Lego Starbug from British TV show Red Dwarf
I have finaly finished my lego Starbug from the British TV show Red Dwarf, It has taken over 5 years and you can see more photos on my flickr account of the detailed and playable interior. Starbug 1 by Patrick Gregory, on Flickr
Starbug SHIP Update
Well I have been building a bit so here is Starbug once again still in WIP stage. I have nearly finished ad have ran out of green bricks again. The red sections will be replaced with green and details. The legs have toes and support most of the weight of the ship, but the rear legs started to seperate when left for 6 hours so 1 clear support has been added to the rear sphere. The overall length is 85 studs with a curent height of 40 bricks this will increase when the fins are added, the width is 86 studs and weighs 10Kg. There is still a lot more detail to be fitted inside and out so it still has some time yet until we are truly finished but at least you can see its shape now. you can see more pictures of this minifig scale creation of mine at Flickr
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
Yes also have Back to Earth and Beat the Geek. A Mr Flibble puppet, All the head knockers the corgi models lots of magazines and books.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
I'm a big RD fan I have all the original VHS episodes and the Remasterd episodes as well as all of the DVD versions, Including Smeg ups and outs Tounge Tied the music Video and a vinal copy of the song tounge tied. All in all I have too much RD stuff around.
The Rodger Young (Mini) from Starship Troopers
Amazing very detailed.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
Yes go watch Red Dwarf, It is great news that they are making a new series and I would love to have this finished for that event. Even better would be if it could go into one of the episodes say Lister is building it. I do have a plan to put a female (Hattie) Holly in Starbug but you will have to wait for that.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
It takes alot of green bricks and alot of creative problems to overcome. But I would love to see some more Red Dwarf Lego creations out there. I was going to do a mini fig Red Dwarf but only having 5 or so rooms in it, I may still build it once I have finished Starbug, but then I may also build one of the Blue Midgets.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
K-3PO's head is to round I think, I guess I will have to be patient on that side of things. Meanwhile construction is slowing down again now but I now have another floor in the rear sphere with a medi bay and escapepod along with my working vending machine.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
Oh I know of G&T and they know of me, To be honest I know the creators of that site very personaly and I don't think I can use the word here I would use to describe them. Never the less This model is on the biggest Red Dwarf Forum which is at On the topic of the Small Rouge One (Red Dwarf) I enitialy set out building that but Starbug offered more excitment and challenges, with the biggest challange still to come which is the curviture of the engine hosing. I may try building Red Dwarf again in the future but alot of my red bricks now are deep inside starbug keeping it solid. There is a link in the first post for the episode gunmen of the apocolyse on youtube, you must watch that episode if you do anything today. Thanks for the support. I have 2 options for Krytens head as I see it at the moment 1st I could use a Tan 1x1 brick (simple but effective). 2nd I have a damaged c3p0 head if I where to take a knife to it it would resemble kryten. Note: I have never and will proberbley never intensionaly destroy/modify LEGO bricks so I guess i'm left with option 1 or a find another methord.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
I allready have some parts of the figs but i have created a minifig sized skutter and a larger version as well
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
I have been working on this project for over a year writing a construction journal as I go. I still am only half way though but I have seen some old posts on here refering to Red Dwarf, so I thought I would share. If you dont know what starbug looks like here is a corgi model that I have based my scaling measurements from. You can see my construction journal on The Red Dwarf Network or Moc Pages or for just the photos on Flickr If you still have no idea what Red Dwarf is I encorage you to watch this episode on you tube, Gunmen of the Appocolypse
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