Everything posted by cullmancreations
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I never built my QAR and I regret not getting the Black Pearl hopefully this set will make up for that
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Looking forward to getting a new POTC wave. I really enjoyed the ships. Hitting myself because I missed out on getting the black pearl brand new last summer
LEGO LotR - general discussion
A small mom and pop type shop still has a few lotr and hobbit sets but none of the reall good ones. Last I saw which was recently they still had the lake town guard poly bags as well.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Would you recommend it over the Gonzanti? I also might be interested in the ghost. what are peoples thoughts?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hey guys. I saw that 75055 went out of stock recently. I was wondering if its a good set. I never bought a star destroyer and I thought it looked cool. I won't get it until around christmas. I'm either on the fence about that one or the Gonzanti ship from rebels.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Picked up the 2008 republic gunship New in the Box for a really good price on Ebay
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I picked up The Phantom and the Battle of Saleucami at my local TRU. I got the new force awakens C-3P0 with the purchase.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I went to TRU in times square which is my local store and they wouldn't sell me the C3-PO. You have to buy $40 worth of Lego to be able to qualify for it. Anyone else getting this problem
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
maybe they just got the set dates confused
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Thanks for the tips guys. Also do any of you own the 2010 clone turbo tank. How is it?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yeah. Ive got a few things on my to get list. First things first is picking up this republic gunship at a local store. I went over there earlier and picked up two of the clone turbo tank microfighters for the phase 2 troopers. The frigate and the speeder may need to wait. I'm also considering placing an order for some figures at clone army customs. I have a few printed clones from them and there really good quality. so many things to do.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I'd like to get the frigate and speeder bike set but the canon I really cant see a mjor use for. the only draw to get the set is really for the wolfpack troopers.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hey guys I'm considering getting some sets. How is the republic frigate from 2011? I prefer phase two clones but the ship and commander wolffe looks very cool. I am also considering the bar speeder with sidecar that includes phase 2 captain rex. Is the AV7 canon any good or is bricklinking the phase 2 wolf pack clones better. These all seem like very cool sets and I really enjoyed the clone wars series. would you guys recommend any of these?
LEGO Hobbit 2014
I spotted a bunch of Lake Town guard poly bags at a local shop. With Attack of the Wargs and unexpected gathering and a few 2013 and 2014 hobbit sets
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
When looking on bricklink for the gunship the lowest priced sets plus shipping would add up to about the same price as the shop. So I guess I'll get that at the store. I'm deciding between the gunship or the AT-TE. any of you guys have a preference
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hey guys I went to a local mom and pop toy store and found the 2013 republic gunship and AT-TE. Since it's a privately owned store there's some pretty bad markup on the sets. I never bought either of the sets. Which should I pick up?
LEGO Hobbit 2014
I wish I knew something but its just hopeful speculation
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I was always hoping for minas tirith set. The likely hood of us getting one now is very low. what do you guys think? I know we've been over it alot but I wanted to see where everyone stands with dimensions just being released.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
I doubt there will be any new sets for the Hobbit. there may be some hope for a LOTR set either through dimensions or ideas.
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
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