Everything posted by SharkMan
REVIEW : 8075 Neptune Carrier
Hey im just wondering, is that stingray supposed to be 1 of the Guardians? Because it comes with the design stickers.
Don't Mess With Henry
I just wanted to tell him geeze.... And what im sorry I am writing normal english... Can you not read?
Don't Mess With Henry
LOL ok i dont no how to post a pic :( but idk if you care but I put a turret on my Lego Atlantis Typhoon turbo sub lol :P so 2 divers can be on it one drives, while the one in the back mans the turret!
Atlantis trident: 2 mouldings
Idk my shark man's trident is fine no error at all ya its probuly an error
MOC: Driving the cattle past the old shop
Cool moc :O
Mando battle pack in 2011?
Ya saw the episode last night and ya they might make a set for them
What is the hardest Lego set you have ever built?
Yes, I heard its hard to build and sure sounds like a pain to move it around since it breaks into pieces like that... :(
What is the hardest Lego set you have ever built?
Im just wondering so what? Whats the hardest lego set you've ever built?
Odds and ends
Good job, great collection! :P
Sherman Tank Squadron [Nearly Done]
Pretty cool squad Nice job :D
Favorite Lego set types
Im talking about like there's Lego city, space police, etc. Mine is Atlantis whats yours?
Do you like studs hidden or showing?
Well I dont really care as long as it looks cool :P
Atlantis 2010
Ya the snake looks awesome but i think it is an eel lol!
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