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Dr Rod

Eurobricks Citizen
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    Rakath Mountains


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  1. So Nocturnus got killed off.. Can we keep a pinned post there for Nocturnus builds though, not counting for anything and not aligned with book 3, just for people that want to build in that area? Keep the lore going etc? Dr Rod
  2. Dr Rod was one of the first characters in Nocturnus (2011) and possibly the longest serving member of Nocturnus here anymore?.. but he doesn't do much these days :) I'll always keep doing the odd build in Nocturnus and some day Dr Rod's castle will get built.. Until then he's just hanging out in the Northern Rakath Mountains around Rod's Peaks tinkering in his chem lab ;) Dr Rod
  3. Nocturnus will never die, not whilst I live there ;) Dr Rod
  4. Dr Rod is still alive (I think..) and still hanging out in the NW peaks of the Rakath Mountains and is an exiled Avalonian alchemist (from a long time ago..). I'll make a new profile pic up and add it to this later. Dr Rod
  5. Great group of figs! I do like a nice western diorama, not enough of them out there!
  6. The water is the trans med blue 8x8 plates over a layer of dark blue/blue and medium blue plates to give the depth effect. Dr Rod
  7. I do like that colour combination for desert scenes. :) The printed bricks and tiles are from minecraft, and as for the 8x8 trans med blue plates, I crack-linked them years ago when they were around 70c each. Pretty sure 93% of AFOLs would love for LEGO to release that part in that colour again, or maybe in 4x6, 4x8, 2x4 too :) Dr Rod
  8. My build for the "portals" collab for the 2017 Sydney Brick Show. We won best in show! Dr Rod https://www.flickr.com/photos/intrastella/
  9. So I confess this wasn't built for GoH, but I figured as I put my Nocturnus flags on it and it looks like it belongs in Kaliphlin.. I'd throw it in here :) Dr Rod - is still alive :) https://www.flickr.com/photos/intrastella/34038488811
  10. The guilds are alive! Doing a great job Zcerberus!
  11. Good stuff! I'm still lurking around and Nocturnus doesn't stray too far from my mind :)
  12. Dr Rod has been an exiled Avalonian since I joined Nocturnus.. Over four years ago.. He does live on the edge of Nocturnus though.. Dr Rod
  13. Dr Rod lives in the Northern Rakath Mtns, aptly named as "Rod's Peaks" funnily enough :) He is a human alchemist, exiled from Avalonia many years ago for allegedly nefarious experiments.. There is also the North Rakath trading company, but I don't remember if I ever named them anywhere in a MOC etc, they mostly trade out of Port Wrath. Dr Rod
  14. Long time no see Stranger!! Good to have you and the drow back! Dr Rod
  15. Thanks for comments Folks! To answer some questions: - This is the third iteration, each one was completely rebuilt other than the buildings. - Colours in the landscape are: tan, dark tan, flesh, dark orange and dark med flesh. Plus old brown, reddish brown, old dark grey, dark bley, olive green.. - I hadn't realised that this was the 20th Anniversary of LEGO western.. but that certainly gives me an idea now!! Dr Rod
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