Everything posted by jamtf
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
Oh yeah, I forgot about that part.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Any news on how long the series are likely to remain available in the shops? Since series 2 is already due to arrive in September if memory serves, it could be that they will only last for a couple months to a year max and that Lego will announce a series 3 and 4 soon (early 2011 maybe?).
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
And the early voting rule might sound reasonable but I tend to think that people who live in a different time zone (and who are asleep when the new day or night begins) easily get suckered in by this measure. Oh well, it was still fun to do.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
Nope. The Nizam were PrEtzel, me , def, hewman and Spyder. So 5 in total. We were heavily outnumbered from the start (47 against us 5) except we knew that we were allies. I was surprised that no Nizam got killed during the first 2 nights since our protection schedule was not that tight. Basically, anything could have happened, I mean we could have been taken out on purpose or by one or two luck shots from others that just gave it a try in a blind attempt to hit someone they vaguely suspected being Nizam. That also explains why so many innocent citizens were killed. My plan was to have the 5 of us survive as long as possible so we could make an impact on heavily defended people if needed. If we lost someone on day 1 or day 2, it would have been a lot harder to succeed in our plans. Still 3 of ours made it until the last day. Spyder warned me that he had in on good word that 1 or more were going to kill me on night 3. That's why I decided to sacrifice myself like a lightning rod in an attempt to attract as many killing votes on one person (me ) as possible so my 4 fellow Nizam companions would make it to the next day. Unfortunately, we also lost PrEtzel that night.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
Yes, the first night was a mistake and it was me who suggested we should cast 5 votes on 1 heavily defended person on the first day to get rid of people who we felt could threaten our small alliance by mobilizing others. It was my idea to cut the "sacks of hay" in half by spreading votes once the seasoned players were gone. The 3 + 2 tactic clearly did not work out as planned for us since our targets survived without a problem, despite the massacre created by the loyal citizens. I admit killing Dragonator on day 2 (I was 1 one of these 9 killers) + WhiteFang and I Scream Clone (by voting early) on day 3 when I went down myself (on purpose I might add). The early voting rule clearly did the trick for the survivors since once you're dead, you can not make an impact anymore. I really thought that 3 remaining Nizam x 2 votes each would certainly result in 6 civilians getting killed. Fingers crossed that some of the survivors would take out the remaining 2 and that the trusted people alliance of Spyder and hewman would be loyal towards them. Anyway, advice taken. Now we know what to do in case we play a new game that's sort'a like this. Ah well, it was a great way to kill time (and people) . Thanks again Shadows, I mean Grand Vizier the One-Eyed.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
Well, I feel I should apologize to Mac-K. He honestly thought that I was innocent but unfortunately, he was wrong. I received his PM in which he offered to give me protection when I was sleeping and could not respond to it in time since the third night had almost reached completion and most votes already had gone out for sure by then. If you actually protected me Mac-K, sorry, it was to no avail as more than one dagger must have been thrown at me. Sorry again Mac-K. I honestly do not know who killed you, rest assured it wasn't me.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Audience Participation
Well, some other players took care of that already! But I can guarantee that you did not get any of my killing votes in return, although of course I knew you had to be taken out sooner or later. And the remaining Nizam are living people too, I can assure you... Let's see how the story continues for the hours to come. There is nothing I can do anymore except remaining quiet. The good times of pot-stirring are over. In the end, all will be revealed by Shadows I am sure.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Audience Participation
Somehow I feel I had it coming. Great game Shadows! Thanks for having me buddy. And of course good luck to my fellow Nizam players!
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Night 3
Looks like the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise... "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then, his apprentice killed him in his sleep."
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Night 3
I think you are right. I just lost my mind after running around in circles. But, I am afraid that somehow no one will protect me. Please help me..
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Night 3
OK, since I am completely confused now, here is my plan. To gain time, we must form alliances whith whom we trust and try to kill as few innocents as possible. Since I am not on those lists of trusted people so far, here is my proposal. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the good cause: finding the real Nizam. For those who still need to send in their votes, choose me as one of the 2 kills. Why? The reasons for that are simple and I will explain why: - first and foremost we need to gain time and kill as few innocent people accidentally like we did during the first 2 nights - by throwing 24 daggers at me, more innocent people will be saved for sure - as far as I know, no one will protect me - I did not seek protection or immunity by sending PM's to any of you, ask your allies and they will confirm I did not try to enroll them to protect me in exchange for my protection - if you intend to protect me, save your trouble and protect a different innocent person - has it ever occurred to any of you that Svelte and I are both food related? - and that some people were killed with carrots in night #2... - could it be that Svelte shouted "Jamie" (which is easier than gasping "jamtf") in attempt to alarm fellow Nizam? - were Svelte and I not brought (or dragged) before the (late) Grand Vizier in person? In the above, I tried to ask you to kill me and to load incriminating evidence on me to convince even those who still have doubts about who to kill... I have no clue if any of the above makes sense at all, but that is not anything to worry about. Well, in any case and whatever happens, all I can say is goodbye and good luck to ye'all. God rest my soul. And I'm in for a slice of cake! Edit: some annoying typo's...
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 3
The Grand Vizier must have fun seeing us struggle through the days and nights... I bet he can't wait until the moment he can reveal the actual truth. I mean come on, it is against all odds that we did not even kill one Nizam in the 2 nights that are behind us. And the first night, we did not even block one Nizam. He did not mention that for the second night but I am afraid that the Grand Vizier is the one and only Nizam around here having fun letting us run around like sheep. He tricked us by saying that after the second night, there would be fewer Nizam. And that did not happen at all, did it? Since we have no choice but to listen to the almighty Grand Vizier, all we can do is keep on killing innocent people and hope that the truth will soon be revealed to us peasants. Alas.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 3
It is either that or perhaps we could put the camel theory to use for a change and hope to hit something. I noticed that some players have a PoP camel tag under their name as a result of winning the other "who is who in PoP" contest from the Grand Vizier himself. The camels took out some of the citizens during the night... This camel folk could be a bunch of people that we can clearly identify. Like the Grand Vizier said, we need to look at the clues that he subtly gave us during the night. I do not know if this makes any sense at all, but at least I was not forced to use names in this post. Edit: I gave my comments as above some more thought. It is very well possible the Grand Vizier is the real Nizam. Why? In the PoP sets, Nizam is just 1 person I believe. He is dressed in black and Ben Kingsley performs this character in the movie. This thread has a subtitle: "And while you are all dying, I will still be alive". Does that tell us something? Furthermore, I always thought that the real killers were called hassanssins (and either be hatchet hassanssin or claw hassanssin) and not Nizam(s). About the camels. The camels could be the Grand Vizier's proteges, his loyals. He already awarded them a camel tag for their efforts. And what does Nizam mean? Could the Grand Vizier refer to the Nizam (or Nizams) as his own special (and deadly) camel species?
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
(..) blood spattered against the wall (...) in a playfully whimsical pattern like the plume of a hoplite's helmet, which, coincidentally, is now marked half off...
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
The Mods, that would be Svelte and WhiteFang... Are they part of the Nizam? I think they are well protected and it will take a good number of killing votes if we want to eliminate them.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 3
Alright, since we failed to take out any Nizam last night, we need a different approach once again. Remember that we still outnumber the Nizam by 25 to 5 and with 2 killing votes, it will be easier to spot them, I am sure. And the Grand Vizier fooled us by saying that one ore more Nizam were going to be toast last night. There are still 5 of them around and no lesser number as it was forecasted. Somehow, we were wrong in our choices and decisions. Last night's killings did not provide anymore evidence or clues I am afraid. I read things over a few times but could not find anything significant. My good friend Svelte seems to be working under the protection of the Grand Vizier since he has been dragged away to his palace and put to work as his new biryani cook... so I heard from close range.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
May I add to that that Dragonator and WhiteFang rarely add to the discussion and that Svelte is not playing at all... Still he is in the game. How curious... They all fit in the "quiet theory" (for going unnoticed) and the "vetarans theory" (they are all moderators with lots of mafia game miles behind them) so either theory would be applicable on them. Like Big Cam says, there is something fishy going on.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 2
*yawn*... time to get out of bed again this early morning... *yawn*... work awaits... Hmm, the Grand Vizier showed himself on the balcony again, eh? Talking about clues. What clues? Or does he mean that what we all said made sense in some way... What theories did we have so far? - the camel theory by Lord Arjay -> watch out for camels or people that have to do with camels. Search for camels if that helps. - the veterans theory (I believe that to be mine) -> the hard to hit veteran players packed together as a wild bunch that threat the peace at night. - the quiet ones theory -> certain people are very quiet and probably try to stay under the radar by going unnoticed. - the babbler theory -> people out there who try to stay in the game by adding all sorts of little chit-chat to the conversation but basically do nothing to really try to solve our problem finding the Nizam. Perhaps we should say what we think is a theory we can work with since I am getting confused by all of this. *goes back to the barn to make some wine again...
Happy Birthday to our hilarious crafty nasty "Shadows"
Happy Birthday Shadows, or --as you wish Grand Vizier Shadir the One Eyed! Hope you got some nice presents!
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 2
Indeed, who are we to trust... if only we knew. Hmm, it is also easy to name a dead person (from the first night killings) as the one you protected to throw of any suspicion, so I would not dare to say that what you said makes sense. Also, it could be that you are attempting to protect Ricecracker in a certain way by saying this. Who am I to tell?
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 2
When you wrote that down, did it ever cross your mind that the Nizam will cover each other and name their Nizam companion(s) as the ones NOT to attack...
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 2
Well said. I remember Grand Vizier Shadir the One Eyed talking about people almost getting killed if it weren't for 1 or 2 protectors to prevent that from happening. The Nizam are probably covering each other well since they seem to know that they are Nizam. It could be that they protect their weakest link or biggest target so he/she will stay alive. Also, we are still kept in the dark about the number of Nizam around. All together, there were 52 players. With 18 people killed, 34 of them are left. How many of them are Nizam? It could be 2, maybe 3, perhaps 4 or 5, but also there could be a strong alliance of say 8 - 10 players although that is highly unlikely since we did not even kill 1 during the first night. My guess is that the Grand Vizier does not want the Nizam to be found and killed immediately. They are either people that try to stay under the radar as long as they can or a small number of say 3 seasoned mafia games players that are hard to kill since they protect each other very well. What do you guys think? Off to my berries, barrels and bottles again.
Boonta Eve Classic
Excellent! I really like it. Just look at all that tan...
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
We can always ask Alice and Peppermint_M to take over from Sandy.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 2
*yawn*... just woke up and... found myself alive! Thanks ostrich patrol, thanks camel poo, you did it for me. Hmm, 18 people dead means 18 corpses to be collected and buried. Lotso's cargo bill will be huge And we killed 0 Nizam...!? How is that possible... I really thought with the others that JimButcher was certainly one of them. I guess we were wrong. An apology to Mr. Butcher for that and from now on we will say only good things about you now you are dead. We need a different approach in finding the Nizam. Any ideas? Anyhow, I have a busy day ahead of me. It is harvesting time and although the weather outside doesn't look too good this early morning, it has to be done. At least it is dry... for now.
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