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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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About Roebuck

  • Birthday 12/21/1979

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    Pirates, castle, modular buildings and HP/FB

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  1. it looks fine to me, if we get a new one maybe coral would de a nice color for it
  2. No wolf mould in the Twilight house just a brick built one..
  3. They probably have at least one big bin of goats on storage, with every other part they have made. When designers make a new set they probably need to have access to older parts out of production, sometimes they need one to make a set work, for displays in Lego house etc, promos like this etc..
  4. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEpjoxYoV9O/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  5. The parts that was not already moved before standard closed down have been out of stock, but seems like some of them are starting to show up. We only have standard parts now it seems: they moved almost everything to bestseller closed down standard for the holidays and seems like they renamed bestseller as LEGO® Pick a Brick
  6. Have been really lucky with the wolf hunt here in Norway, got the first ones record early before Christmas, then a few after and on the new year my local grocery store had them on sale (perfect timing). So when I got the box I had ordered this week I put most of the box up for sale right away Seems like some stores got them really early and some only this week, and after the first rush is over they probably will be easier to find when stores restock.
  7. I assume it will be back?! The tax collector pants showed up again now
  8. Not bad, I like the look of the set. I do not buy the BL sets, but some really good ones this round. Would be interesting if Lego made something similar, after all all the minifigs are just reuses so we do not get anything new here except stickers..
  9. What colour do they have (seen maybe one or two movies back in the day, but not my thing so forgot most of it)?
  10. I think it has been a issue for many years now, so could not have been long after they where in shops. As far as I know the issue is fixes so parts still in production is easy to swap, however that do not help with unique minifigs, animals etc
  11. They have the tower boxes with a complete series that a shop here sells, they even sent them to Lan members for review now I see, so they could just start selling those I fear you might be right They eared money on the goat in the CMF when it was a new mould. Then they recoloured it and included it in a set and demand more than what the hole CMF cost for it, that is just greed
  12. I agree! I picked up 3 paladins this week together with series 27 since my neighbour grocery store has CMF on sale (excellent timing). The paladins have been left alone on shelf there for a long time now, the first 2 weeks are crazy then most people have gotten what they want or give up, when the shops restock later the chances are a lot higher for a wolf or two I had not thought about that possibility, but you could be right CMF typically use some of the budget for moulds that other sets without the budget need, and Ideas usually do not have a high budget for moulds etc..
  13. Looks like my hope in HP gave us a new recolour before I was expecting it
  14. Lego has a new design lead now that came from Speed champions and I fear that can have something to do with the F1 line and lack of animals. He is well know and with out doubt very talented however that do not mean he has a sweet spot for animals. I hope I am wrong, but here is a very interesting interview with him: If you just want to hear the animal part it starts here; He seems pleased with the animals so hopefully this year is the exception and we are back on track next year in City
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