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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by TechnicHead41

  1. They look very nice ! But where is the spring on the pump ?
  2. After seeing all those wonderfull work places it's about time to show mine too... See the rest of them here: http://www.moc-pages.com/moc.php/427059
  3. does any one have the part number on the new tumbler tyres and rims ??
  4. Hello fellow Eurobrickers ! I want to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. Will looking forward to a new year with new mocs from you all and my self of course. Dan. aka Technichead 41 ...
  5. Whats that in the upper let corner, the red one ?? Have never seen that one before !!
  6. Just got a call from costumer service, the nice lady told me it's possible for me to order the cylinders in about 2 weeks time. :) and at the same time i will get the other parts that i ordred for free. She also told me it was an error in there system that didn't allowed them to order the parts .
  7. Yeah ! i could try that. But i think i all ready know answer to that. But anyway i think the price is still cheaper at TLG.
  8. the reason i want those long cylinders is because i hope one day to build this one here The Volvo lm218
  9. it's those ones here: it's just wierd when i spoke with the woman at SAH, she told me about those parts were in there system. when she had figured something out she would call me back later and i'm still waiting for that call ?? maybe tomorrow.
  10. but that don't make any sense to me, because when i spoked with the seller she told me that they had those parts in there system. and later today i got this email. The demand for the item(s) listed below has exceeded our expectations and the item(s) are no longer available. We regret to inform you that the order for these item(s) has been cancelled from your order. what do they mean about that exceeded expactations ????
  11. Can anybody tell me why it's not possible to order of some the parts from the 42043 mercedes truck. Tried early today to order some parts for a moc. The parts where : But according to the mail i recieved later today TLG says that those parts are not yet avaible. So why is it not possible to order them now ??? It seems that i cannot get the picture links to work The parts ere the new pneumatic cylinders 2x11 and 1X11.
  12. Man ! can't wait until december 1.st will defently watching this space for Jim and Sariels pictures of the new sets.
  13. No programming is used, only the rcx remote so far.. But if i'm gonna use NQC.
  14. Cool arm ! If you have a EV3. But sorry to say i do not even own one. :(
  15. So how do you think about this big robotic arm ? Any thoughts about any improvements or other things ?? Maybe a video of in action or close up pictures of the gripper it self ??
  16. Hello ! About time for me to present a new moc again, This time it's a robotic arm that is controlled by and old rcx brick via remote control. Sorry about the missing pictures but it is to dark now me to take any one. But i promise you as soon as i can get some god shoots i will post them here and on mocpages. All i can tell about it, that its yellow and very BIG. And finally i also have some other moc's that i will upload very soon. So keep your fingers crossed. ;) See ya ! Edit: Now for some pictures.. Hope you like the pictures, see the rest of them her: http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/421726
  17. Here is the video of my megawalker.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km3uwGfPscw
  18. As promised , here are some picture of the 42043 front suspension the way i think it's build. Have already got an idea on how to make the steering.. See the rest of the pictures here. http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/414118
  19. Yup ! can't wait for them to arrive. By the way, i think i have found out how the front suspension works. will post some pictures tomorrow...
  20. Sorry to bump this old thread ! But i would love to have some pictures or a ldraw file of your gearbox ZBLJ. I do have looked at your youtube video, but there were some steps that i dont understand..
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