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Mark Kelso

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Mark Kelso replied to Mark Kelso's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Ha, yeah...there was still some trepidation. I'd had some experience before, however, using steel wires for support of other large SHIPS of mine. This was certainly the heaviest, but still well within the wire's tensile strength.
  2. Mark Kelso replied to Mark Kelso's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thanks, guys - I'm really happy with this one, but I'm so close to my own work, it's tough to know how others see it. Always nice to hear good feedback.
  3. Mark Kelso posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    A long running project of mine finally finished... full pics and background info: http://mocpages.com/moc.php/380177
  4. Actually, I'm afraid I don't. I considered this MOC (as bad as this sounds!) to be a bit of a throw-together. So when I manipulated the pics, I did the manipulation to the originals. I try never to do that, knowing that you always want to keep pure source material...but I was in a hurry. Low and behold...another lesson that I still need to learn! (starts whackin himself in the head - "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!)
  5. Thanks for the good word. To answer your question about lighting - I used an underexposed shot, and a flashlight for the candlelight. The flashlight was small to begin with, but I built a mask made of bricks with a single "1 x 2 technic w/ one hole" piece in the very center. The mask resulted in a very focused beam of light that I could then use to emphasize a certain area.
  6. I'm sorry for being a bit late in posting this (it's been up for a week or so elsewhere) but hopefully better late than never. Inspired by the 1931 Dracula movie starring Bela Lugosi. Happy Halloween, everyone!
  7. Part 1: - Part name: Wedge Tile - Part description: --> A tile verion of wedge plates in 2 x 3, and 2 x 4 sizes - Part usage: --> A tremendous number of builders are now building with a no-studs approach. We currently have no good solution to angles with tiled surfaces, and this part would be an outstanding addition to a very strong trend within the community. Thanks!
  8. For Brickworld 2010 in Chicago, Keith Goldman is organizing a missing man formation of Vic Viper VOATs to honor the recently deceased Nate Nielson (nnenn). Keith asked if I would join in, and having corresponded with nnenn for the last couple of years, and being so inspired by his work, I was delighted to contribute. I'd also like to mention that the design was heavily inspired by the amazing work of Rob Dasnewten. A couple other shots and info at MOCpages
  9. Mark Kelso replied to Titolian's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Nice job on the area feeling overgrown. The grass placement is spot on!
  10. The idea was to do a sister ship to the SOF, called the Eye of Chaos; similar in form, with a few variations. It's not actually a part of the Halo story line, but something I came up with myself in order to emulate the SOF's basic design, while having the freedom to take the build my own direction when convenient or more visually interesting. And thanks very much...I'll do my best to see the project through to completion!
  11. Honestly, I'm wondering about that myself! It's going to be so parts intensive that I hate to keep all of those sweet dark bleys out of service indefinitely. So it'll probably get junked at some point. But I'm sure I'll keep it together at least for a few shows before tearing down. Maybe I should just use the "dustometer" as my guide...when the dust gets so thick that you could peel it off like dryer lint, then it's time to tear down!
  12. Very thorough review...many thanks! I'm personally excited about the figs in this set. The only other shirtless torso that I was aware of was in the IJ set, which was more than I was willing to spend for that part alone. And for just one of those shirtless figs on Bricklink I'd pay about half of the US cost of the set. The 2 x 2 jumpers, the ostriches, the rarer colors, are all bonuses for me. Can't wait to pick up one or two of these!
  13. Mark Kelso posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Just some more shots of the project with interior stuctural approach, and shots from recent progress. Additional pics with descriptions here: http://mocpages.com/moc.php/192664 Thanks for looking! Kelso
  14. A quickie I threw together for the MOCathalon contest on MOCpages. Had some fun techniques on this one, if not a bit pushy in regards to LEGO purity. (Used some white Exo decals for the kicking fig.) Here's the post for a bit more: http://mocpages.com/moc.php/187679#reviews
  15. Absolutely wonderful work! Proof for sure that a LEGO MOC doesn't have to be gargantuan to be extraordinary. Brilliant composition, color choices, parts use, and presentation. Couldn't imagine this being done any better.
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