Everything posted by Larsen
MOC Millenium Falcon
Hi Lobot. Thanx for the comments, those where my exact thoughts on the size as well. I don't mean to be pompous or anything, but I do feel that LEGO could have done a better job on UCS Falcon, especially considering size and proportions. Take a simple thing as the size and especially the height of the landing gear... it's way off. Han has to bend down a little to get off the loading ramp. I haven't for instance seen one set yet that really gives the boarding ramp the love it really deserves, for me the ramp is a major part of the design and should be treated accordingly. Again not to flame the UCS, I know everyone consider it the, well Ultimate:-) and I do think it's very very cool. Sorry, nough ranting from me. Yeah I've tried different sources, incl bricklink. My biggest problem is that in using Bricklink I - living in Denmark - can't buy from the US, well I could, but it'd be very expensive to import. I have been using a supplier named it's really good, but the prices are about the same as new bricks, so I figured I'd rather have new ones. I haven't tried Byggeklodsen yet tho. I'm somewhat confused tho, not having used Bricklink for anything other than complete sets, how does it work ordering different bricks from different sellers, I mean it must all cost a lot in shipping?
MOC Millenium Falcon
Thank you kermit. Been struggling with the plating, but I think I got it sorted. The square gap that forms at the joint will bee filled with greebles anyway, so no worries. I was rather surprised to see how big the central circular dish had to be, I was going on what I remembered, so I basically guessed at the size, when I did the math tho I was way off. Same goes for that fuselage section where the docking rings will attach. I have the proportions right, but I'd calculated that it'd be ok to use a 45 degree angle, knowing that it wouldn't be correct, but passable... But sadly I was wrong again. This makes it rather wide, no the proportions between it and the centralspine don't hold up. PLUS I can't seam to confirm weather these have a slight tilt down towards the edges or if they're straight. Anyway now the proportions are right, only now the central spine running down between the mandibles, isn't big enough. I just can't seam to confirm the right size of this thing... Plus it looks like it's actually getting broader towards the centercirclegunmountthingy, Blast it... AND I'm starting to run out of bricks as I try out new methods. Not sure the wife will approve of another order from LEGO. Please disregard the other colors than grey, I really have to try different designs out before I go negotiate with the misses for more parts. I want a LEGO making machine for Christmas:-(
- MOC Millenium Falcon
[MOC] UCS Nebulon B - Medical Frigate 'Redemption'
Wow... great job man. I love the attention to detail and proportions, very well done! Would you mind telling me where you bought your bricks? Brian
MOC Millenium Falcon
Thank you... I'm not sure yet. I have been attempting to do the internal structure, but what I found was that it was rather impossible before I had an idea about where I needed support for the different things, like the mandibles, cockpit and the two "tunnels" that run from the center of the ship. So I started building those things first, before long we can begin to attempt to build the internal structure again... At first I didn't wanna bother, but thinking about I'm pretty sure that my son would rather enjoy having the the option of stuffing some minifigs inside, so I guess some sort of interior is an option. BTW... what is it with the uploader, how come I can only upload 100K of images, do I have to bother with external links then?
MOC Millenium Falcon
Hello I'm rather new to this forum, I've been lurking for some time tho. I've always considered the Falcon to be one of the coolest designs around. I've also been telling myself if I ever got around to wanting to build it, I'd do it from scratch and in styrene, maybe on a wooden base, like the studio scale. I've certainly been telling myself that doing it in LEGO is stupid, it's hard to get the dimensions right and it'll cost you:-) Until my 5 year old came to me one day and said: "Dad I'd really like a LEGO MF!" I said: "The current set isn't really that cool, and the proportions are way off, plus it's really expensive!" I probably shouldn't have said that, cuz he looked at me and I could tell he was putting two and two together. Then he said: "Dad, why don't we just build our own Falcon then... and it's gotta have guns dad, on top and on the bottom?" I thought what the hell, and we started putting some pieces together, it quickly became apparent tho, that we did not have the needed parts, not if it was to be anywhere close to looking like the Falcon. I did some research and found some good references including the base drawing of the MF off of So this may go a bit slow, cuz I'm doing this with my 5 year old, but it's for him , and that's the way it is. Anyway, this is our attempt at the Millenium Falcon, she's gonna be something around 65-70cm. About 0,78 percent of the studio scale. As of now, we've managed to build the forward mandibles which are pretty close to sticking to the proportions. The angle looking from the top, is slightly off, but acceptable. The cockpit is a real PITA, and obviously too big, but that is a trade off so it'll fit two minifigs. This is the 4th or 5th time we've rebuild these sections alone and I think we're pretty close to what we can accept. We hope to get some good suggestions along the way, and a lot of fun out of this thread. Brian and son
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