tedbeard started following Minifig Customisation Workshop , LEGO Pirates , General LEGO Discussion and 7 others
Eagles from space: 1999 TV show
I supported this already as well. I cannot believe it has not gotten more than it has. You have done such a great job of making such a classic sci-fi vehicle.
Are FOLs particularly susceptible to the IKEA effect?
I am not sure this query makes any sense. If someone wanted a pre-assembled model of anything they would not be buying LEGO at all. The building experience is what is being purchased, not the finished product. There is no LEGO model of anything that would not be more accurate to the prototype if done in other forms (ie diecast). Nobody buys IKEA for the building process itself.
Advice on displaying a layout at a local train show
Wow, that looks great, so much packed into such a compact space and so much movement must been really interesting for the crowds to see.
Train Projects on Lego Ideas
Darn! I saw this, rushed over to support and I am already supporting it. I cannot believe it has only 1760 supporters with 21 days to go. As you say it is a great sized idea, looks fantastic and should even appeal to fans of The Railway Series (Thomas and Friends). If this one cannot get reasonable support I despair of any decent train idea getting through.
London transport
Those both look great but I am most impressed with such a good 6-wide double-decker.
- 3 Modular Houses - old & modern, with Kwik-E-Mart, TBBT and more
- [MOC] Ferry
A Minifig to Represent Each Country? Help!
I'm Canadian and I'd choose the lumberjack. Or rather I'd take the axe away and give him a coffee cup and a laptop and make him look more like the hipsters I see downtown. ;)
Storage Survey
What Other Lego Website's do You Use?
Brothers Brick Brickwiki Classic-Castle Brickset
- MOC: Modular Tudor Style Pub
A better alternative to baseplates?
^ Colour is almost irrelevant in landscaping as good landscaping does not use plain baseplates. If I had my choice I would go with mostly blue baseplates to allow for ponds, rivers, streams, lakes, oceanfront etc. where the lowest level is "water". This also means that dirty, marked up, slightly damaged baseplates bought used at garage sales are totally fine so the cost argument is not so strong.
A better alternative to baseplates?
Well, having been involved with a lot of collaborative displays for large events I would have to say the answer to your question is, not really. Baseplates are not only the substrate that allows for easy movement of chunks of landscaping but they are also a measurement system and integral to the planning of most layouts. Whether you are building using the Modular House Standard or the Base8 modular landscaping standard or other similar systems for mapping out terrain it makes the most sense to use the 32x32 baseplate to cover large areas. Using plates as you are doing makes for excellent terrain at a reasonable price but I don't see it replacing baseplates.
2016 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Adult Hobbyist of LEGO and it is meant to sound rude. The first time I heard the term was at BrickCon from Aaron Dayman back in 2011. Not sure if he coined the phrase or someone in the group of builders he was hanging out with.
[MOC] Sea Duck from Disney's TaleSpin
Thanks for those shots. I prefer these to renders because I can see how you designed it better.
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