Everything posted by legitimatealex
Expand the Winter Village Contest IV - Voting
42. CarsonBrick - 3 48. rodiziorobs - 2
Future of SW Contest: Small Category Voting Thread
16. LukeClarenceVan - Where's Solo? - 2 points 18. Pablo94 - The Statue of Darth Vader - 3 point
Future of SW Contest: Large Category Voting Thread
13. ACpin - Yoda's Legacy - 3 points 12. pedro - Escape from Na Shaddaa - 2 points Very good entries.
- MSFC Voting Thread
FAPC Voting Thread
5. Duh-Nuh - madLEGOman - 3 Points 15. Chicken Moonbase - vecchiasignoraceppo - 2 points.
- Avatar Contest Voting thread
Expand the Winter Village Contest III Voting Topic
#3. HundredHander - 3 points. #3 Etzel - 2 points. Great entries all around.
- Superhero Video Contest: Voting Thread
EB's Super Hero Comic Cover Contest Voting Thread!
#9 by Captain Nemo, 3 points. Knocked my socks off.
EB SW Xmas raffle 2012
My Christmas hope: the LEGO R2D2 that's out. That said, good pie and the company of tiny dog would be wonderful too!
Classical Western.
Simply built but well executed and a pleasure to look at. The inside is a little empty though but you get props for using my favorite mustachioed minifigure.
Original Castle or LOTR?
While I'm happy with the LOTR license, I'm sad about the designs themselves and the sets that were chosen to be made. My first problem is that they are so terribly drab and boring. Castle has always had a problem with tending to have too much grey and not enough of another color added to them but LOTR is really exacerbating the problem. Helms Deep might as well just be generic grey wall set. The specific scenes that were chosen to be recreated aren't the best either. There are a ton of more colorful and exciting scenes, like Rivendell or Lothlorien that could have been chosen. Isengard would have been a great choice, or anything with ents.
Feast in the Castle Garden
Looks great. Good luck in your contest. Who is the fellow in purple supposed to be? Is he the ambassador?
Modular Madness: Rob's House
Two Robie houses and you will have all the brick red you need : ) Either that or a great Pick A Brick experience. Good luck! I think you should definitely build this.
MOC: New truck for Fire Brigade
Looks good man. I was fond of the one that came with the set (because it was era specific and a classic build) but I like your newer updated version too. Do you have a picture with the ladder extended? That might be good to include as well.
The Vintner & Blencathra
Absolutely beautiful man. Keep up the wonderful work.
Avengers Sets - The Continuity Errors
Going to have to agree with what quite a few other people pointed out: nitpicking something from one medium to another is never going to end well. If you try comparing two different representations of the same idea they are never going to be the same. It's like comparing the book to the movie. Please don't.
REVIEW: 6411 Sand Dollar Café
Absolutely beautiful. My sister had this set when she was younger. Pretty sure it all got sold off in a garage sale though. I hope that the new Friends series can capture what these sets had.
Review: 4429 Helicopter Rescue
The hospital is so poor that they can't even afford floors! This wouldn't fly around me. Sorry for your poor minifigure printing : | Otherwise I think the doctor looks fantastic and realistic. I'm also digging that guys' sweater. Helicopter looks really weird though. Ambulance also seems far too small for what it should be.
MOC: Jurassic Park T-Rex enclosure with goat
"What's the goat for?" Lol. Great MOC. Captures that scene perfectly.
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
Just wanted to say thanks to Copmike and co. for putting this on. I had a very sparse LEGO Christmas (read: none) so winning some SW minifigs means even more to me. Thanks to all.
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
It's a Christmas invasion by the Empire but its not quite the one that the Rebels were expecting.
Eurobricks Collectable LEGO Minifigures Series 4 Building Contest
Here's my entry, again, for the Gnome in a Town/City setting. In a quiet suburban backyard a gnome fishes eternally for nothingness. Thank goodness he has a friend who will never leave him in solitude.
Eurobricks Collectable LEGO Minifigures Series 4 Building Contest
Who do I message with a question about my entry into Category A? It was deleted and after rereading the rules I can't fathom as to why it was.
Container Raffle Build
Kept putting off building a crate for this! Shouldn't procrastinate so much. This crate is filled with....Ninjas?
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