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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by samurai-turtle

  1. Try Captain Planet. Sorry, it was just the first thing I thought of when I seen the MOC. Looking at it more it sounds like the contest is more to blame, but I guess "universal themes" could be to blame also. And I guess I am that old to think of it.
  2. With their powers combined... That is the first thing I thought of and probably for a good reason... I hope to see some more to see any differences.
  3. Well, it looks like this section of the site is dead...
  4. Suddenly finding finding the party back at Heroica Hall. Polaris and MILES just went quietly to their room. MILES eventually went off somewhere, Polaris unaware of "his" location, mostly because she was sleeping and meditating most of the time. Trying to improve herself with the sudden free time she had...
  5. What just happened? /// Unknown Data. If "people" can do that why do we need spaceships? /// More Unknown Data.
  6. I am still technically around. I just haven't said anything. Still check the site at least once a day. Doesn't help the quest I was on is basically dead now. @Waterbrick Down I am guessing you haven't heard back from Kintobor and wanting to wait until your current quest is over to give any updates on that front...
  7. Well I guess this no one's business...
  8. Well it seemed to happen sooner than later, what is the protocol when the "mission master" disappears? @Waterbrick Down From the looks of it @Kintobor hasn't been on the site in over a month. So is "mission eight" spended? Which kind of sucks for @Dutch Thriceman and myself since we seem to be the only two that has been checking the site on a semi regular basis.
  9. MILES see what you can get off this date-pad. /// Processing... Mmmm it looks like some of the daggers are missing. I wonder what happened to them.
  10. I will be interested to see what else you have planned @Waterbrick Down
  11. Well the cause of death is obvious the "big" slash across his chest (and the fluid loss). But from the looks of things he has been dead for a couple big days. Checking his personal belongings might give a clue to what could happen... And he is off, Yelana you better go after him, to make sure he doesn't bite off more than he can chew. @Classic_Spaceman
  12. Aaammmm, yes... Well, you should at least let me try. Besides autopsy stuff is not really my specialty... Wasn't their spouse to be other medical professionals around here?
  13. This seems like the best advice at the moment... Sorry to say this but at the pace the "mission " is progressing I seem to be indifferent at this time. When any update is like a week at a time, one starts to put any response on the back burner. I feel like well it will be another week before an update again so what is the rush. Sorry Kintobor, I know it is not really your fault, but I hope you see my point. Plus even if Classic_Spaceman does start responding to everything now I probably would just ignore it.
  14. Wait what? MILES star scanning the crowd for anyone leaving. /// Scanning started, processing. You think, one person seem to be already dead, don't need more at this time. Yes it looks like it. Maybe, I can do some medical triage on them. They might be as dead as the people think...
  15. We better hurry up and find out what is going on. Hurry up Yelana, or we will leave you behind.
  16. I saw Dr. Strange (The Multiverse of Madness) yesterday. And I feel like ruining the last thing said in the movie... It's over, it's finely over.
  17. I think they want to play it their way only. And the heck with any rules. Look if you really feel that way you could always delete the post yourself. It will still be their, all you would have to do is edited it to be blank or something. Personally, I think you could still play your character how ever you want to just make some adjustments...
  18. I think it could be the cause of your memory problems, but what do I know. Some mercenary Captain, but it sounds like he was working for some government, that the "pirate" ticked off.
  19. Now you don't need to be that way. I made recommends and I am sure others can make some more if you need more help. If I could make some recommendations, for your character equipment. I would say use the "Marine Kit" set up, but you would have to boost up a few stats, for example... I think I did it right, been a little bit since I looked at the full rule list (I could be rusty on this stuff). Technically one could star with a cloaking generator. You just need to pick the right set up, "spy kit" for said cloaking generator. Not sure what the motorcycle would be used for his horse I guess.
  20. Well someone thinks he was a pirate, if not me personally. These person's want us to make sure. And close your jaw Yelana, I think it is a little late for any of your craziness to be going on... Your memory does seem to be an issue now. Do you even remember how you go that scaring on your head? Well it sounds like you got your answer their. Who knows their might be some mess up idiot who want to fight. Yelana and me ran into some couple of some sort who seem like good candidates for a beating. You remember Yelana they were all paranoid over something.
  21. Maybe I just have a different idea what fun is. Just what was already been said, that he might of been some sort of pirate. If their is no other issues, and this seems to be going nowhere. I am just going to check out the shooting contest.
  22. Some people hate surprises... The fact that is hasn't rusted up in the lake saids the lake should be looked at, who knows what it could bring to society. Only one person here brought up assassins. Pointing at Yelana. Besides a person can change but, someone from "Fit-It's" past could want some sort of payback for his past deeds.
  23. How should I put it. It is like one of those mystical creatures the adults tell the kids. All the adults know it is made up, but will not tell the kids the truth. Or, I will put it this way, it is like having four guards for a single credit. Who is going to steal a single credit? Most likely you find a single credit and just put it in your pocket.
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