Everything posted by erikutt
Hello From Australia!
yer callin dat eh knife? Welcome to EB.
- Flying Skiff
Greetings from the southern part of Norway
Hey there man, nice to see you join here too. Erik
Steampunk: The Incredible Horseless Carriage, plus bikes
Yeah , thanks. I was not really sure where to put it, since the bikes are futuristic and the car is really old. but thanks for mooving them. And yeah, I know the pics are really blurry, but that is because i probably have the most shaky hands in the world. And thanks you guys for awesome comments. Erik
Steampunk: The Incredible Horseless Carriage, plus bikes
Greetings friends, it's me again with a small batch of veicles, first up: The Incredible Horseless Carriage I made this a couple of days ago and was qite happy with it, some steampunk that looks really old and realistic instead of huge steammechas. I'ts not really much to say about this one more than it's bacically a car. And that in indeed the sole purpose of the moc. Deeplinks: _______________________________________________________ And now for something completly different. Awesome Motorcycles! Night to yesterday I seemed to have problems sleeping, so I sat down by my table building. It seems like the only bricks rigth in front of me was a horse saddle, a wheel and some battle droid arms. So I fugured i should make a bike. I started and found a cool design but i got to tired so I finished it the day after. So today I built another one because I taught it was a cool design. Here are some deeplinks for the first one: And for the second: Please let me know what you think. And sorry for the crap blurred pictures. Erik
Fha'an Keep
My Lord's and Ladies, I bring you: The Keep of Fha'an My first MOC in months, sadly, I have not been building in a long time because I have so much to do at school and don't really feel like dooing anything except playing Morrowind all day long. But a couple of weeks ago I picked up my good ole' bricks and started building. It's still kind of WIP because there is no (real) interior. It migth be added at a later time. Well, now, some story behind it: The Fha'an Keep is protected by the Falcon's, the royal guard's of The Kingdom of Anor (my story, if somone remembers). It's both a outpost, a training facility and a prison. It has some small docks wich are used to get supplies from the capital of Anor (whatever that is called). The Keep itself The back Prison door Docks Some prison window Main door with the general Some cadettes practicing their fencing Gallery when public Thank you for comments. Erik
"The Tie Army Wants YOU"
I Wanna join- Can I? Can I? (Of course i can, i talked to Yoda) Erik
Castle battle scene
Heh, guess what song started when i got into this topic? Everybody Want's Kung Fu Figthing. Otherwise. Cool MOC. Like it. Makes me wish i had more ninjas. Erik
The Simpsons Movie
You trust IMDB? You should not. They listen to ruomors. A vile they had listed Samuel Jackson as Bernard in LOST. That's just tarded. Erik
Just found: Something disturbing
Duude. They dont even look like the originals of them. If LEGO got the job atleast it would have a sligth reasemblence. Erik
That. Is. Probably. The. Most. Genious. Thing. Ever. Said. Luaghed so hard. Erik
The town of Boggorn.
I don't really think there is to much more to show you. Im sorry. It's basically it. Erik
The town of Boggorn.
Well. It's only a small peice of it anyways but its cool. It is supposed to be a part in my story "Kingdom of Anor". You may be looking forward to see the thing? Well. Not yet. First some facts: It took almost three full days to build and took all of my BURPS n' LURPS. Three and this is all he did you ma ask but its quite good to be me. It altso contains ny first ever Tudor(ish) building. The MOC is supposed to be the rear entrance to the town and is the poor quarters of the town. Only peasants live here and it's not the best place in the world to be. Well now to the pics: Owerweiv. Closer look at the cave. Veiw from inside the town. Let's take a bath. a really fancy pic from behind the waterfalls inside the cave. Behind the mouintain. Don't look like a safe place. Now that was the town itself lets take a look at the house (The thing i am most pleased with.): The house. Oooooh. The roof can be lifted off. But that's not enough. You can altso open the wall! You may think im done now eh? You are wrong! The first floor comes off like a. Something wich come off? :? Now, the only problem would be to put it back togehter. Gallery when modded Let me know what you think Erik
School project
Always helping a frtend in need. In which country do you live? The snowy lands of Norway Which education did you choose? Artclass Why? Because i love to draw and work with my hands Did someone force you to take this education? If yes, who did it? No. None at all. What expectations did your friends and/or family have about your education? Friends dont care but mom and dad have WAAAY to high expectations About grades? Waay high. It was harder than i could imagine Did the above somehow affected your education? Not really Erik
Want to see a "Nice" Picture?
Nice... Erik
Fantastic Bday Jonfett !!!!
Do not get drunk. It will only end up with me faling into the water again :| But happy b-day buddy and may you get loads of LEGO tomorrow. Erik
We're talking Series 2 Toa!! I'm naughty and I download stuff! You evil son of your mother. Well i download stuff too. LOST is my fav show of all times. I even wrote 4 8 15 16 23 42 on three walls and five tables on my school this week. Erik
The Corpse Bride
Well, its not coming to norway before friday but i am soo going to vach this ine. Erki
- Bye
The User Picture Thread
In episode 1 of the new seson you know suddenly Walt whow up in front of shannon and say some wierd stuff you dont understand. If you play that backwards it become something like "Push the button, no! The button
Vikings 05: Last Caption Contest
Evok: Look at that qute viking. Other Ewok: Lets smash hi head in with a rock. Erik
Two kids trying to be gangsters
Man, thats spooky. Just plain scary. Erik
How to tell if your driving too fast
Dude, its not real :P Erik
A new style trianguar sheild (AKA. the Pick sheild
OOOh, i didnt think about that peice. Nice thinking buddy. Erik
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