Everything posted by Edlund
MOC: Minifig-scale Renault Kangoo
I have seen this MOC in real, and these pictures just dont make it justice, it looks even better in real. It looks as spot on as it can in this small scale. Good job.
What Daniel needs
Could we have some close-up pictures, like on minifigs etc. please?
CIS Hangar Diorama FINISHED 100%
Oh, okay. Thanks, but how did you attach it? Can you post a closeup pic please?
What Daniel needs
I sent you a pm.
Thank you. I know, i have been a "lurker" for a long time. The reason I joined was to vote in a poll, and answer a topic in the buy and sell forum. Tack. Thank you. Dennimator told me about an event in billund (he is overexcited already ) that you guys are going to have, and it sounds fun. My parents arent like dennimators though so I probably wont come, but I will surely check the pictures out.
What Daniel needs
Ooh! Yes please! I´ll check the list and get back to you shortly.
Good moc. It looks really alike the original.
Sub Zero Aero Fighter - For the Hoth Rebels
Wow! Your moc looks really good! I like the sand blue adition.
Wookie Battle Mech
Looks like star wars vs exo force vs steampunk. I like.
Mando battle pack in 2011?
I hope this will happen, i really like mandalorians and the price on jango fett is just insane.
Question about Darth Vader's TIE Advanced?
This set is.. ok. I dont like the big pieces at the back. If you get it for discount though, its worth it.
[Review] 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder
Good review. I will probably just buy the fig from ebay though, as the set is really expensive. :/
CIS Hangar Diorama FINISHED 100%
Wow, this is great! I love it! How did you do put the blue 1x1s on the round slope in the entrance?
Hi, Im a friend of Dennimators and a huge Star Wars fan, and he showed me this site today. I have browsed the site a bit and looked at all the wonderful star wars creations. Im pretty much a novice builder and enjoy looking at mocs more than actually building them, as i know most people are much better builders than me, including my friend. He has gave me a few building tips but I enjoy only the sets and looking at you wonderful mocers creations. P.S: Im sorry for my english, im not very good at it.
What did you buy today?
I bought a Anakins Starfighter set today for 15%off.
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
My favourite would be the new Death star. I really love it.
What Daniel needs
Hi, can you trade me those figs? Dont worry about me being a new member, Dennimators my friend and he knowing im a huge star wars fan he showed me this page and i would really like to trade those figs. is it okay? Please post here what you want for them if it is. Thanks.
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