WIP Privateer
Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions! The model has definitely improved as a result. @the_green_avenger: I'm using SNOT 1x1 plates with eyebolts to suggest deadeyes, sorry the picture's a bit blurry. @Fires-storm: I'm happy to let anyone copy any of my techniques, you certainly don't need my permission! And speaking of copying: @Perfectionist: Thanks for the praise! Could you explain a bit what you mean by the masts? Also, I saw the stern of Achille and I was blown away, very nice work indeed. I tried your trick with the hose on my own stern and I think it looks much better than before: You can remove the windows and part of the deck to see the stern cabin: I'll put some additional pics up once I've completed more of the rigging (I'm really not looking forward to the ratlines...)
WIP Privateer
Update 5/20/10 I've complete the hull apart from some of the deck detailing, so I'm starting the tedious but ultimately rewarding task of rigging. Fortunately I stumbled upon an amazing resource: the revell model company has pdf scans of some of their instruction sets online, and the instructions for their USS Constitution model give a very detailed picture of both the standing and running rigging: Revell: Instruction Plans (scroll down for the Constitution, there are 3 pdfs) I'm well under way on the bowsprit and foremast, and I've posted a few pics at my MOCPages gallery. The threads are still a bit loose so I can adjust them if the tension on the masts changes, once all the stays are up I'll make everything fast. Enjoy!
WIP Privateer
Sounds good, maybe just "WIP Frigate"?
WIP Teaser of an American Frigate
Very, very nice! Clean lines and just enough stern detail to set off the rest of the b/w color scheme. I'm glad to see you'll be using a custom ensign, too.
Strategos started following WIP Privateer
Strategos started following Pirate MOCs
WIP Privateer
Thanks, everyone, for the praise and comments. I've started construction, and I have a few more pics to share: I've increased the hull length, and thus the amount of guns :) The starboard side is resting on the prow and stern (I'm still acquiring brown brick for the sides), and the gray pieces will be replaced by black and white. View of the stern. The rudder isn't shipped yet but the chains are visible. @Flying Dutchman: you're right, the more I work on her the more she looks like an American frigate like the essex (I've been using the hulls of constitution and constellation for reference). I still haven't decided on her nationality...US or Brit? Hmm... More pics here.
WIP Privateer
Side view: Prow. I think the figurehead will end up being an eagle or a dragon or something: The model is designed to come apart in the middle to reveal the cross section: I drew inspiration from Captain Green Hair's Le Requin (cannons and prow details). I'll be posting more pictures as the model comes together at my Brickshelf gallery. Comments and critique are welcome!
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