Everything posted by allanp
New Lego Commercial?
Yeah I was surprised when I went to the cinema recently to see 2012, the kipper advert was shown. I think the best advert was this one When I try to think about what if this was real and what the heck is in the box, my imagination goes ballistic! Still trying to find a technic ad from 1992 or 1993 which had the airtech claw rig in it.
TECHNIC Sets from 2010
allanp replied to LordGalewind's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingDitto
TECHNIC Sets from 2010
allanp replied to LordGalewind's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIt looks very racer-ish but then it does have a differencial and v-8 engine.
TECHNIC Sets from 2010
allanp replied to LordGalewind's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWould be nice if it had the same white and blue colour sceme! There are quite alot of features you could have in this set, will be interesting to see what they do with it.
What LEGO do you expect under the tree this year?
8258 crane truck for me! Have been trying to avoid pictures of it's inner workings as I want them to be a mystery finally revealed Christmas day!
Technic Idea Books
allanp replied to CP5670's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI also had alot of fun with 8891. My brother used to collect the toy figures from the "aliens" movies so I had a lot of fun with the walker. It could grab the alien round the neck and lift it with the pneumatics no problem and then it could walk over to a ledge and drop it. YEY the creature is dead YEEEY! I built the cable car too, it ran up and down the garden on a nice summer day! I've also built the very last model in the book which looked great in the book but in reality was actually kinda boring compared to the walker. The rodeo thing was cool as was the plane simulator.
Any recommendations for a Technics newie?
allanp replied to Grimmy's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingActually I think buying a set would be a good option IF you pick a good set to learn from. May I recommend the 8292 cherry picker. It comes with a motor, lots of gears (including worm gears, spur gears, bevel gears, synchromesh gears), axles, beams, wheels and so on. In fact see for yourself at quite alot there mechanically for the price. I think this set demonstrates quite well how a motor is used in toys to operate them. It also demonstrates how technic sets are assembled. It's quite different to a regular lego set as you have to think a few steps ahead, building from the inside out, instead of from the bottom up. It makes it a little more challenging and, in turn, a whole lot more rewarding when you get something just right in my opinion.
Real Steam in Your Steam Engines?
I must warn you against using actual steam. I have washed some bricks in the past using water that was too hot and the heat deformed them soo badley that I has to sling em in the bin. Real smoke may not be so unrealistic as it may represent the smoke coming from the fire. I'm not sure how it is done in model trains but as long as it doesn't create very extreme temperatures then you should be fine, I think, but i'm not sure. Have you looked into how it is done in some of the old model trains. You may find you can buy a little smoke pellet or something.
TECHNIC Sets from 2010
allanp replied to LordGalewind's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThat's awsome! For a huge MOC excavator I have used one PF XL motor and 8 pumps which I recently purchased from bricklink to power the pneumatics and the power was simply epic! The SPEED and CONTROL and RESPONSIVENESS and SHEER BRUTE POWER of the thing was just so increadably life-like and ultra cool! Your compressor has TWO XL motors so I bet that's really powerful . All I have to do is build the compressor into a much smaller and compact unit which will enable me to fit it into the model around the 3 gearboxes. After I finish that I can start working on the closed loop pneumatic power steering concept.
Lego and the equality of the Sexes.
Personally I don't think it has that much to do with target demographics and hardley anything to do with minifigures. I think it's just one of those things really. It's not sexist to say boys and girls are different and like different things. Whilst i'm sure Lego could do more to create sets that appeal to females I guess any amount of time and money spent doing so would create better results for Lego if they were to spend the same amount on males as they are generally more likely to find pleasure in building something (yes I know there are exceptions and that is a generalisation but it's true isn't it?). It is also true that males and females on average have differing levels of spacial awareness and many other things which also has a huge role to play in enjoying Lego products just for the fact that they are construction toys. There are some amazing FFOLs out there but it's hardley surprising that there isn't really enough.
TECHNIC Sets from 2010
allanp replied to LordGalewind's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYes it is an old discussion but that won't stop me from saying PNEUMATICS ARE BEST FOR A KAGILLION REASONS over and over again
PowerFunctions controlled pneumatic
allanp replied to SuperCow's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYes i've built a few of those. I like to build them so they stop just before the tubes start to pop off! Have you tried building any pneumatic power steering systems before? It's easy enough if you have a mechnical link between the two halves of the circuit to give you feedback on the position of the second half of the circuit in much the same way as the recent design by Mark Bellis. But I wan't to build one that has no mechanical linkage, only pneumatic tubes, similar to the kind of steering system you get in heavy machinery. It's proving tricky because I want the steering angle of the wheel to stop relative only to the position of the steering wheel regaurdless of what mechanical forces there might be acting to prevent the wheels reaching it's desired steering angle. It's also gotta be small and compact enough to prevent it spoiling the overall look the MOC's I intent to implement this system into. Haven't really given much thought to the solution yet but I understand the problem and I think it's a cool challenge for my next project.
PowerFunctions controlled pneumatic
allanp replied to SuperCow's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYour video was very useful as it demonstraits that the RTC spring is powerful enough to move both motor and valve back to the centre, thankyou. Looking at bricklink it seems anybody that is selling them either only has one (I would like at least four) or is charging a high price. Haven't looked on e-bay yet tho. Still got a few other projects to finish before I try this but i'm deffinately gonna try it sooner rather than later, can't wait.
PowerFunctions controlled pneumatic
allanp replied to SuperCow's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAw wow thankyou for the video It's off to bricklink I go, It's off to bricklink I go, To buy some return to centre thingy's found in the hockey sets for use in my pneumatic creations that you have demonstrated so well in your video, It's off to bricklink I go!
Anyone remember the lego technic club?
allanp replied to allanp's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWas your dragonfly black and blue by any chance? If so I think I remember it. It was a great model. Yes I remember that family, think it was the Ozyerky family or something like that. I remember there was a big, yellow helicopter, a 3 axle crane using the 8880 wheels and a landrover discovery type vehicle which also used the 8880 wheels. I also much prefered this mag to the regular one. It did indeed have less hype and more technical stuff in it. I think iv'e still got a calculator from it somewhere. I did have a few t-shirts I think, well at least one anyway.
Do you lubricate your PF locomotives or technic MOCs?
I don't lubricate parts any more. But when I was a kid I found that household furniture polish worked quite well. I used to just spray it on the gears and where ever there was friction whilst the model was running. The noise of the fast spinning gears dropped enormousely and the whole thing speed up quite noticeably within a second. I'm sure there are far better lubricants than furniture polish but at least it wont stain the carpet and your bound to have some.
Anyone remember the lego technic club?
allanp replied to allanp's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOh no sorry. I know how to build the gearbox and have designed better ones. It is the actual magazine(s) or scans of them that I am trying to find. There was alot of interesting stuff in there. Thanks for the fast reply tho Ah well at least I didn't dream it then
Anyone remember the lego technic club?
Anyone remember the lego technic club? I was a member for a while when I was younger. I know I was a member in 1996 because I remember a club magazine which showcased the (new) 8480 space shuttle. It was a great article which included a QnA section with the designer of the shuttle. Here he mentioned that he had worked (or was working on) a 5/6 speed gearbox which I assume was the one in the 8448 of 1999. Does anybody remember this club? Does anybody know where I can find copies/scans of the magazines?
The making of a LEGO room
That's awesome thanks for sharing. I hope to do that myself. My main goal is to buy a house with one more room than is needed so I can turn it into a lego room/man cave! UG!
Guitars: Playing and Appreciating
A thread about guitars on a lego site? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first guitar was an encore with practice amp (bb blaster), bag and so on and I have to say if your just starting out, it's a great kit. You won't need anymore for some time. Later I graduated to a squire stratocaster (if you use one of those Jim Dunlop picks the wrong way round you get that "ching" soung which makes it sound very close to the real, 5 time more expensive fender startocaster). To this guitar I have added a fernandez (spelling?) sustainer and it's great. Think of the intro to U2's with or without you, it has those impossibly long guitar notes at the start. The sustainer does this perfectly. Right now I have what I consider the best guitar of all time. A sunburst gibson ES335 historic 1963 re-issue. It sounds beautiful. My style of playing favors melody and making each note really sing over being the fastest guitarist in the west. This guitar is perfect for that. You hit a big bend right on the high end and it will sound like an angel having an ! I play it through a pod xt live pedal and vox ac15 custom classic amplifyer with blue speaker. I play alot of Moody Blues and U2 and lots of other things. I'm trying to write and record an album. My first proper go at recording isn't that great but if you wanna laugh go to and listen to my cover of Joan Osbourne's "One of us". BTW not long found out there is another band already called misc so can anybody here think of a good name for a band?
Lego Spiderpig, Spiderpig
HAHA that made me laugh! Thankyou.
PowerFunctions controlled pneumatic
allanp replied to SuperCow's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI have wondered about using these. Does anyone know if the are strong enought to return both motor and valve to centre whilst being weak enought to allow the motor to operate the valve?
Your dream Lego theme
ROLLER COASTER TYCOON! Just think of it. The are countless rides on which you could base smaller sets, each one of these smaller sets could include a small kiost (for food, drink, inflatables and so on) and then for the big sets, oh yes, roller coasters! The track peices would be probably 6 wide with a 2 wide hollow centre spine and very similar in design to those found in roller coaster tycoon and would just snap together using technic fricton pins in holes in each end. Other accesories (probably lego exclusive) could be stations with que lines and scenery and extra cars to make the train longer. There is sooooooo much you could do with this. Soooooo many sets that could all come together in a giant, fully functional theme park.
Pneumatics Schematics
allanp replied to Jetro's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOne thing that might help to explain more complicated circuits could be to have a diagram of each phace of a cycle showing the positions of each switch and pneumatic in each phase. Another thing that might help would be to show which hoses are pressurised in each phase by having them a different colour (red for pressurised, black/grey for non-pressurised). Again I think this is something that would be quite easy to achive in MS paint. This may be time consuming tho so I would probably only do that for very complicated circuits.
PowerFunctions controlled pneumatic
allanp replied to SuperCow's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThat is just brilliant. It already has an advantage over a solenoid valve in that it can be used to control many other things besides pneumatics. But to have proportional control as well is fantastic (especially for steering and pneumatics) . What would you use as a transmitter for this kind of control? Could you use the existing PF train remote or would you have to create a new one? Either way i'm liking what I see very much
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