[LDD] Red Dwarf
For some reason I can't see the pics (must be my work computer blocking the images) but any fan of Red Dwarf gets my vote! Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast! ~Chris.
MOC: "This is Halloween!"
I probably shoulda added the link up in the original post, but there's some regular light shots here if you're interesetd The blue (and green) shots were done for the contest. Thanks for checking it out guys! Happy Halloween!
MOC: "This is Halloween!"
Jack Skellington's house from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" Happy Halloween EuroBricks! This moc was for the “Dem Bones Haunted Halloween Contest” over on MOCpages but I just had to share it with you guys over here (you can see more pics of it on my page). Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! And remember, you’re NEVER too old to go trick or treating! ~ Chris.
MOC(s): Chronicles of Carrith Knorr
Don't sweat it dude, after reading through it I got what you were saying. And yes... that's funny! (for those that didn't see the original post on mocpages, the tower was blown over by wind while taking pics outside. Legocrazy's comment was reflecting that.) Thanks ISC for coming to my defense also. Even though it was a misread originally, it's awesome to know that people like you are here to keep the peace. Thanks man! I owe you a superdawg! ~Chris.
MOC(s): Chronicles of Carrith Knorr
Hello again EB! Here’s some of my recent foray into the Castle theme. These are just single pics of four different posts in my “Chronicles of Carrith Knorr” series. There’s some fun little jokes and stories that go with each of them so I invite you to stop in and see the whole story. If you decide to check them out on MOCpages for the stories, read them in the order posted below. Chateau, tower, Gate and then Wizard’s aid last. Chateau of Carrith Knorr: My FIRST real castle moc EVER! Tower of Harold: The lighting really made the lava on this one POP! The Gate of Carrith Knorr: Oooo, curved walls are always fun! A Wizard’s Aid: Ok, who DIDN'T want a treehouse like this when they were a kid? Here’s a link to the folder where each moc is posted over on MOCpages! Till next time true believers! ~Chris.
MOC: Darth Vader in the Rest Room
Can't tell ya how many times I've been waiting in line and daydreamed that I had a lightsaber to do just that. Nice one! Gave me a good laugh! ~ Chris.
MOC: Battle of Hoth Dio
They're a combo actually. I looked at the pics of the sets then made my own adjustments from there. The main difference is the speeder color. Never understood why Lego made the sets white when the ones in the movie are grey? I mean, I get it to make it more "snowy" but by that logic... shouldn't the Star Destroyer be white? hahaha Thanks for all the comments everyone! Glad you liked it! ~Chris.
WIP Sneak Preview Pic
My initial guess would be the ARC-170 like everyone else however... Something tells me you may have a suprise in store for us. Lookin forward to it! ~Chris.
MOC: Battle of Hoth Dio
I built this for the "Beat the Judges" game over on MOCpages. "Beat the Judges" is a side game from the 2010 MocOlympics where eliminated players can continue to have fun by challenging the judges that voted them out. The category I chose was "Star Wars Diorama" and the eliminated players can challenge me with their own entry (I'm one of the judges). This is just a few pics. Come check out a lot more over on MOCpages! Beat the Judges group: Main 2010 MocOlympics group: As always, thanks for looking! Till next time true believers! ~Chris.
"Chateau Of Carrith Knorr."
Welcome Eurobricks, to the "Chateau Of Carrith Knorr." Take a look around and enjoy your stay. For more pics and full descriptions, check it out on MOCpages! Thanks for looking! ~Chris.
Brickworld 2010 After-Action reports
Hey, THERE I am! On the left! SWEET! (Thanks for putting me in there Stash!) ~ Chris.
Brickworld 2010 After-Action reports
This was my third Brickworld (second registered). Here's a link to my after action report if anyone is interested: I also want to take a second to say how awesome it was to meet so many new friends including Josh (I Scream Clone) was not only a lot cooler in person, but also a lot taller! And you're welcome for the Dawg man. Can't let you come to Chicago without sampling some of our fine cuisine! hahaha To all my friends, it was really like a family reunion! This community is probably THE coolest bunch of people that I've ever had the pleasure of hanging with. For me, that's what BW is all about! I love all you guys (yes, even Stash) and am already counting down till 2011! ~ Chris.
BrickWorld 2010 - Your MOC List
I don't have a whole lot. My main feature is a small TRON layout designed after the 80's movie. There's a few other small things that I'll be bringing as well. Here's some links to my mocpages posts of my stuff if you'd like to check it out. My layout My Vic Viper for the Missing Man Formation in tribute to Nnenn. See you all in 4 days! ~Chris.
Brickworld 2010...coming right up
I've had my stuff packed in boxes and ready to go for over a week now... Yes, I wrote that just so you guys could say "Screw you Chris!" HAHAHA Looking forward to meeting everyone this year! This will be my third BrickWorld. For those of you that are new to this, don't worry, we don't bite (well, Stash does, but you have to pay extra for that). It'll be a week you'll never forget (or make that "never remember" but only if you do it right)! I'll be easy to find if you don't know my face. Mark Kelso (the other MOCpages moderator) are going to have an 8ft MOCpages banner over our setup. Find the banner and you'll find us! See you all in a few days! ~Chris.
Who's Going to Brickworld 2010?
Stash, I got a few of the MOCpages guys in for Saturday night as well. How many people should we make the reservation for? 20? Between EB and MOCpages (and a few Flickr stragglers) I'm sure we'll get at LEAST that many. And on a seperate note, did Josh arrive yet? I seem to remember he was coming in early... ~Chris.
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