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Everything posted by trekman

  1. This is one super creative build. I love all the detail in the model, and it does require some forward planning when you are trying to work within the parts inventory of the set. Your creativity shows us that you certainly did enjoy the building experience through the summer. Well done.
  2. As a young builder over 39 years ago, I built the B model 8859 was built a few times. It was the only idea source that we had. The 8859 tractor had a few options of implements, which were all tried out and really broadened the versatility of the main model. In those days there was no internet, we had limited parts, and for Lego to present the other building options expanded our horizons. We have more options to alternative models now, and generally I build the main model only, afterwhich I dismantle for parts and start my own creations.
  3. A seriously cool recreation of a cult classic. I am well impressed.
  4. This is so nice. It reminds move of the universal sets (8082) years ago when they used only one or two motors to do it all. Great playability.
  5. This is a really nice replica, right down to the function. All proven in the video. Thank you for taking the time to show us this. Well done.
  6. Nice model, with good use of that size of wheel. Will it run straight when you pull it back, or would you have to lock the steering in some way?
  7. Happy Christmas! I present to you my MOC in Technic of the Caterpillar 963. I really enjoyed the build, with features of track tensioners presenting a good building challenge. Due to actuator sizing I was not able to have parallel lift, but the bucket geometry and bucket crowd is very good. The build is scaled to suit the larger track wheels. But it was challenging to leave room for the track width and maintain a good structure. Thankfully all worked out well. Three PF sensors are used over five motors. Drive - 2x XL, with L or M used for boom lift, tilt and ripper. Model is now in the dismantling queue for further projects. Sorry but I don't do instructions. Thanks for looking and I welcome your comments.
  8. This is a really nice build, and the smaller tyres work so well. I will be watching this one.
  9. I hope it all works out well for you. I made one some years ago on a larger scale, but the boom geometry was a bit of a challenge, as well as the offset boom. Maintaining proportionately scaled parts becomes more of a challenge with the smaller model. There are numerous pivot points in the real machine which require maintenance or else the entire boom can exhibit much play, these become a greater challenge in Lego. You have made a good start.
  10. This is a very nice sweeper. Very tidy and compact, although I am guessing that it does not have a tipping bin. Nice use of panels. Well done
  11. This is an interesting challenge. Well done for trying it. Please be aware that air performance pumped to a cylinder from a manual pump closeby is totally different to a pump, manual or motorised and located on the chassis of the truck. Also the weight of the hoses needs to be factored in. It is not normally an issue but at these extremes it will be. 2022 will be a long year, so you have plenty of time to get this model refined:)
  12. I would guess that pins with the bush might be too tight on the sections of conveyer which are only a single link wide. I would say that maintaining a consistent flow of pins is the biggest challenge, as the large wave of pins (most of which are rejected) results in the momentary loss of flow to the sensors. This is a really good project and it is great to see the speed of rotation of the delivery conveyer. Well done!
  13. Nice work on the Windrower rake. A good mix of functionality and looks.
  14. As you will most likely be driving the large gear racks at the rear of the machine, your loading on the motors might not be as bad as you fear. They will have a natural reduction at the circumference, compared to driving a gear which is rotated at the centre. However if you try to build a centre into those wheels, then it will be a different challenge. I admire you for doing it. My bravery is normally limited to the parts which i have.
  15. Really nice looking loader. As it is only a hand driven gear train to both the tip and boom lift, I can understand the reasoning behind your choices of gears. However if there was going to be a powered option, then you might have to rethink those. But really clean lines and great use of parts.
  16. Very good considering you were using a limited selection of parts.
  17. Oh yes, I did not spot that problem, but you are correct. That is a good suggestion. The push off buck rake added a lot of weight at the end of the arms which prompted much of the reworking. It is rather slow due to the one pump, but still works fine. Thanks for your interest.
  18. I present to you the Kramer 8065 in Lego Technic. This has been an enjoyable, yet challenging build. Visually, i think it looks quite good. However, I must confess that I have had to rework numerous systems, and still I am not that happy, but feel that I need to finish this at present. The loader lift was redesigned so that rotation drive to the LA was not load bearing from the loader arms. This resulted in a rework of the front of the cab, but a much simpler driveline, and as a result the loader was able to lift the push off buckrake much better. A similar system had to be incorporated into the driveline for the bucket tilt, so that the load bearing was not creating friction on the driveline. This is common place on many official technic models. These improvements made a big difference to the lifting capabilities of the machine. Part way through the project I did change to the planetary hubs which made a big difference to the crawling ability, and pushing force. However as time has gone on, the 2 x XL motors seem to be struggling more and more. I can only conclude that it may be due to the entire weight of the model, as I cannot figure out why the motors seem to struggle so much. Using one motor made little difference. If i was doing such a build again, I may have considered separating the power, so that one motor powered one axle and one for the other axle, however i did want to keep the driveline as authentic as possible. The autovalve design used here works well with no stress on parts and has been very reliable. This powers the third service, as well as the quick hitch through the diverter valve. The cab door opens, with a frame to replicate the internal railing which would support the glass panel. Thanks for your interest.
  19. Nice clean lines, and very tidy integration of the bucket tip. I am glad that you did not use larger motors, as your drive train to the wheels could not cope with higher torque. But performance is good anyway. Well done.
  20. So if they are developing a new prototype machine and trying it out in a quarry, this is the colour scheme which they use.
  21. Just some updates. The quick hitch mechanism has been completed and is working very well. It now operates alongside the 3rd service through a dual diverter valve from the auto switch and compressor. This allows items such as pallet forks, with no pneumatic connections to be remotely attached and locked. Items such as a grab can be attached, locked and then switched over to run that 3rd service. Also you will see the finished work on the rims, and lights. Push off buckrake is now in development.
  22. As you see I have not been idle, but progress is being made. Rear end is now complete. with auto switch and pump well positioned and working well. The three PF receivers are now positioned. I received a delivery of four planetary hubs and I have decided to use these in the axles. This has required a rebuilt of both axles, and a review of the driveline gear train, resulting in less gearing being required. This has significantly improved performance. All pneumatics are now routed to the front, and the boom has been refined.
  23. That is a nice bit of work, especially with a very constrained set of parts. The two tone colour is a little distracting. This is can be overcome and that is the challenge of creating a "B model". Well done.
  24. That is a mean looking loader. it will be interesting to see a video of it working when you get to that stage. it looks like a nice solid build.
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