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Everything posted by TheCrimsonTrooper

  1. TIme to increase the money I'm setting aside for Brickfair in August.
  2. I propose a PRIVATEER vs MERCHANTS sub-theme. I think it would be fun to see how TLG would explore that part of history.. They could even use logos carried over from the classic pirates line to imply that the different imperial groups are not affiliated with each other. For example, an Imperial Guards privateer might attack an Imperial Armada merchant ship.
  3. Honestly, I just came out of the shadows that is lurking, just to point out, that I found this hilarious. And that I find stereotypes of the country I live in to be side-burstingly (yes I made that adverb up) good.
  4. TheCrimsonTrooper replied to Sebeus I's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    This is both relatively simple and brilliant. Though I am certain we may see this implemented in more than just ships, maybe some of the animation oriented builders could find a use for this.
  5. After looking at the pictures of the Toyrific brand Pirate and Castle sets, I find that the themes don't look very consistent. For if you look at the Blackheart Fortress set, it looks as though they tried to combine Vikings, Cowboys, and Pirates in one go. Furthermore, I don't understand what dragons have to do with Pirates, unless Toyrific really doesn't care about blending the medieval with pirates and cowboys. Am I the only one who has a problem with this theme blending?
  6. So far, I think that thei imitaition of 30176 is pretty unique, after all they did make a different leaf pattern. As of now, their downfalls are hideous face designs, and a decent color scheme.
  7. I normally do the driving. It doesn't matter if it is farther away to get to the Legos you want, it just means the trips aren't as frequent.
  8. I'm going to have to agree with Norrington on this one. While these may be at times blatant copies of Lego or plain look bad to some people, I must admit they are the only clone brand that makes the cut for compatability. I even bought one of the sets to compare Enlighten to Lego, Enlighten's colors are off at times and the molds aren't always the same, but it seems to me they are of the group of clones that try hard to be Lego.
  9. To be honest, most of time I try Apoc, it takes a military turn to some extent.
  10. This MOC has been long overdue for me as I have spent nearly a year on it. Though to be honest most of that time I was in college as this rested at home as a WIP. After the apocalypse, a group of ex-military survivors and local survivalists banded together in a town that was home to a small military bunker. After they secured the town as theirs they traded a secure nights rest for supplys from roaming scavengers. Overview: Buildings: Sniper: Seawall: Bunker Entrance: Bunker Interior: More of my MOCs can be found here. C&C is welcome.
  11. I am hoping to make two of my Lego armies look a bit more diverse and was hoping what custom and Lego parts I should consider in doing this. Keep in mind I'm on a limited budget and am still expanding my overall collection of all things Lego. All this is happening slowly due to college. Up first are my desert troops, as of now I have two sets of troops, guard troops in pith helmets and standard infantry in brimmed hats and Stahlhelms. For these guys I'm trying to comfortably mix world war and modern uniforms. Then there are the guards. And finally, from left to right are the technician, commander, and a tanker. Up next are my Red Team troops, I want them to appear like small time sci-fi mercenaries. So far I've used MMCB for the sniper and technician's outfits, and have extensively used Brickarms for weaponry. Some Brickforge has also been used.
  12. This is just plain amazing! It just looks perfect. To be honest, I think this has to be my favorite ship MOC I've seen.
  13. Is it a bad thing if I vote "roug, rough, rough" for the dog?
  14. Well, your army of "emergency funds" is of an impressive number. As per the discussion of the ship, I believe that 14 Marines sounds sufficient for a 2 deck ship.
  15. 2/ Pharaoh's Quest Curse of the Mummy by TazManiac -1points 4/ PQ Chess by Oky Wan Kenobi -2points 21/ Professor Hale's Oasis Hacienda by Rufus -2points 23/ Serpent Ruins by Siercon and Coral -2points
  16. The is quite the problem you have there. I might not be one of the "experts" around here, thought I can say I have the Imperial Flagship. It would seem to me that you have at least 10 Marines there, and I can honestly say you would be hard pressed to get them all on the Imperial Flagships main deck. Hope that info proves to be of some use.
  17. What a april fools joke to play. Us in the states get it the night before.
  18. Most impressive, I find myself quite fond of the choices of color in this MOC. The colors you used give it a feel that I feel wouldn't be acheived by another color scheme.
  19. TheCrimsonTrooper replied to Derfel Cadarn's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Man, I haven't seen the clone Brand Enlighten in a while. Not, that it is bad that I have not heard much of them lately. I recall seeing this and similar Enlighten sets often on Ebay a few years ago. They really annoyed me as they were no more than blatant copies of the Lego sets I would rather see.
  20. I knew the Blue Avenger was up to something. This is turning out to be pretty good Dan. As a sidenote Dan, feel free to use my avatar, I'd have signed up if I wasn't busy before the sign-ups closed.
  21. Okay, I've been off the forums too long, and recently I've had more time due to classes ending, but with finals, I might remain jumpy. Also, I do look forward to seeing this story play out.
  22. It clearly says that you were spying in that panel, and it says that twice.
  23. Something tells me that the Blue Avenger may be up to no good given that he is spying on his own team.
  24. Hmm... It may be Disney, but it is Lego and it is Pirates... Need to see pics, I cannot wait to see what it looks like.
  25. This is a most impressive prize lot. Now as soon as I find my jaw I'm going to start making something.
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