Everything posted by Lord Starkiller
Lego and deodorant?
I was messing about with My Lego, When I saw A Small Sharpie Smudge on the Back of my Clonetrooper minifig! I Grabbed my Deoderant can and hoped the high presure Liquid would take it off. Turns out the chemicals React and turn the Dry sharpie back to liquid form! Here's what to do: You need: 1 Can of Deodourant ( I Used Lynx) Something to cover your mouth with ( You don't want be Breathing this stuff in!) A Sink 2 rubber gloves ( Sharpie Stains.) What do do: Get your deodorant and spray it ( At point Blanc) at the Sharpied Area for around 20 seconds. Hold the Figure over a Sink and Quickly ( With gloves on) Rub the Sharpie off. Be sure to apply Presure, but not too much, you don't want to Take the Print off! Be sure to Cover mouth and nose to Stop The Chemicles from getting to your Lungs. Done!
Princess Zelda
The Photomakes the head look Green! D: but Ver nice!
Dark Helmet
"Is There anybody Here who isn't an Ar****le?!" I Love the Helmet! Can I Buy? ..█████████████.......▐█▄▄▄▄█▌ ███████████████...........██ ████▄███████████....██ ▄▄▄▄▄█████████████ ^Whale!
MMS Murmeltier
Love the Hair! Did you Mold it yourself?
Attacking the Outpost
Hey Look! It's Domino Squad! Anyway, I LOVE the fountain!!!!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Some of these are: ▄██████████████▄▐█▄▄▄▄█▌ ██████▌▄▌▄▐▐▌███▌▀▀██▀▀ ████▄█▌▄▌▄▐▐▌▀███▄▄█▌ ▄▄▄▄▄██████████████▀ But some are Epic!
The best battlepack?
Wait a second... That can't be right.. For set 7667, I got 3 Shadow troopers and 1 Storm Trooper! Sweet!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Whoops! Double Post!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
ARGHHHHHHH! it's Worse than Justin Bieber!
Blog Banners Vote
I would choose either Rufus's or Luxors 3rd Banners, As they include Figures from both Series 1 and Series 2 of the actual Starwars Movies.
[MOC] UCS Infantry Support Platform
Pretty Awesome! But The Front is a bit Sharp... All you need now is An UCS Set-Sized Clone trooper!
[MOC] UCS BARC Speeder
Awesome! Could use Color in the correct Places though.
Still in the 'Dark Ages' but...
Dark Ages.... Hmmm, don't You guys have the Plague? Any way, a bit late but.... Welcome to EB!
The Parasite Is Spreading....
I was ill that day. Now, Who remembers the One-Eyed Mutant Teleporting Turtle Monster Epidemic last Year? Now THAT was Fun.
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Whoops! Double Clicked! Please Ignore this Post!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Yet another Case of 'Singed Flesh'.
MOC: Battle of Hoth
Hilarious! Good Job! Before anyone else says it, Try a Pure 1 Color Background, and Better Lighting. or Even just Tint the Picture a Bit white, cause the Snow troopers look Yellow! The First picture is OK though!
Red Microphone
Unfortuantly, the megaPhone, it looked rare, but oh well, Well, i did have a Red Skeliton head, That Rare?
MOC: Clone Wars Battle Scene
This is not a MOC - My Own Creation, It is a Diarama, or a Vignatte or a.... Nope, its a Diarama. Still, Love your Assasin Droid!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Lol, there are no funnies on thispage!
The Parasite Is Spreading....
You obviously haven't seen Our Zombies. *Picks up Gattling Gun*
Red Microphone
I know this is meant to be in the red Brick Thread, but I don't know where it is so.... I found a red Microphone in my brick box, is it Rare?
LDD LU Mode Minifigs
I love the third.
Happy Birthday Deinonychus
^Happy Birthday^
Brickarms Gunblade
I Also have A pure White.
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