- Fort Portugal
- Review: 10246 Detective's Office
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Number 4! #3 is best.
REVIEW: 71008 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 13
What is this, three days after the line is leaked that Fang has the full review? Wow, you work fast. Everything looks amazing. I hope to get at least two of the fencers, and maybe even make a model of my fencing club. Also, as Dr. Spock pointed out, the fencer's weapon is probably an epee, given the size of the bell guard.
Encounter at the Forgotten Monastery
You are one heck of a writer. Wow. That story was awesome and fit the build perfectly. The build, too, is just gorgeous. The trees are great, and the texturing of the monastery is incredible. The photography on the last couple pictures is the icing on the cake for this. If I was joining GoH right now, this build would have me instantly picking Nocturnus.
- Book II - Kaliphlin: Guild sign-up and Discussion
- Bk.2: Ch.3: Cat.A: Intrigued by Intrigue
- Mitgardian Throne Room
From leading Enalica, way back in Lands of Mythron on MOCpages, to wowing the GOH community with your building skills, you've really made an impact in the Lego community. Best of luck to you, Simon.
Spies in Low Places: CHIII Men
Very nice details in the wall, especially your trademark wood framing. Also, I really like how you showed the roof
USS Enterprise from ST2009/Into Darkness
Really nice job on the engine nacelles!
Book II Challenge III Dwarven Affairs
Dwarves for me, if you please.
- In the Depths of the Forest
- Traveling Partners
- What rank has this soldier
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