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Admiral Starwind

Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. Well that is a long story in and of itself i guess the short of it would be yes, turns out its my best friend and she is just currently trying to end a relationship she is currently in so who knows, perhaps there is a Mrs Admiral Starwind in the future, lol. So how’s everyone been? I must admit i'm not moccing anymore as i have forgotten how to use the software i used to do my plans and my money these days goes into my car and other things like gear for Highway Rescue, but having said that i still have the hull and mast pieces so i could one day build the starwind one hopes, now i just need to find the parts list so when i have the money i can order the rest
  2. Dunno boys the title says it all after a respit of a few years i am back and kicking woot.
  3. Yeah its brutal and i'm still down for count im on max dosage pain killers right now its um fun.....anyways just letting ya know im still sick
  4. didnt know how sorry bout the absence ive had a viral throat infection which has knocked me on my megablocks hope to post again soon
  5. If i were to make her in real life id take the top layer off spray paint her very lightly and then re attach. More pictures probably today i just have been preoccupied.
  6. Nope not removing the top layer and the reason for that is that i haven't put the last layer of plates on the top for the yellow trim. just haven't got around to it.
  7. Admiral Starwind posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Lady Washington aka USS Enterprise(from Star Trek Generations) Real Version Lego Version so far This is the progress on her so far and i should have it completed soon as i fill in all the insides of the ship.
  8. The rigging looks fine to me although the color is somewhat in qusetion only due to the fact the rest is black.
  9. My sugesstion would be this IS take some tape prefereably a fibre tape or more commonly known as duct tape and tape along the cracks form the underside of the plate there by keeping the cracks together and you wouldnt see the tape due to the fact it i on the inside underside of the base plate and then if you wanted to really want to fix it further you would need some patience a steady hand and low voltage soldering iron and i would work from the inside melting the plastic back together from the inside underside again and when i did it i would melt across the break as opposed to with it.
  10. I like em all Aaron but they would work better in a fort setting as opposed to the deck of a ship due to the limited sixe of lego decks.
  11. the black knob denote a north american firing cannon in where we didnt get nice cannons where you could pull the knob back and then let the sucker fly instead we had to flick the end of the canon which caused it to fire rather lame actually.
  12. if you go to ldraw.org or soemthing and download the .dat files that are unofficial you should get enough to do what you need thats all i did i mean yes some of the pieces arent complete but they are complete enough to get the idea And i use MLCAD
  13. MR Phes let me put it to you this way no ship would have a shroud that is a pirate ship without having them combined the only ships that have shrouds without them combined is one where there would not be a crows nest or any other reason for them to ascend the mast cause you dont have one without the other. case in point. dont ask for clarification if you dont want it. And that crap as you put it is what we here in the western side of the world like to call a joke, pin , sense of humor, a hilarious anecdote perhaps usually followed by a guffaw or laugh in which certain hormones are released in the body producing a feeling of happiness and well being in which one has a good time.
  14. Yup now you be playing as would i i play with my legos all the time but i build my sets and then dream of making the starwind should i ever find the rest of my lego or else im gonna have to star buying them online
  15. Well here i am to save the day then lados and ahem A "Shroud One of a set of strong ropes extending on each side of a masthead to the sides of a ship to support a mast laterally. Shrouds take their name from the spars they support." Mr Tordenskjold 1 / Mr Phes 0 Next Round
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