxcrew to be great.
Review: 8129 AT-AT
You know what is pretty strange? I already got the new Han Solo head in my copy of 8038 Battle of Endor! I didn't know what head it was until I read this review (which is very good, by the way). Well, I don't like it. On to the AT-AT set, I will most probably get it. Firstly, the design is really good (yeah I know, it's very similar to the previous AT-ATs but who cares? Their designs were very good already) and secondly: it's not fragile! An AT-AT set that's not fragile, I didn't expect that to ever exist . Oh, and the minifigs are nice. Greetings
Text Mistakes in LEGO Catalogs
As for text mistakes in LEGO catalogs, there's one in the 2009 (I think) catalog that will enrage every Star Wars fan around: with the 8092 Luke's Landspeeder set, the description (name) above the mini-image of the Luke Skywalker minifig says... Anakin Skywalker!!! I'm done with TLG. Wrong turns they have made, to the dark side!
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