Review: 70409 Shipwreck Defense
Thanks to nisiia for translate this review. ;) 70409 Shipwreck Defence Serie: Pirates (III) Year: 2015 Elements: 84 Minifigs: 2: Bluecoat Soldier, Pirate Box 15.5 x 14 x 4.5 cm Price: $12.99, £8.99, 9,99 €, 39,99 zł BrickSet, BrickLink By a strange coincidence, the smallest set of a regular serie from the latest edition of the Pirates, pre-premiere went on sale in a one of supermarkets. As a lover of all Pirate series, of course, I had to put my hands on him quickly, and whether the association with this miracle gave me adequate satisfaction, I'm going to tell you in this review. This time there won't be lengthy introductions, if someone wants to read something more general about plastic Pirates, also about their history, I invite to pirate blog. Unfortunately, the first impression is not the best. A box made of a very soft cardboard with ugly yellow vertical bar and cheesy "phasy" ending. And they could do it so much better, as TLG shown at previous editions of Pirates in 2009. There the torched maps perfectly match the climate of the series (example). Yellow stripe and soft cardboard is not the only defect. I have the impression that something is not quite right even in the graphic composition: Soldier ugly "enters" on the yellow insert, while the fireplace with the fish is already overwhelmed it. The name of the series, despite the fact that, in itself, a very pretty and stylish, it fits poorly with the rest: it shouldn't fall on the mast and partly obscure flags - it doesn't look the best, and this flag with Jolly Roger, which is a characteristic feature for the series, is therefore not very expressive and merges with the logo. On the back of the box is already much better! It's true that a bit ubiquitous yellow color hurts, but the layout already looks very good. Particularly we should congratulated on a great idea to put a set on the painted map - it looks great! Additional inserts, which show the functionality of the gun and "ads" of the next set, nicely and tastefully were integrated into the whole. But of course, the box isn't the most important, for a true brick's lover the content counts! For this set consists two bags to the elements and of course the obligatory instruction. Instruction is composed of 36 pages, which contain the standard components, namely the construction plans, placed on a very nice, romantic background, advertising, component's index, and the presentation of modularity of individual sets, which can be combined in a slightly larger whole. The first to go are minifigs! In this set you get two minifigures, of course, according to the "pacifist policy" of LEGO, belonging to the opposite, mutually warring fractions. Pirate with an anchor tattoo and battered vest looks very, let's say, nicely, and even not very successful new white bandana in white doesn't took him too much charm. The print on the chest is of course a completely new design, but you should know look of his face good, because there was a fairly large number of figures, even the same head had Mac McCloud famous Pharaoh's Quest serie. In the case of a soldier the situation is similar: a completely new print on the chest accompanied by a relatively popular face, and already known from the previous series of the model shako. It is also worth noting that while the torsos are printed on both sides, the heads have just printed one-sided. Below comparison of visually similar Pirates' minifigs. The first one came with the first edition of the Pirates, and had premiere in 1996. Another one is a pirate from the serie published in 2009. Last one is the newest one. It is worth noting that the latest edition, in terms of the use of graphics, has a lot of links with the oldest minifig: you'll find here both anchor tattoo, vest and belt with a large buckle. While the latest pirate same label is very good, a bit worse is with its quality, especially the yellow color vividness responsible for skin: compared even with the version from 2009 it not enough covers the brown color of torso - you can see it anyway right in the picture below. Newest soldier belongs to the blue fraction, and looking at the pattern printed on the chest, you will notice right away is not only one reference soldiers from 1989 (pictured below first from the right) belonging to the "Imperial Soldiers". Unfortunately, here there is a problem with not enough good covering of paint, white paint this time does not coincide perfectly blue plastic. In the picture below, for comparison, I put more red soldiers, the first from the left premiered in 1992 (in the first serie), while another is from the second series, in 2009. Looking at the back of minifigs, you will notice that the LEGO got rid of the controversial idea of printed bags. According to me rightly, now back print looks very nice and aesthetically. Of course, our minifigures, as true warriors can't do without proper weapons. And in this set you will find quite a lot of it! Counting with spare parts, we get three cutlasses, two muskets and three blunderbuss. Additionally you will find a soldier's backpack with a classic shape, known from the first pirates, and the green bottle, probably full of rum. Time to get the set! We start building with the cannon. Red base, four-wheel torch to fuse firing and three bullets. The cannon with mounted inside litlle spring has the functionality in the form of throwing missiles, so a patent which first appeared in 1989! As you can see it works perfectly to this day! Shipwreck is a wooden debris settled aground and integrated into the rock formations. In addition, you'll find here low-slung stork nest located on a very frail headband. Role of galleon fully here musket, which also optically extends the shape of the structure. The whole is topped with an oar on which ruffles completely new and very successful model of Jolly Roger. Barrel can be easily detach from the structure, it's only engaged on a single stud. Inside you will find a treasure in the form of two crystals. Resourceful pirate made a simple fireplace with attached handle ideal for smoking, rather than frying, fish. Playing part of design is based on the tipping part nicely assembled, irregular hull. With supplied cannon it guarantees lot of fun, suitable pointing and hitting the hull can give you a little pleasure. The whole looks pretty good, though doesn't raise high admiration. The design is a bit too compacted, it seems to me as the designer wanted to put in the smallest area as much as possible, but something went wrong. Of course, in addition to shipwreck in the package you get two great figures yet, always attractive cannon, and quite a lot of weapons and accessories. Overall, set is not bad, but still for what it offers, its price should be a little bit lower. After the building a bit of spare parts left, interesting with as always valuable weapons.
Review: 10679 Pirate Treasure Hunt
Thanks to nisiia for translate this review. ;) 10679 Pirate Treasure Hunt Serie: Juniors Year: 2015 Elements: 57 Minifigures: 2: Pirate minifigure, skeleton Box’s Dimensions: 15.5 x 14 x 6 cm Price: $??.??, £9.99, 9,99 €, 42,99 zł BrickSet, BrickLink As a big fan of the Pirates serie I was impatiently expecting the latest, third full-fledged edition. Unfortunately, I will have to wait a while longer for it because the official launch will take place in March, but now my hunger can be slightly dampen with a small appetizer. Appetizer in the form of Pirate set, but in this particular case, belonging to a completely different series. Juniors is a serie designed for kids who just grew out of Duplo, and in a moment will want to reach for the normal system sets. This serie is somewhat simplified and has so-called "junior-ized" elements, not very complicated structures, clear and seamless instruction. Interestingly, it draws from the entire range of LEGO brand, so you'll find here sets which introducing us to the world of the City, Castle, Super Heroes, or the Pirates. If someone wants to recall what in Lego world of Pirates' theme appeared earlier (and there is a lot of it!), I invite you to the cycle Quick Review of Lego's Pirates - links to notes on the blog: first, second, third, addition (sorry now only in polish). Let's move on to our set, I really can't wait! Box has simple but nice graphic design, with strongly distinctive red border. On the front you will find the name of the series, to highlight the fact "easy to build," of course the manufacturer's logo and the number and age group (4-7 years). On the back of the box we find informations that everything here is very easy again, and I get the impression that in this case the manufacturer is a bit overreacting. Inside of box we can find two bags of blocks, two items in bulk, and of course instruction. One counting 24 page booklet in which we find, in addition to construction plans, advertising, index components and information what to do when the kids are "Ready for more" (spend money on more sets!). In set we get two minifigs. The first is the pirate wearing the striped blouse and headgear garnished with a pirate skull, the other one is skeleton with version of the "dangling" hands, so the TLG doesn't treat it a full minifigure. Pirates legs with one wooden leg is already well-known element (since 1989!), skull pattern on the cap is also not new - it comes from the second edition of the Pirates in 2009. Stubbly head in recent years has appeared in a couple of sets belonging to the series such as Dino, City, Castle and The LEGO Movie. The torso, although derives much of earlier versions, it is a completely new model. But the biggest novelty, and to that of very many controversies, it's a new bandana. In the picture below for comparison you can found the new captain in the vicinity of Pirates of the series in 2009: New bandana is greatly simplified compared to the old version, being already more than a few years older (premiered in 1989!), but for me, privately, it is much nicer headgear. Maybe the new one reminds actually tied scarf, but look at the pictures below and choose which version you like better (as models starring Pirates of the previous edition)? Among the elements there are a few interesting bricks, like characteristic for the serie Juniors tile pattern, a large panel with a pretty nice print, or chest in a rare black color! Interesting is Jolly Roger as itappears on the flag, which differs from that one on the Pirate hat. What's more, it looks like that this skull will be unique only for that set, because watching images of sets of fully-fledged Pirates III series, can be seen everywhere Jolly Roger's designs compatible with the version of 2009! And I have to admit that I don't like very much skull from 2009 (it has far too big forehead), and this angular really made my liking - it looks really great and amusingly with these different sized eyes. This set contains a treasure, and where is the treasure, there is the map! Here we get a completely new, really nice and made with a bit of humor. Example: Pirate has already skull and a map, it's time to stock up on a boat and set off on a treasure hunt. Boat is like a boat should be: pattern already well known, and the bench, the barrel (gray!), paddles and a small mast on which the pennant is fluttering. The design is simple, pretty, fulfilling its task. Island has an intresting presentation: it's literally a few items, but thanks to the rounded, great printing and chain, it looks really cool. OK, it's not a miracle, but as a toy for the younger kids, it does the job one hundred percent. The more that skeleton can be wrapped around the chain, the window opens, and in the box is hidden little treasures. Very graceful addition to the set is shark with a classic and well-known shape, in a slightly refreshed version consisting mainly of adding the gills. For those who like the dates: shark in this form, but without outlined gills, appeared with the first Pirates, so that was already in 1989! In 2013, TLG gently refreshed its image just by adding the gills. In the meantime, was an attempt to introduce a new, larger sharks, but so far it only visited two sets, including one from the second series of Pirate. The whole looks really good! Indeed, the structures are very simple, and you can build it literally in the moment, but keep in mind that this set is for children, specially for the younger ones. And as such it works perfectly: a nice, fun to build, playfully, holds up two figures (and with the characteristic for the Pirates weapon!), and with that great classic shark. Elders might be interested in the new model map, original Jolly Roger, or chest in a rare black color. Maybe I'm not objective, but this set didn't disappoint my expectations, and even surprised me pleasantly. In fact, the only downside is the new bandana, an element that I didn't like, but apparently it will be a huge problem of the whole year's Pirates serie. After building a bit of spare parts left, including weapons and chain! As a curiosity: Pirates serie from 2009 also "had" extra set, not really entering into the frame, and belongs to a series of Bricks and More, which is a kind of nucleus series Juniors: 6192 Pirate Building Set
Review: 60070 Water Plane Chase
My first english review, thanks to nisiia for translate. ;) 60070 Water Plane Chase Serie: City / Swamp Police Year: 2015 Elements: 263 Minifigures: 2: Police Pilot, Crook Box’s Dimensions 28 x 26 x 5.5 cm Price: $29.99, £24.99, 29,99 €, 129,99 zł BrickSet, BrickLink I rather rarely reach for the sets of City serie, generally'd like a slightly different climates. However, the "City" announcement for the year 2015 proved to be very interesting and tempting, and I couldn’t restist to one of them . So let me invite you on a short trip to the swamp! The box, square shaped, is embellished with really pleasing to the eye graphic design. Photo of the front board shows us a whole set and carefully selected, atmospheric and noninvasive background only increases the pleasure of admiring this toy. Of course there are also the logo, set’s number and age group. On the back side of the box we find out how many bags of items is hidden inside and we can see the irregular frames with "playing" possibilities of the set itself. Unfortunately, the design presented here is the same model all the time, so looking at those images nostalgically recalls the times, when in the back of the box you could find a lot of pictures, but each was an alternative proposal for using set’s elements. And we know well that those days, unfortunately, will never return... Let’s get to the content: opening the box takes literally a moment, and in the inside are three numbered bags of elements: and two instructions. I don’t like splitting instructions but in this set was used very cool patent. Namely, therefore, that the set contains more than one construction, each book received its own plans to build. It’s really a perfect solution! When you want to build a set with your family or friends together – share bags of blocks, each one gets its instructions and all can fall into a build trance! Another very nice touch is the appropriate selection of instructions cover– do not present the whole set, but only a particular part. From technical matters: instruction counts, respectively, 48 and 84 pages, in addition to plans to build the index of components and contain quite a lot of ads. The last komponent are stickers, and here right away forgive me, but despite the fact that I recently have often used such ornament I haven’t decided to stick them in this set. Exactly why I will explain later in this review. Below scan at 300 dpi: Minifigures! With this set we get two minifigures: policeman in a beautiful navy blue uniform and a crook in pants tied with string. Torsos have both side printed, but the heads are printed on one side only. Figures are indeed at plus! TLG in this year decided to refresh the look of classic crocodile, what in my opinion is quite controversial decision. The new model is not so bad, and all of changes in the majority seem to make sense, but still I like very much the classic version, and it does not seem to me that it needed this refresh so terrible. More about that I wrote in a separate sidebar on the blog, where you will also find a lot of pictures of this green reptile, here below I put a few selected: Let’s the building begin! The first one goes off-road thief’s car in a tasteful masking color: red. The width of six dots with protruding wheels and a large cabin make it really hudge monster. At the same time car looks very nice and I would say (maybe stupid comparison) gracefully. And one of the incentives for buying this set was that it reminded me of some classic set, 1720 Cactus Canyon Value Pack. And I know that in the old days everything was better and nostalgia is a strong feeling, but for me the new beast eats that old weakling for a starter! The only thing that surprised me negative was some kind of lacks of elements in a few moments: it's something like the designer "forgot" attach somewhere small piece which can't be seen in total, but whether it would affect the stability of the structure or covering a small gap. Kind of small detail, but some bad impression remains. Another construction is tiny safety box, where you will find a gold bar and money. Such a thing that looked a bit like "few items left, we need to cobble together something". But gold is always in the price, so there's no whining! The last, but for me the most important, module is plane. And it was that, what makes the main reason why I bought this set. And this reason was really simple - I love Indiana Jones, and plane from the first movie. That's why I didn't put any stickers, "my" plane will remain civil, not the police one. Generally I don'tt practice showing in the review steps of the construction, review aims to describe a specific set in general, not to dismantle it into its component parts, after all, is not analysis, and let it be something left for the future builder to do with the pleasure of exploring different technical solutions, but in the case of this plane let me snap some photos in construction. The plane is building out of a modulars, it's really very pleasant, so it may be worth showing. We start from the cabin, then the tail, wings, and the floats. Putting this all together we got this small piece od art: IMHO: a high quality. Very nice design, combined with an extremely aesthetic was the end result. And of course the photo collective, the whole set in full glory: The verdict? I recommend it! I don't have to deal with sets of City serie often, but this met my expectations fully: I received a very nice toy with interesting and nice designs, playfull, with cool minifigs and, a little controversial, but really only because "that is the new", crocodile. Add to this not pointless splitting of instructions, which are also worth calculation "in plus". Cons, if they are, they are literally marginal, and there is nothing to bother. Set is now "officially" expanding my private collection, "In the spirit of Adventurers".
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
Some more photos of Junior Pirate set: New bandana is really, really poor...
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
Set map from main page in one (big) file: LEGO Pirates III (2015) sets map from www (max) 8studs by noriart, on Flickr
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