Everything posted by Turaga of Force
Brickworld '09?
I put that it is 1x1 baseplates. I also posted on Classic-Castle so the coordinator knows what I have. Also, if possible, talk to the coordinator(s) of any collaboratives you are participating in so they have a list of all the MOCs being brought. -ToF
Brickworld SigFig picture 2009
Natman--Not sure if you are still looking for someone with your sigfig parts. PM sent.
Brickworld SigFig picture 2009
I will be at Brickworld (with my sigfig) and I will have a bunch of minifigs with (largely castle, as well as some town, space, and others), so if you are short on parts for anyone's sigfig I might have them. PM me if there are any specific parts you need--if I have them, I will make sure to bring them. -ToF
Brickworld '09?
Not exactly sure what you are referring to... If you bring something, it's your MOC so you can put it on whatever type of baseplate you want. -ToF
Brickworld '09?
I'll be there, you can add me to the list. Re your questions 1) I have a MOC that is 32x32 and a few bricks high at the highest, so I put 32x32 and 0 feet. 2) It's up to you. If you don't care if they are judged separately or together, I'd suggest putting them on the same card because too many cards can get annoying. -ToF
Chrome Darth Vader
Pretty sure the BPs don't come with chrome Vaders... -ToF
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Oh, okay. Well, it probably deserves it's own topic cause it's big news. I'll let the mods decide. -ToF
10194 Emerald Night on Shop at Home!
First, sorry if this has already been posted. I didn't see any other topics regarding this. I was on Shop@Home checking to see if they had the LEGO Collector's Guide (which sadly they don't) and found that 10194 is now available for pre-order, shipping April 15th! It costs $99.99 USD and contains 1,085 pieces. See the Shop@Home page here. Enjoy! -ToF
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
First, sorry if this has already been posted. I didn't see any other topics regarding this. I was on Shop@Home checking to see if they had the LEGO Collector's Guide (which sadly they don't) and found that 10195 is now available for pre-order, shipping March 30th! It costs $249.99 USD and contains 1,758 pieces. It includes 8 minifigures. See the Shop@Home page here. Enjoy! -ToF
Brickworld '09?
At BrickWorld 08, there were lots of teenagers, and also a fair amount of kids. At the closing ceremony, there was an engraved brick given to the youngest registered attendee. There were a few dozen kids 10 and under, and there were even three 5-year-olds. The majority was adults, but there were plenty of kids and teenagers too. For pics, you can go to the official BrickWorld web site., or search "BrickWorld" at BrickShelf. That should give you a bit of a feel of what it's like. As for the general atmosphere, everyone is really nice and friendly and happy to talk to other LEGO fans. It is obvious that they are all very passionate about LEGO and are having a great time. BrickWorld '08 (my first LEGO convention) was one of the best times of my life, and I am definately going back in 2009. If you can go, by all means, go! And bring money too, as there are vendors (BrickLink sellers with parts, minifigs, sets, etc., and even BrickForge and BrickArms!) and the local LEGO stores have sales, and there are literally over a hundred people waiting in line outside the stores before they open to get the good Pick-A-Brick parts and 50% off sets with damaged boxes. There were even 50% off UCS Millenium Falcons! -ToF
Bricklink questions
Did you place the order yet? If not, wait a week or so and then go to someone else. If you have placed the order and payed, after it has been about a week, contact BrickLink. Make sure to check the Splash page first, though, as the seller may be on vacation and have mentioned so there .If you have placed the order but not payed, again, check the Splash page, and wait a week or so, then contact BrickLink. -ToF
- Star Wars sets anyone?
ARTICLE: Pirates 2009
The females and the double sided torsos interest me. Thanks for the article! -ToF
Mystery FREE Raffle!
I'm in. ;) -ToF
Dragon's Retreat
Wow. Just... wow. I love all the details. The dragon plumes above the door are a great detail! I also like the rocky sides, how the fortress is built several bricks higher than the path. I also really like the dock with the cellar keeper, and the balcony with the party. The straight river and straight path are perfect for this MOC, however in some cases a curvy river and/or path would spice up the MOC. I do perfer the straight for this one though. And those trees with the upside down flower steps... simple, yet amazing. I will have to try out that technique! KUTGW! -ToF
BrickForge Forum Exclusive Tan Space Marine Armor
Yes, they are limited edition. They will be available until they sell out, however, seeing as there are less than 400 sets and Space Marine armor is extremely popular, it is highly unlikely that they will still be available at Christmas. Chances are there will not be any more produced in tan after this batch sells out. (However dark tan will be coming eventually.) If you want some, I'd buy it as soon as possible. And remember the visors! -ToF
BrickForge Forum Exclusive Tan Space Marine Armor
As a Chief Smithy over at BrickForge forum, I am happy to announce the release of tan Space Marine armor, available exclusively to BF forum members. If you don't have an account, register! Once you are logged in, you will see a sub-forum of Ye Ole Shoppe called Showcase Specials. There is a topic in Showcase Specials with a link to the tan Space Marine armor store page. The helmet and body armor are sold as a set for $3.00. There is a limit of 3 sets per person. Remember to buy a Space Marine visor, too! -ToF
Everyday use for fleshie hands
Wow, that's a great idea! I'll have to try it! And even if someone else used the idea, but you thought of it on your own, it is still just as original as it was from the first person. After all, you thought of it completely on your own. Great thinking! -ToF
We want the amazing 4999 Vestas Wind Power Plant!
Signed. (I know I'm a bit late) I would love to buy this set for my WIP city. -ToF
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
Awesome, I'm in. Thanks! -ToF
4898 raffle tread
Count me in. Thanks!
LEGO Collector Premium Edition REVIEW
Wow, it looks very nice. But is it available in the united states? Thanks for the review. -ToF
Star Justice MOC made with LDD
Wow, very nice. I see you are one of those people who are actually good at working with LDD. ~Turaga of Force
Is This Piece Authentic?
Look for a mould number on the part and search on BrickLink or Peeron. If there isn't a part of that number chances are it's fake. But I'd hold on to it just in case it turns out to be real.
Attention all HALO fans!
I would love Halo LEGO. I tend to doubt it will be made though because Halo is rated M and there is already Star Wars. However Halo really isn't much more violent than Star Wars games... Maybe when the Halo movies come out (yes, plural. movieS. There are going to be at least 3 movies. It's confirmed) if they are pg13. The best to hope for I think though are some UCS sets. A minifig scale UCS Scarab... 10,000+ pieces... LEGO NEEDS to make Halo LEGO :) Oh and if you don't have the BrickForge and BrickArms Halo stuff, buy it! I have some (BA guns and BF armor) and it is soooo awesome. :) -Dylan
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