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Mr. Bates

Eurobricks New Members
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  1. Thank you for the replies. I suppose I should do the same as that guy and sent a couple million more e-mails, Mwah!, ah!, ah!, ah! >:-). Just kidding. One thing Pirate fans could do, albeit insignificant, is this: For those of you who don't know (very few, I'm sure), there is a survey at www.acnielsen.aim.dk/lego. If I recall correctly, one of the questions asks what's your favorite theme (or set, I'm not sure). Either way, just answer 'Pirates' or indicate a set number of the pirates theme. This probably won't change a thing, but it's better than just waiting TLC to produce a new Pirates line. With this I bid all farewell for today. Thank you for your threads, and good night.
  2. Thank you for answering, Mr. Tiber *pirate* . I've not explained myself conveniently. When I said it was unfortunate to become a pirate fan, I meant it to become one nowadays, because ever since I was a Lego collector I always privileged the Castle and Town themes and during that time just bought two Pirate sets (namely, 6232 because of the skeleton and 6247). Hence my disappointment in knowing that Lego probably won't be producing any more sets for the time being. As for a new pirate theme, I would prefer TLC to produce it than to produce none.
  3. First of all, congratulations to all Lego Pirate fans out there. Unfortunately for me, I've also became one. I say unfortunately, because nowadays Lego no longer produces Pirate sets and it's very hard to find old ones, especially in good conditions. Personaly, I've always thought the Pirates to be one of Lego's major successful themes, so I really don't know why TLC stopped producing them. Does anybody know if Lego will produce new sets in the near future? If not, how about Lego Pirate fans launch a campaign similar to that of the 9v train system? Anyway, glad to be aboard this forum. *pirate*
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