USS Emerald
Yes, they have the American Stickers I posted earlier... and as a matter of fact, I just got my camera back today.. I had left it at my aunt's house.. and so I'll post some pictures a little later..
USS Emerald
Thanks for the suggestions everyone... I have changed the sterncastle's railing to white, and I've made the white flow a little better, I've also moved the cannons back. The window is light grey, because that's the only color I had... btw Anyway, SkaForHire: In my pirate "world" the 'Captain' (he's actually ranked Commodore) is a British Officer turned American. So, he took his British rank flag with him. I have a much larger British ship, the Atlantis II which I may take some pictures of if I get the time. (edit) the ship started out as the French Ship La Liberte which was in turned captured by the Americans expanded by 6 studs and painted green! :-D It still has the French nameplate on the back of the ship too.
USS Emerald
With Continental Navy Stickers comes a Continental Navy ship, I don't have a camera right now, so this is the best I could do with my computer's iSight webcam. Any comments or suggestions for improvement before I get my good camera back are welcome!!
Even more stickers...
I use Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, I used to use photoshop, but it was on my old computer, and Fireworks was the only Mac compatible program I had, not to mention I actually own the license to it... *whistles*
Even more stickers...
If you use basic "Avery Sticker Project Paper" basically any torso works, though printing that's not quite to the edges helps. just put them in Microsoft word, and line them up... tutorial:
Even more stickers...
Usually (at least here in America), the Continental soldiers are pictured in brilliant blue, white, and red uniforms, but from what I have researched... they were mainly brown or tan or some other not quite so brilliant color... so anyway, here are what I was originally working on (remember usa.png?) the American Continental... Navy? American Continental Commodore: American Continental Lieutenant: American Continental Marine: I may update the captain at some point... hope you like them... I'll have pictures whenever I get my camera back!
British and French Colonial Stickers
Avery "Ink Jet Sticker Project Paper" Available at your neighborhood office supply store, I've used this stuff for years and it fits most of my needs perfectly.
The Pirate LEGO Test
Islander King, 76%!
British and French Colonial Stickers
I can't find my good (8.0 MP 3x zoom) camera... so I took some pictures with my Cell Phone's camera, here they are: Royal Marines, Commodore Matthew, and a Lieutenant: A captain, and more Marines: A French LT, French Admiral, and French soldier: sorry the pics are so bad!
Make me PotC stickers!!!
They're similar, but that's not RedBean.. this is RB's b-shelf gallery: And if you're looking for any British/French stickers here's mine:
Make me PotC stickers!!!
Red Bean has also made some nice POTC Stickers, you can view them here: I used the Barbossa and Sparrow ones and they turned out fairly well.
British and French Colonial Stickers
You can use plain paper or sticker paper (available in most office supply stores...) put as many as you want on a page in MS Word and then print them out... actually, here's a fairly good tutorial: I don't do all the spraying on a clear coat or anything... but still gives you an idea of what you need to do...
British and French Colonial Stickers
I've got them all printed out and on minifigs, I've just lost my camera!! When I find it I'll be able to post pics of my new ships, new troops, and new port/base thing!
British and French Colonial Stickers
I'll get pics of those at the top soon.. I was just linking those as examples of people using torso stickers. :-)
British and French Colonial Stickers
Well, I do... and quite a few other people... .... just to name a few... they're great for people who don't have enough money to get certain torsos, or for people who like to create their own!
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