2010 Community Build
My funds for the fort have run dry...I do have a pre-lim build though. Would that still be acceptable for the overhead shot? I'd like to see the whole map completed, and I don't want it to be held back because of me. Its not going to judgeing quality, but I'm not concerned with winning. Thanks, -Will
Coastal Cannon Battery
Excellent! I'm not a big fan of redcoats, but nonetheless, awesome job! The Extension is very nice also -Will
Red Coat Army (577 and counting)
Black Epaulette? Fantastic!! I was waiing for one of those. But anyway, very nice collection. I am especially favored to your blackcoats Also, 10 bluecoats is better than my army of 8 Highlanders..... -Will
A WIP American Schooner of the line*odd, I know* the U.S.S Charger
Fantastic! Looks to be a good vessel. Good luck! -Will
Flagship of pirates fleet - Pluto
Excellent! As said before, very menacing. I wouldn't want to run into it on the high seas. The only changes I would make on it are the Cannon port covers, maybe make them 2 x 2 flag size. Try printing out a bigger flag for the back, possibly a real Pirate's flag. (ie: Blackbeard, Morgan, Rackham) A little bit of history never hurts -Will
Questions to Lego collector
Try an acrilic case. I got one for my prized minifigure, a Clone Army Custom trooper. Keeps him totally dust-free. I saw one guy display his space collection in a big glass case also. Check out the link most of the way down the page. Check the link about Here It is
Beautiful vessal! The colors are fantastic, and I like the way you did the sails Got any below decks photos? -Will
Welcome to the Locker, Mistah Turner!
Fantastic Mr. Sly Owl! I've always loved your inventive work. I love the Davy Jones. -Will
Very nice floor plan! How many cannon is it going to hold? -Will
IFS BSB SES et al. Comparing shots
Wow.... Thats something else. I wish I had just ONE of those ships. My fleet count is at its all time high: 0 Does your girlfriend have a sister that gives out Lego's as gifts? -Will
The Building of Fort St. Katherine
Thanks! I was considering 3 guns on each side, but I didn't know if the odd number would look weird? Thanks for the input on the cross-sections, I don't know why I thought a minifigure was only 3 bricks tall. I'm ordering a new baseplate tonight, and maybe the bricks sometime later this week. Thanks! -Duffman
James' Blacksmith
Very nice! I like your anvil idea. -Duffman
The Building of Fort St. Katherine
Hi all! Thought I'd share some drawings I have made for the Soldier's Fort, St. Katherine. Right now, every side has 4 cannons. After comparing this to a 32x32 baseplate, I think each side will only be able to have two. 32x32 isn't as big as I thought it was...... Right now the color scheme is reddish brown representing logs, and tan, representing mortar. Here's what i have so far: Bird's Eye View Cross-section C@C Welcome -Duffman
Duffman started following The Building of Fort St. Katherine
2010 Community Build
Why yes i do! I'm really looking foward to starting the project. Already drawing up the plans.. -Duffman
Howdy from Western Pa!
Thanks guys! I apprechiate the warm welcome.
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