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About hawkrider

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    lego of course!


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  1. Well my congrats to LEGO for making a worthy product.
  2. Always glad to hear about another reasonable man coming to bluecoat's side! We may need to keep an eye on him and his army.
  3. Work on speach bubbles and effects. Also make something other then random violence and it will be a fine comic.
  4. Nice MOC once again but have you heard of the "Brick Comic Network"? One of their comics Bricks Of The Dead Is offering to have MOCs or comics featured on their site and I would love to see this on there! Is there any other pictures on Flickr? That is if you have one.
  5. I feel like im the only one posting in this topic....meh ill get over it!It looks like the collectible minfigs have the spotlight now I also wonder if they see the dog in the corner plotting their demise?
  6. My only complaint for the American version is that they only show the inside of Hogwarts on the cover.
  7. I ment for luke's face on #6 because I only saw that face in the holiday workshop and it was yellow.
  8. Good job on the animation what frame rate do you do?
  9. All are awesome may I suggest the grunts meeting Han?Also is that Photoshop on #6?
  10. Almost got it anyway hurray for all the winners but I'll be back next year for some fun!
  11. Good to see it's the 64 module and not the Command module because in 64:helps in area 6 Command:not only do I have to worry about my teammates I have to save the "great"fox from missiles constatly! But nice MOC overall now it only needs 4 little arwings and one crashing into a rock.
  12. Looks like the Commodore never read the first rule of hosting a show. I 4th the 5 factions idea it would feel more like a all out war kinda like risk. And finnaly I hope to the best of all for this tournament was the best! Who says all sequels are worst the the original?
  13. Nice MOC once again my crabby flavored friend. Cop 1:Okay lets just skip all evidence and say the butler did it Butler:But we all saw the gardener kill him! Cop 2: No buts it's always the butler Butler:For god's sake man he wrote his name in the body! Cop 1:That proves nothing now get in the car!
  14. There are really no words for what's going on in my mind upon seeing this.
  15. Still wondering when next updates are.
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