Everything posted by Atr
[PORSCHE] LEGO Technic Porsche of Your Dreams
Congratulations to Tamas and 9 runner ups - you all have built great models. It was fun for me to build a Porsche and participate.
[PORSCHE] LEGO Technic Porsche of Your Dreams
We all remember drawbacks of set Porsche 911 GT3 RS 42056 (disappointing functions, high price, error in transmission and Lego's reaction to feedback about it). With this in mind when I looked at the contest theme for the first time "In the beginning I looked around but couldn’t find the car I dreamed of, so I decided to build it myself." I thought of it as "you didn't like our Porsche set? Build one yourself". And they didn't mean Porsche of the future but Lego model of the future - which can be both existing Porsche or futuristic one. Maybe this is what Lego had in mind originally?
[PORSCHE] LEGO Technic Porsche of Your Dreams
Congratulations to the semi finalists! Unfortunately [at least for me ;)], my Porsche ( also didn't make it. Judges had tough job rejecting 99 models so far but nonetheless I would pick up other ones (like 10 other ones among these 20). But I am not a judge. I am looking forward to see final 10 and a winner. Lesson learned for next competitions - clear description of a "dream car" and separate real models from digital ones.
- Topic title editing requests
Ural 43206 trial truck
Ural is my newest trial truck prepared for the GPM 2011 season. The intesersing thing about it it not only drives but also lights and plays tunes. Truck has a 3-speed linear gearbox which is practically transplanted from my previous model Zil. Gear ratios are: gear 1) 1:10 gear 2) 1:6,25 gear 3) 1:4 Inside the cabin there are working steering wheel, working gear shifter and trafficators indicators. As I mentioned, there are working trafficators and front and rear lights. All of them are remotely controlled by a phone. You can turn on a trafficator manually by selecting for example "Right traffic. on" or when the Automatic Trafficators option is on simply by turning wheels in desired direction. But this Ural not only lights but also plays tunes. When a pretty lady is passing by you can hit the horn or even play famous La Cucaracha or Dixie horns. BS Gallery
LEGO Nissan Patrol 1980
Nice body, but I see that chassis design is slightly modified version of my Jeep Willys chassis. Of course, I don't mind you using it, that's why I posted the instructions. But it would be nice if you mention your inspiration.
Jeep willys
The old experimental version had differential gears, but the newest model from the instruction has no diffs and is much better in offroad.
Lego Skill Crane THE CLAW (from Toy Story 3 Movie)
yea, this one is fun. I also liked the CLAAAAW :D
Jeep willys
Thanks Jurgen, yes it takes loooot of time, now I know that :) No, I don't plan to provide instruction as PDF.
Jeep willys
I built this model some time ago but now when I have completed the building instruction for it I decided to publish it here. Jeep is quite simple in build but very effective. It has pendular suspension, 4 wheel drive, 2 wheel steering and uses one XL motor for propulsion. It is controlled by a Lego PF remote. It was created in 2009 but I have rebuilt it in 2010 and applied some improvements in steering system, suspension and body. Multimedia PDF instructions Brickshelf gallery
September's competition cheater!
Atr replied to Zerobricks's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI hope, that if Mahjqa's model wins he will recieve the prize. Designers (or the bot that plays them) must have noticed your legendary stool on the photo ;)
Damn, I accidentally clicked Reply instead of Edit. BTW I didn't know that I can reply to my own posts. This post can be deleted.
Yes, it is, it's even linked directly from your server. I hope you don't mind.
There are 2 liftarms, one above the other, that keep the yellow platform in level, similar to this: Picture form Technicopedia I'm amazed that you like the "artwork", but it indeed was difficult to come up with some idea in that low resolution.
Pinball machine uses one NXT Brick, 4 touch sensors (3 of them are attached to one port) and 2 light sensors. Program is written in Java (LeJOS). After pressing orange button the ball is given and a new game is started. Every game has three balls total. If the ball is lost within 10 seconds after start, the ball is returned without losing one. Scoring points: - losing ball after 10 seconds - 50 points - hitting both Red and Green Bumpers - 100 points - hitting one of the Yellow Bumpers - 200 points - getting ball to the Black Hole - 300 points Black Hole opens up every 500 points, then player has 20 second to get the ball into it. If 5 seconds is left Black Hole's light starts flashing. Multimedia BS gallery
How to increase Lego Technic Shock Absorber stiffness
Thanks Blakbird for infos. Note that the plain shock doesn't compress the spring fully under full load. Toothed Half Bush doesn't decrease travel distance - it makes the spring compress fully.
How to increase Lego Technic Shock Absorber stiffness
In my opinion red's and light grey's shocks stiffness are quite the same. I think that half-bush-mod on light gray shock makes them about 30% stiffer. This is a big approximation but I think they are more stiff than plain dark grey shocks. If you have them both try them and post a result. The tests (and photo) you have posted are probably done by Philo if I remember correct.
How to increase Lego Technic Shock Absorber stiffness
Have you ever needed Small Technic Shock Absorber 6.5 L that have harder springs than grey, but softer than yellow ones? All you have to do is put a single Technic Half Bush on a piston rod like on the video below. I came up with this idea last year when I was building my Jeep Willys.
NXT Boat
Yes, the main reason is control range, and then more precise steering.
NXT Boat
Yes, I've put the brick into the zip-lock bag to protect it from water drops, but after sailing the bag was completely dry, so it was unnecessary. Other thing is that the bag wouldn't make the brick waterproof because it couldn't be locked because of protruding cables. I'd love to go there but I'm afraid that I don't get there on time :) Funny thing is that my boat is accidentally 100% consistent with their rules because the only non-Lego-elements I use are tape and zip-lock bag which are allowed.
NXT Boat
NXT boat I'm aware of that it isn't beautiful moc but the goal was to build the lightweight construction rather than good looking one. Even now it weights more than 1 kg. Thanks to remote controll by mobile phone with Bluetooth it can sail far (about 50 meters) from the shore without risking losing control. Steering has defined endpoints and "center" function. Propusion has only forward/backward on 100% power functions. The boat is quite stable and turns well. It could be a bit faster but even now it in fun to play with. The farthest I sailed it was about 10 meters because I couldn't clearly see what is happening with it and I was afraid that it could sink... If I'll be building a new boat I'll put in it more powerful motors and bigger screw propellers. Multimedia BS gallery
Volvo FL12 8x8 Trial Truck
backbone is right. He has that knowledge because there is a topic on the polish forum ( with some more informations about Volvo in polish language. Sorry for that I didn't translate all of the text. Yes, I did :)
Volvo FL12 8x8 Trial Truck
Volvo FL12 8x8 I'm proud to present to you my best moc so far. I was building it for almost half a year. During this time I graduated, and my BSc thesis was about remote control of this vehicle. Truck features all wheel drive, 4 wheel steering with different steering lock, full double wishbone suspension, remote controlled 4-speed gearbox with neutral gear, working winch, working fake R6 piston engine and working steering wheel. Remote control Vehicle is remote controlled by a mobile phone using Bluetooth connection. Both applications (mobile phone app and NXT app) are written by me in Java language (I used LeJOS to program NXT). Gearbox Gearbox uses 2 driving rings to shift gears, each of them is controlled by one NXT motor. After shifting gear motor locks in a fixed position to prevent slipping off a driving ring. Gear ratios are: gear 1) 18.75:1 gear 2) 11.25:1 gear 3) 6.25:1 gear 4) 3.75:1 Steering system Two front axles are steered with different ratios which is 1:1,67 (z12 drives z20). System construction is strong, backlash is low and it is impossible to desynchronize axles steering. There is a price for this toughness. Steering geometry isn't perfect, but it's good enough: Software provides "return to center" and "endpoints" functions, which means that wheels can't turn to greater angle than the chassis is design to. The steering wheel inside the cabin is connected to steering motor via rubber, so the cabin can tilt along with the steering wheel. Propulsion system As you know NXT has only 3 motor ports, and I needed to control 4 independent motors. To resolve that problem I used HiTechnic IRLink sensor which control PF IR Tower. Propulsion motor (single PF XL) is connected to that tower. I had been forgetting to turn off batbox so I have attached touch sensor to batbox. Now NXT program checks before exiting if the batbox is turned on, and if so, NXT indicates it by sound signal. There is a winch capable of lifting the whole truck. It can be switched on by red lever near the drivers seat. The winch can operate independently of shifted gear, so there is a possibility to change gears while using winch. Suspension Volvo has double wishbone independent suspension on each wheel. Thanks to it truck is very stable and it's off-road capabilities are good. Multimedia Brickshelf gallery
Maz 5434 Trial Truck
Yes, that's right, thanks backbone. Mobile phone is more handy and has more buttons.
Maz 5434 Trial Truck
No, I didn't. (except one in the front turntable, but this has alternative functionality) NXT motor has enough power to seamlessly steer wheels without differential.
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