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Mr. Gundam

Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. Thats right Penkid11, Ouna came out looking great. I also want to thank CM4Sci for how accurate his drawings are. Awesome bro
  2. Outside of the other creatures, i hope we get a drawing or pic of Gali and pohatu. Too many different description about whether pohatu has a mace or a flail. Also i think TLC got rid sec functions for the weapons
  3. Woah leaks, Couple of things to point out: Gali: her should armor is the skull grinder knee piece in two colors! Lewa: i think his weapons are supposed to be tonfas Pohatu: u can notice the chain under lewa but i cant make out whats it connected too
  4. Does Lewa have legit Axes or something different?
  5. Ok ok, I did it to myself.... Do you mean blended in color or function a la 2015?
  6. Plz answer my request for the tools of the toa
  7. Thanks for giving us a couple of hints: I have a question Can you tell us the new tools/weapons they are using? You dont have to give a full description, just want to know if Tahu still using a swrod or Lewa an AXe
  8. Real or Fake we got something new to talk about, Wonder what they mean by double function? Onua's current weapon can combine, so i guess it will look more like a drill. Pohatu's 2 new axey-blade-dagger things sounds like Lewa's axes Gali, Tahu, and the creatures sound great!
  9. I don't know about some of yall not liking Grievous design. When you look at pics from the star wars wiki (minus more leg armor) is pretty accurate. They even added the fuse arms together function from the franchise. You know what, he needs a cape
  10. @Rayskull, the extensions on the legs are genius, pure genius @LewiMOC, Your Ekimu MOC is awesome
  11. THESE ARE PRELIMINARY Thank you, everyone these are coming out in August. Can we stop getting mad at betas please. We're getting two-tone NEW chest pieces, the sword and axe molds looked great, they are keeping gearboxes, and gold protector masks.
  12. I was thinking that aswell. But i'm expecting this new storyline will have easter eggs from Gen 1 all over the place. That doesnt change the fact there hieroglyphics depict the toa coming from six different planets. Which is the coolest thing to think bout
  13. Thanks VBBN, These combiners look great. I notice in the videos it seems you can keep the Protector model together just with less armor. This would be a nice placement for what avg. villagers look like
  14. I like Jang bricks cus he's one few that would review alternative forms and combiners
  15. Oooh Snap!, thank you so much for the combiner pic. Appreciated
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